The Diary of a Mad Bun Woman

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I was so happy with the hubby today, and well last night, and well any time it comes to him helping me with the buns. He is so concerned that they have everything they need or I think they need. Making sure they are comfortable, and happy. He is so special (maybe a bit short bus special too lmao) He lets me have whatever when it comes to them, and he's right in there helping...gotta love a good man!!!
Thx Erika, I have been hoping to get that Flemie girl in CO so IF that happens I will again have to rearrange, or if shes potty trained well enough she can stay in the house to free range. I'd love love love to own a flemie

So this is my idea of a bun proof deck with NIC and zip ties. I used 1.5 boxes for my 16x14 sized deck.

I totally forgot 1 thing tho...they dont wanna go back in the house. it takes me 4ever to herd them up lol
Well I also have some baby is a complete plastic enclosure for infants, and since I have no infants, I gave it to the buns...I have my priorities :) But that way they can run in the grass too but I did this so they could be on the deck while i'm enjoying bevereges

Well since I will b getting my new Flemish next week I thought I better get the cage rearranged for him

I did it while all the buns were there with me boy they were excited and p*ssed at the same time. I saw binkies and heard lots of thumps too.
I like the hay rollers. :)It looks like they have lots of things to do. I'm thinking of redo-ing my NIC cage now. :p

Lexi, my youngest daughter, said your bunnies are cute! I agree!!
I made the idea from RO. its called eggcrate..plastic grate located at home depot in the florecent lighting comes in a 4x2 sheet. I can break it to size with a needle nose pliers. We had some PVC pipe too and cut that into like 2" sections or so and put 5 in each litter pan then the eggcrate on top of it...LOVE LOVE LOVE it. they dont smell now from sitting in their own pee and poop...
Awesome idea! I love RO :)
I am going to do that. I hate how my buns get too eager to leave their boxes sometimes and kick up some poops on the way out :(
Mine were starting to ding in it something fierce too..this is a life saver. I also use it for then to sit on...instead of cardboard...I put a towel over it and its great
I suspect my Toby does that in the middle of the night. There'll be mornings when I come in and there's like a dozen poops on the floor in the pen, flung out of his xpen and out on regular floor... it is not really the way I like to wake up :) This looks like a very interesting way to get rid of that problem! And possibly use less litter (Toby tosses a bit of that around too:grumpy:)

Your bunnies have such a great set up!
OH yes I do use less litter, I also go in there with a soup spoon and clean out the yuck stuff, then "freshen" the litter up a bit too.

Well thx..I aim to please the buns lol
I had a bunny when I was a teenager from a school mate. She was a orange-ish mini-lop. Her name was Phoenix, and I let her free roam around the apartment, and her cage and litter box where in my room. I took her on walks outside and played with her all the time...which wasn't saying much at 14, I had 2 jobs and school. But she was the love of my young life. I am grown now and still under the impression every rabbit will b her...I know it's naive of me to think this way.

But it's depressing for me to spend and hour in the bunny cage sitting there playing DS or reading books and the girls (my 3 -6 month olds) and they will come over sniff me then take off. They have such different personalities, and none of them want anything to do with me. I have tried to slowly reach out and stroke their heads..nothing. I have taken them into the bath tub...nothing. I have taken over full "care-taker" responsibilities, and all I get in return is to watch from afar...I guess that should b gud enough right...

Ya this is sad for me to say but deep down I feel like a child throwing a proverbial tantrum cuz they don't like me...Ya I know how pathetic of me to even b venting like this to anyone..

OK I'm done feeling sorry 4 myself :) time to move on and deal with it :)Their only 6 months old I think my expectations r a bit too high, I have many many years to win them over lol
Oh Denise, it's not out of the ordinary to feel that way at all... It's really sweet to think about your first bunny friend. I know it's hard to accept even though you know that the new buns cannot be the same as your first love. My Toby is only 6.5 months old, we've been together almost 5 months and I also feel like I only get to watch him from afar, let him do "things" to me and then see him run off with no sense of real friendship or satisfaction from the relationship. It's not the same as with your first bun who you shared something special with.

Plus your buns have each other - they may not feel as compelled to build a friendship with you since they have one of "their own" to spend time with. It may or may not happen as deeply as with your first, but with time the relationship can only get better. You take wonderful care of your babies. They are bound to know this as they grow up and settle down.
