The difference between

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yeah,here in aussie land we call it shredded cheese as well,that you buy from the shop,it has already been shredded for you :)

some people do also say,like when they are cooking,can you grate the cheese please :)

and the turn signals in the car,we do call them indicators,some people also call them blinkers.

at the moment the australians are getting into a bit of trouble byusing the bloody and hell words,for our international tourismcommercials.

they are every day words to us aussies,example...when someone cuts meoff when im driving i will say..bloody hell,,bloody drivers lol,itdoesnt mean nothing its just the aussie language,butoverseaspeople have taken affence to it lol


Same here! I always say bloody.

But the english are getting told off for saying "God" and "Jesuschrist" in another manner asaparently it insults christians.But I always say it. I am trying really hard not to say it as I havesaid it nearly all my life. (and Im christian!)

I always thought saying that was better than swearing with the F word etc, but come to think of it, maybe not :?.
cheryl13 wrote:
At the moment the australians are getting into a bit oftrouble by using the bloody and hell words,for our internationaltourism commercials.

they are every day words to us aussies,example...when someone cuts meoff when im driving i will say..bloody hell,,bloody drivers lol,itdoesnt mean nothing its just the aussie language,butoverseaspeople have taken affence to it lol

I saw this on a commercial the other day. The girl was standing on thebeach and said, "What the Hell are you waiting for?" or something likethat. I was taken aback by that andmade a comment out loadabout itjust because where i'm from, that is very close to acuss word. There's just not many people walking around saying it.

Although, this totally contradicts what i just said...i DO think it's a cool phrase, just not common, or really accepted.

we say those as well,like for gods sake shut upwill ya lol,jesus christ,,i dropped it again,its just a language,iwonder why those were used in the first place,maybe it does soundbetter than swearing in itself lol

cheryl13 wrote:
we say those as well,like for gods sake shut up will yalol,jesus christ,,i dropped it again,its just a language,i wonder whythose were used in the first place,maybe it does sound better thanswearing in itself lol


Yes, a lot of people say those exact two phrases over here, not thati'm codoning using them by any means, it's just what some people say.

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
cheryl13 wrote:
At themoment the australians are getting into a bit of trouble by using thebloody and hell words,for our international tourism commercials.

they are every day words to us aussies,example...when someone cuts meoff when im driving i will say..bloody hell,,bloody drivers lol,itdoesnt mean nothing its just the aussie language,butoverseaspeople have taken affence to it lol

I saw this on a commercial the other day. The girl was standing on thebeach and said, "What the Hell are you waiting for?" or something likethat. I was taken aback by that andmade a comment out loadabout itjust because where i'm from, that is very close to acuss word. There's just not many people walking around saying it.

Although, this totally contradicts what i just said...i DO think it's a cool phrase, just not common, or really accepted.

thats the commercial everyone is talking about,it has been a big debateover here,i just dont think people stop and realize what they aresaying,it has just been around for manyyears,so alot of aussies have just grown with it,it is just a part of our everdaylanguage lol

if you say for Gods/Christ's sake around hereyou would probably offend somebody....some people arround here get madwhen you say crap and stuff like that...

there was this one girl in 6th grade with me who always said "shoot a monkey"

one of my teachers i have now considers EVERYTHING a bad word... if yousay shutup or stupid he says "dont say the S word"...and you betterhope you never say crap around him...

a lot of people say gosh here
We have that Aussie ad here in NZ too, andbloody and hell and even sh*t are normal every day words to me/us. Ithink the girl in the ad says "so where the bloody hell are you?" orsomething like that. Classic!

Thanks to cheryl13 for pointing me to this thread.

Oh another thing I thought I would mention was coroplast, it isn'tcalled that here. It's either corplast (very rare) or 'realestatesignage' as signs on houses for sale all use it. I spent weeks lookingfor 'coroplast' and couldn't find it till I finally realised what itactually is. When I found out it was the stuff they make realestatesigns from I was kicking myself as I could have gotten some for free.

Cheerios are cocktail sausages here
Gangstas are homies
Stick shift is a manual
Pocketbook/purse is a handbag always
French fries are shoestrings or just fries
Also we don't have alfalfa or timothy hay
Leer means oggle at in a creepy manner, 'wary' means cautious
A crock is a dish - only time I hear people say crock is when they say "that's a crock of sh*t" meaning that's a lie.
Soda pop is fizzy drink
Thongs are jandels in Australia, we don't use thong in NZ
A thong in America would be a g-string here
I think some americans say grill rather than barbeque
A trailer is a caravan
A winebago is a motor home
Underwear is undies for both sex, briefs for men and knickers for woman.
I have heard some Americans refer to a love seat, that would be a two seater couch here
I have heard some people say icebox? Not for a long time though. Anicebox to me I would think would be the freezer part of a fridge.

That's all I can think of at the mo :)

minilops wrote:
We have that Aussie ad here in NZ too, and bloody and helland even sh*t are normal every day words to me/us. I think the girl inthe ad says "so where the bloody hell are you?" or something like that.Classic!

Thanks to cheryl13 for pointing me to this thread.

