The difference between

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Everyone around here calls those apickupor pickup truck. A blazer around here is a certain typeof (usually older) SUV that people often sell for cheap in theclassifieds :) Anda trailer is either a mobile home (like thekind you see in a trailer park... a house that just gets plopped there,sometimes kind of old and not so nice looking), or the kind pulledbehind a car would be called a Horse Trailer or Snowmobile Trailer.
What a hoot! :D I love this thread.

After asking friends and family about the vehicle I posted in my lastpic, they all seemed to come up with different names. 4 x 4 (4 by 4), 4wheel drive, off roader, SUV and my freind James calls hisaffectionatly "the truck". I call them 4 wheel drives usually or SUV's.

A semi to me seems a funny name for a big truck because when I hear theword semi I think of something that is partly or not fully something.Like a semi-automatic, or 'my essay is semi-complete".What does it meanwhen applied to a truck? Is it because most big truck cabs you add onthe trailer bit, like a big mac truck?

A blazer makes me think of a jacket too, like a school one maybe.
I've alway known them as semi trucks (or tractors)..... and semi trailers.
A semi trailer is a trailer that lacks a front axle and is hitched to a truck (or tractor)for transporting.
Semi is short for a semi truck or tractor....a semi truck/tractor is used to haul semi trailers.

"Who's on first!?" :?
Yer I have a box of Jelly Beans my friend boughtback from america. They have about 20 different flavours andall of them are lush apart from the Root beer flavoured jellybeans. They are GROSS!
Hmm i have always wondered what root beer is aswell,i hear it a lot in movies and what not,but don't know if it isactually beer or a flavour of a drink:)

and what does it taste like?:)

Root beer is just another carbonated drink.

It tastes nothing like real beer, let alone have any of the sameproperties... The only thing it'll do for you is give you agood sugar buzz.

It's my favoutite carbonated beverage.

Does it taste anything like the Root Beerflavoured Jelly Beans? :?If it does then YUCK how can it beyour favourite drink! So it isnt alcoholic then?

I wonder why they call it 'Beer' then.
I never thought to wiki it:

"Root beer is afermentedbeverage made from acombination of vanilla,cherry tree bark,licorice root,sarsaparilla root,sassafras root bark(which iscarcinogenic),nutmeg,anise, andmolasses among otheringredients. Many local brands of root beer exist, and homemade rootbeer is made from concentrate or (rarely) from actual roots. Likealcoholic beer, root beerhas a thick and foamy head when poured."

It must taste...interesting! My favourite fermented fizzy drink would have to be ginger beer I think.
The flavoring used in rootbeer is sasafras.A lot of people are also familiar with sasafra tea.
Nowadays it's best known as a soft drink, but Root Beer was originally a beer brewed using sasafras.
This summer Samuel Adams Brewery (USA) even made a special "1790 Root Beer Brew". Wasn't to my liking, though.
It actually sounds utterly disguisting, but whoam I to say that when I havent even tryed it. It reminds meof that dandelion and burdock drink. Im not keen on thateither.

It actually sounds quite healthy? Is it?

It actually.... sorry:D
root beer flavored things are great to me, but I don't particularly like the actual root beer.

While I'm familiar with the chevy blazer, when someone says blazer, thefirst thing that comes to mind is my school blazer, like the suitjacket sort.

Were the jelly beans you got jelly belly? Those are myfavorite! I only like about 1/2 of the flavors, but they'resoooo good.