Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jun 29, 2013 #41 Your wish is granted but right afterwards they will make the mess 10 times worse and leave it to you to clean! :biggrin: I wish I had a hundred acres!
Your wish is granted but right afterwards they will make the mess 10 times worse and leave it to you to clean! :biggrin: I wish I had a hundred acres!
Nancy McClelland Larry Supporting Member Joined Jul 1, 2007 Messages 18,097 Reaction score 2,774 Location Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Jun 29, 2013 #42 Your wish is granted, but it's in Northern Siberia. I wish I'd been born rich instead of so darn good looking!
Your wish is granted, but it's in Northern Siberia. I wish I'd been born rich instead of so darn good looking!
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jun 29, 2013 #43 Your wish is granted but you can't use the money. I wish I could visit everyone on RO!
Pipsqueak Emily Joined Apr 27, 2013 Messages 624 Reaction score 70 Location Tennessee USA Jun 29, 2013 #44 I wish I could too! Anyhoo, your wish is granted but you can only see each person for 5 minutes. I wish the weather would stay nice like today.
I wish I could too! Anyhoo, your wish is granted but you can only see each person for 5 minutes. I wish the weather would stay nice like today.
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jun 29, 2013 #45 Your wish is granted but next summer it will be 90 degrees all day long! I wish I had a horse to ride.
Your wish is granted but next summer it will be 90 degrees all day long! I wish I had a horse to ride.
Nancy McClelland Larry Supporting Member Joined Jul 1, 2007 Messages 18,097 Reaction score 2,774 Location Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Jun 30, 2013 #46 Your wish is granted, but your horse is in Mongolia. I wish I had more wishes!
MILU Well-Known Member Joined Jan 12, 2010 Messages 1,195 Reaction score 46 Location *formerly, hotmaildeal, , Brazil Jun 30, 2013 #47 You can have as many wishes as you want, but they'll always be granted in a way to cause you more distress than if you had never wished them. I wish I had a new life.
You can have as many wishes as you want, but they'll always be granted in a way to cause you more distress than if you had never wished them. I wish I had a new life.
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jun 30, 2013 #48 Your wish is granted but its going to be ten times worse than your previous life. I wish I had a lake on my property.
Your wish is granted but its going to be ten times worse than your previous life. I wish I had a lake on my property.
Pipsqueak Emily Joined Apr 27, 2013 Messages 624 Reaction score 70 Location Tennessee USA Jun 30, 2013 #49 Your wish is granted but it's disgusting and has a bunch of nasty li'l critters in it lol. I wish it would hurry up and be Tuesday already lol.
Your wish is granted but it's disgusting and has a bunch of nasty li'l critters in it lol. I wish it would hurry up and be Tuesday already lol.
kmaben Well-Known Member Joined Feb 15, 2012 Messages 1,309 Reaction score 218 Location Katy, Texas, USA Jun 30, 2013 #50 Larry you are to much! Your wish is granted. It is now Tuesday but you sleep through it. I wish the food was better here.
Larry you are to much! Your wish is granted. It is now Tuesday but you sleep through it. I wish the food was better here.
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jun 30, 2013 #51 Your wish is granted but the food will make you sick if you eat much of it. I wish my house would clean itself!
Your wish is granted but the food will make you sick if you eat much of it. I wish my house would clean itself!
Nancy McClelland Larry Supporting Member Joined Jul 1, 2007 Messages 18,097 Reaction score 2,774 Location Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Jul 1, 2013 #52 Your wish is granted, but it's like a self cleaning oven and gets over 600 degrees! I wish chocolate was good for you and I could have as much as I want!
Your wish is granted, but it's like a self cleaning oven and gets over 600 degrees! I wish chocolate was good for you and I could have as much as I want!
Azerane Mod at Large Joined Jun 9, 2011 Messages 3,923 Reaction score 802 Location Australia Jul 1, 2013 #53 Wish granted, but you don't like the taste of chocolate anymore I wish that I didn't have to work to make money!
Wish granted, but you don't like the taste of chocolate anymore I wish that I didn't have to work to make money!
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jul 1, 2013 #54 Your wish is granted but you wont make much money at all. I wish I could get things that I want for free.
Your wish is granted but you wont make much money at all. I wish I could get things that I want for free.
Nancy McClelland Larry Supporting Member Joined Jul 1, 2007 Messages 18,097 Reaction score 2,774 Location Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Jul 1, 2013 #55 Your wish is granted, but only for the things you need--oxygen and water! I wish our Bull Mastiff didn't pass so much gas!!!!!
Your wish is granted, but only for the things you need--oxygen and water! I wish our Bull Mastiff didn't pass so much gas!!!!!
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jul 1, 2013 #56 Your wish is granted but now he's going to poop SO much! I wish I had a huge garden.
Pipsqueak Emily Joined Apr 27, 2013 Messages 624 Reaction score 70 Location Tennessee USA Jul 1, 2013 #57 Your wish is granted but now you have to have a tiny house because the garden takes up so much room. I wish we could find a place that did fireworks.
Your wish is granted but now you have to have a tiny house because the garden takes up so much room. I wish we could find a place that did fireworks.
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jul 1, 2013 #58 We have a place here on top of a mountain where you can go see fireworks that are AWESOME! Anyway, your wish is granted but you they will be really far away from you and hard to see. I wish trees would grow faster!
We have a place here on top of a mountain where you can go see fireworks that are AWESOME! Anyway, your wish is granted but you they will be really far away from you and hard to see. I wish trees would grow faster!
PaGal Well-Known Member Joined Apr 17, 2012 Messages 2,404 Reaction score 299 Location Prince George, Virginia, USA Jul 1, 2013 #59 Your wish is granted but they do not grow fruit. I wish I could stop sweating for even just a day...
Ilovemyrabbit Elise - Introductions & Blogs Moderator Joined Sep 8, 2012 Messages 3,317 Reaction score 306 Location West Virgina, West Virginia, USA Jul 1, 2013 #60 Your wish is grantd but instead your going to freeze. I wish I could go under water and not have to breathe.
Your wish is grantd but instead your going to freeze. I wish I could go under water and not have to breathe.