Kirby and I have a very special relationship... we've come a very long way.Kirby is a very skittish bunny. He was over 2 years old when I adopted him, it took me 7 months to win his trust. Up until the point when he decided he liked me, he ignored me as much as possible, ran away from me and my husband. He would hide when we came in the room. He would accept/tolerate petting and kisses on the head, but he would not "want" them. I broke down more than a few times because I never loved a living thing so much and have it not reciprocate for so long - sometimes I felt like I was just loving a wall that was never going to show me love back. It was very frustrating and sad for some time. One time I was on the ground petting him... and I must have touched him in some way he didn't enjoy and he abruptedly got up, turned around and kicked me in the forehead and hopped away. I was so angry, but then ended up crying for like an hour on the floor, feeling like a complete failure. And I had a nasty red paw print smack in the middle of my forehead to remind me of it for 5 days. It really hurt!
After that I didn't give up on him, I spent more time with him. Instead of pushing him harder to accept me, I scaled back my need for his attention. I did what you are doing - just hang out and read or play with my DS, type on my laptop... and it was strange. Just one day, he decidedto snuggle with me.
He started to enjoy my petting and started to look forward to when I was in the room with him - and not just because I was coming in with food! The turning point for us was early this summer when I was really sad one time (not rabbit related)... I was lying on the floor and Kirby came over to me, nudged my hand with his nose and put his head under my arm.
He was comforting
Kirby's my first bunny. I don't know if in my lifetime I will ever have another one like him. I cherish every moment we have together because I know it's really something special. Sometimes my husband is jealous.
Sorry for going on about it on your blog