The cat found a nest...

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Im only giving her little pieces at a time. She keeps chewing on her dropper and licking/nibbling my hand. She's a lot more energetic now and last night she crawled out of her box twice so I've had to rearrange it so she cant reach the top.
I lost 3 like that. One moment they looked fine. 15 minutes later, three were laying on the cage floor lifeless. And they were 4 weeks older than yours. I just REALLY want to stress that bunnies have extremely sensitive gut flora. Once its messed up, its messed up. I've been through it with multiple bunnies. Please, just be really careful what you feed her as far as fresh things. I'm really worried she's going to end up with an upset tummy-I personally would stick to only formula right now until she's older where she can handle more and has a more estable GI tract.
Would minced carrot or celery leaves be okay? She's chewing so much I'm afraid shes gonna take a bite out of the dropper lol. I'm starting to think she might be older than I expected. Also shes gotten out of her box about 3 times tonight. I had to tape the holes to carry it with on the side and keep the top folded shut all the time now. She hops around the room pretty fast, usually following me.
Oh god I don't know whats wrong with her =( She was fine a few hours ago. Her eyes are open and she breathing alright. I just checked on her a bit ago to warm up her heat pack before bed and she hopped into my hand so I let her sit there for a while. When I went to put her back into the box she just kind of flopped over. She's never laid on her side before but right now it looks like she cant use her back legs while sitting upright. She just falls over and starts kicking and pushing herself in a circle. Its like shes having a seizure =( When I try to sit her upright she stretches out her front paws and arches her head back and doesn't move until she tips over again. She doesn't even react when I turn her onto her back! =(
I'm really really sorry to hear about the bunny's passing~wild bunnies are especially hard to rehab when you're not a professional. Try to remember that you did what you could for her and she survived longer than she would have otherwise. (PLus, she gots lots of love in while you cared for her!) :rip:

Oh, I believe she was 7-10 days old as that's when their eyes open up.

This is what happend to several of ours when they ate greens at 5 weeks of age-same symptoms and everything. They just can't handle a "big bunny" diet at that age- its like a newborn baby trying to eat a big mac..just doesn't work.

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