The Diary of a Mad Bun Woman

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Oh Helen u made me cry...thx for the pep talk :) I'm a glutten for warm fuzzy attention!!!

OK then I refuse to do and mor bun buddies...only single cages from now on...ha ha
Hehe that was my reaction too when people told me bonded pairs may be less interactive with their "slaves". I was like, oh no, Kirby is all mine!

In reality, buns all have different personalities. Some may get along better with another bun(s). Some may bond very strongly with their human and no one else. Some are just so social they will hang out with anyone. I'm sure there is research somewhere on this, but my feeling is that some of this behavior is inherently part of the individual rabbit, and some of it is conditioned by how you interact with him/her. I like to think there is something I can "do" aboutmy bunny's preference to hang out with me lol :biggrin2:
I have been under that same impression, If I just spend one more hour in here they will love me

BTW they do run to me in the morning when the lettuce comes out...but that's more like Pavlofe's Dogs(spelled wrong)...daily conditioning :)

so what is your relationship like with Kirby???
Kirby and I have a very special relationship... we've come a very long way.Kirby is a very skittish bunny. He was over 2 years old when I adopted him, it took me 7 months to win his trust. Up until the point when he decided he liked me, he ignored me as much as possible, ran away from me and my husband. He would hide when we came in the room. He would accept/tolerate petting and kisses on the head, but he would not "want" them. I broke down more than a few times because I never loved a living thing so much and have it not reciprocate for so long - sometimes I felt like I was just loving a wall that was never going to show me love back. It was very frustrating and sad for some time. One time I was on the ground petting him... and I must have touched him in some way he didn't enjoy and he abruptedly got up, turned around and kicked me in the forehead and hopped away. I was so angry, but then ended up crying for like an hour on the floor, feeling like a complete failure. And I had a nasty red paw print smack in the middle of my forehead to remind me of it for 5 days. It really hurt!

After that I didn't give up on him, I spent more time with him. Instead of pushing him harder to accept me, I scaled back my need for his attention. I did what you are doing - just hang out and read or play with my DS, type on my laptop... and it was strange. Just one day, he decidedto snuggle with me.

He started to enjoy my petting and started to look forward to when I was in the room with him - and not just because I was coming in with food! The turning point for us was early this summer when I was really sad one time (not rabbit related)... I was lying on the floor and Kirby came over to me, nudged my hand with his nose and put his head under my arm. He was comforting me.

Kirby's my first bunny. I don't know if in my lifetime I will ever have another one like him. I cherish every moment we have together because I know it's really something special. Sometimes my husband is jealous. :)

Sorry for going on about it on your blog :)
NO PLZ dont b sorry I like the story :) It is very special to me that u shared that...I got goosebumps, and u give me hope.

this is the only place I can really talk about my bunny life, everyone else just tolerates my chatting, but still thinks I'm crazy :) Oh but the last part is true ha ha ha

U have a DS??? have u gotten the new game Scribble Nauts???
I'm glad Kirby touches you too :)

Ditto on the rabbit chatter. The only other people in real life I can talk endlessly about rabbits with are my husband (because he knows what I mean) and my friend who just had a baby in November 2008. Incidentally I adopted Kirby in November 2008, and so every day she tells me what has happened with her son and I tell her what happened with my buns. Not joking: the development of her relationship with her premmie baby and the development of my relationship with Kirby were so parallel and continues to be very similar that it freaks us out sometimes. Obviously at some point the relationship withher human baby will surpass that of my babies... but until then we will be each other's baby chatterboxes. Nobody else in our lives cares to hear about babies or rabbits 24/7!

Luckily on RO, I can talk about buns all I want and it is perfectly "normal" lol

I have not gotten Scribblenauts yet but I hear it's so much fun! It's definitely on my list to get. I actually got "Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box" - it's a puzzle game, and it's driving me insane. :?
Fancy77 wrote:
I made the idea from RO. its called eggcrate..plastic grate located at home depot in the florecent lighting comes in a 4x2 sheet. I can break it to size with a needle nose pliers. We had some PVC pipe too and cut that into like 2" sections or so and put 5 in each litter pan then the eggcrate on top of it...LOVE LOVE LOVE it. they dont smell now from sitting in their own pee and poop...

By the way... I went to Home Depot to buy the eggcrate and they ran out. I went over to Lowes and got it there at the same price. So I started to work on it, thinking it was no big deal... I used a big heavy duty scissor and cut the plastic where I drew an outline for the litter box.

It is *much* harder than it looks. I cut out the first sheet and it was completely not the right size. I trimmed it down and it was still not the right size. Then I overtrimmed one part and was afraid my bunny would get his foot stuck and the sharp edges where I made cuts would scratch him. I tossed that and started over. I made the next one too small. That's when my hand gave up. All that snapping made my hand all red. :grumpy:

It is really hard to get the eggcrate cut to the size and shape of the litter box - especially at the corners where it sorta rounds out. Sigh! How did you do it??:bow
If u r going from ur "line" of the litterbox top then u need to go a "rung" smaller then I didn't make the corners square, I made them look like 2 or 3 steps...its kinda hard to explain, I will post pics 4 u in the morning, oh wait it is morning, I mean later ha ha ha

I have scribble nauts, another puzzle kinda game a must have. Being creative I thought I had licked, but it is challenging to come up with different stuff Hint: use a Pegasus :) I have the 1st Porfessor game...nope I set that one down way too frusterating 4 me. My ultime favorite one is Mystery Case Files a search and find game
Here is a close up of my litter pan with the eggcrate in it...the "steps" on the corners I was referring to. I like to use a needle nose pliers to break the plastic vs my fingers

I was cleaning the cages this morning and gave the girls a pretzel as a treat for me invading there home. I usually keep the door open so they can go explore. Well Lucy went exploring and Trixie and Holly didn't realize they could also, so they thought the best way to get their snack was to try to crawl through...silly rabbits, they can't fit. Needless to say only Lucy got a snack(s)


My roof finally was finished last Saturday...Yeah


Not that driveway will be done this time next year...we will finally have a "normal" driveway :) Oh and the eye candy wasn't bad either :p


Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I wonder if Lucy will tease them about how she gota treat and they didn't.
Funny u say that after all the pretzels were gone she got up and her back feet and did a dance, as to say Na na na na
Wow your litterbox eggcrate is so nice. I am really, truly in awe. It is much harder than it looks! When my hand recovers I might try again lol. I did the same thing with the corners, in a step fashion but it wasn't a uniform step like that.

Thanks for your photo :)
I saw my life pass b4 my eyes this morning. Bcuz I have my buns conditioned when I come by them in the morning they get treats, I felt that a heard of wildebeest's was coming to trample me..AHHHHHHH Run Forest Run!!! What was I thinking not having the treats in my hand. I went to get the cranberry's and all 3 of the girls were nudging the gate and pushing on it to get it open. Naw that will not happen...OH was I wrong. I fended them off and back into the cage with the treats... where I would b safe. All is ok now and I think I will live to see my next birthday as long as I never make that mistake again.
You have a beautiful home. :)

You are seriously talented. I like your blankets! They are very nice!! :biggrin2:

Not that driveway will be done this time next year...we will finally have a "normal" driveway :) Oh and the eye candy wasn't bad either :p

whats even more funny is I cant type...the "NOT" should have been "NOW" lol thx for the compliments tho...I am always my worst critic. and I dont like my my's just some place to hang my hat so to speak