The Diary of a Mad Bun Woman

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Fancy77 wrote:
I saw my life pass b4 my eyes this morning. Bcuz I have my buns conditioned when I come by them in the morning they get treats, I felt that a heard of wildebeest's was coming to trample me..AHHHHHHH Run Forest Run!!! What was I thinking not having the treats in my hand. I went to get the cranberry's and all 3 of the girls were nudging the gate and pushing on it to get it open. Naw that will not happen...OH was I wrong. I fended them off and back into the cage with the treats... where I would b safe. All is ok now and I think I will live to see my next birthday as long as I never make that mistake again.
:scared: The horror, the horror!
Last night Miles and I were doing paperwork at my desk he was rearranging my papers while I entered the data. Hope no one minds its a bit chewed when I send it in....Oh well :) but when it was all said and done he was getting a bit cold so I brought over one of my quilts and he made himself at home...a total AWWW moment ;)

OMG what a handsome bunny. :) :pinkbouce:

He looks huge. Lol. Love the Big ears. You got your hands full. :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

How's he doing in his new home?
well I have a lot of work to do. I need to rearrange the cage cuz the one I had set up 4 him is too small...there goes the fingers again lol

I needed to change my drawers Jay Jay has his cage set up to come later. But the NIC is 2 high I thought that was tall enough for him. I WAS SO WRONG. He has climbed it every time I pass by. He gets up to his arm pits, then uses his back legs to try to get over it. He has not succeed in getting over but OMG it scared the carp out of me. Not only the getting out part but what if her hurts himself. YEP back to the drawing board on the cage. So for now I have him running around the Bunny room. At least I can see the poop so I don't step on it...
THX Girl!!!

Ya the boys were showing off Jay Jay to the neighbors tonight. The neighbors asked what they like best about Jay youngest Zander says "the poop, its HUGE"
So I am taking ppls advice and trying to hold Jay Jay the way he feels most comfortable. With that being said I have tried different positions. The Baby position seems to b a bust..or at least he wasnt feeling trusting enough of me to b held like that...I have the scratches and a bit of blood to prove it. Again Back to the drawing board ;)
Fancy77 wrote:
THX Girl!!!

Ya the boys were showing off Jay Jay to the neighbors tonight. The neighbors asked what they like best about Jay youngest Zander says "the poop, its HUGE"
LOl. That is cute! :biggrin2:
WOW your cage is just getting more and more sophisticated!

Jay Jay is a big bunny boy. What are you holding him for? Just enjoyment for huggles or for grooming or nail cutting? The good old football hold is good for short distance walking around. You sitting on the floor with knees bent, his back against your lap is a nice way to do nails (I do that for Kirby). All fours sitting on your lap on a high chair is good for just grooming and petting. Sitting on a high chair deters him from jumping. Kirby's favorite is having his all fours on my stomach and chest. It holds him upright like a baby sleeping on my shoulder. This way I can hold him close and tight, so he feels safe and secure. And by "favorite" I mean it's the only way the both of us don't get crazy and one of us gets clawed to death. lol
Thx Helen I was looking at holding him just to groom and trim. He is gonna get too heavy for me to carry, and he's big enough that he can lay by me with out picking him up.