Oh another thing I thought I would mention was coroplast, it isn'tcalled that here. It's either corplast (very rare) or 'realestatesignage' as signs on houses for sale all use it. I spent weeks lookingfor 'coroplast' and couldn't find it till I finally realised what itactually is. When I found out it was the stuff they make realestatesigns from I was kicking myself as I could have gotten some for free.

Cheerios are cocktail sausages here
Gangstas are homies
Stick shift is a manual
Pocketbook/purse is a handbag always
French fries are shoestrings or just fries
Also we don't have alfalfa or timothy hay
Leer means oggle at in a creepy manner, 'wary' means cautious
A crock is a dish - only time I hear people say crock is when they say "that's a crock of sh*t" meaning that's a lie.
Soda pop is fizzy drink
Thongs are jandels in Australia, we don't use thong in NZ
A thong in America would be a g-string here
I think some americans say grill rather than barbeque
A trailer is a caravan
A winebago is a motor home
Underwear is undies for both sex, briefs for men and knickers for woman.
I have heard some Americans refer to a love seat, that would be a two seater couch here
I have heard some people say icebox? Not for a long time though. Anicebox to me I would think would be the freezer part of a fridge.

That's all I can think of at the mo :)

A trailer here is like a big box on wheels that you pull with your car with all your holiday gear in it.

A horse trailer is what you tow horses in to shows etc

A caravan is what you calla motor home

An Ice box to me is a big box, and you put blocks of ice at the bottomand fill the box up with food for a picnic, so it stays cold for whenyou eat it. We use the word all the time as we have one!

We have alfafa here but not timothy hay. We also have hayledge which is like sweet hay.

Pop or soda is soft or fizzy drinks.

French fries are chips.

Cheerios are a type of breakfast cereal.

And Gangsters are chavs.


Oh ok - what you call an ice box we call a chilly bin in NZ :). A bigplastic tub with lid usually white and blue with a carry handle and youpack it with ice and beer, or put your food and drinks in it to take tothe beach.

A lot of NZders call eachother 'mate' especially to people you don'tknow well. Also bro and cuz (as in cousin) is used a lot for friends.There is a lot of cultural stuff we have from the large Maori andSamoan populations we have living here. The town where I live isextremely multi-cultural! I love living here.

David, my Ohio friend, call's utes trucks which always sounds funny to me. When I think of a truck I think of a big log hauler.

Oh - and mac and cheese is another. We just call it macaroni here.

I did actually think of some more when I was almost asleep last night but I've forgotten them now :?.
Linz_1987 wrote:
A caravan is what you calla motor home

A "caravan" here, would be a minivan made by Dodge. Something that guys dread being seendriving around in.

Linz_1987 wrote:
...a big box, andyou put blocks of ice at the bottom and fill the box up with food for apicnic, so it stays cold for when you eat it. We use the word all thetime as we have one!

I would call that a cooler....and I have one too! Actually I have several :D.
minilops wrote:
David, my Ohio friend, call's utes trucks which alwayssounds funny to me. When I think of a truck I think of a big log hauler.
I'm assuming utes is a Sports Utility Vechile... like a Blazer or Jimmy?

My parents have an SUV and call it their 'truck'. The reason for thisis because the SUV is made from a pick-up truck frame. I joke with myparents all the time about their 'truck' because I've got a pick-uptruck. Irefer to SUV's as wanna-bepickup trucks.They canhaul like most pick-up trucks but have the 'minivan'passanger capability. The same aspect applies withCaravans/Minivans as they are made from a station wagonframe.

I'm not sure if that's just an 'Ohio' thing as my aunt in Massachuetts calls a Utility Vehicle an SUV.

Now I call a 'big log hauler' a Semi.

A 'Trailer' is an enclosed box or aflatbedtrailerthatyou haul items in attached to your SUV or Pick-Up.

A camper is a 'motor home' that attachs to your pick-up/SUV and an RV is a 'motor home'.
Never heard of a Blazer ir a Jimmy before. A utein NZ is like a flatbed thing, a small vehicle with the front bit likea car and a flat tray at the back for carrying stuff. An SUV would be abig off roader thing, more commonly used now days on normal roads oreven as 'people movers'.

It's amazing how it's the same language but it's so different...sointeresting :D. I will attach a pic to this of what an SUV is in NewZealand. Occasionally I have heard pepple refer to these as trucks butit is pretty unusual.

What I think of as a semi is a gun! :shock:
i have a question.. ive always wondered this...

what does everyone call a "water fountain" where you drink from at a school or a public park?

here in wisconsin.. well at least where i am ive noticed everyone callsit a bubbler, but when i talk to my family who are in minnesota theyget upset and say its a water fountain and dont even know what abubbler is until i show it to them.
Uh, the picture you have posted to me is a four track, or an off road vehicle like a landrover.

And a water fountain is a water fountain here:)We always use to call them water fountains at school.

The American SUV would be the Aussie 4WD (four wheel drive):)


Hehe,i finally heard the word pocketbook,i waswatching the simpsons with my son,and Homer was telling Marge that shebetter hold on tight to her pocketbook :lol:

minilops wrote:

Oh ok - what you call an ice box we call a chilly bin in NZ :). A bigplastic tub with lid usually white and blue with a carry handle and youpack it with ice and beer, or put your food and drinks in it to take tothe beach.

We Aussies call that an Esky:)

We also call a big truck..a semi,a semi is also a gun

