The cat found a nest...

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They have to go to a wildlife rehab center. Hopefully someone will take them. The one with the nick is going to be a problem, even tiniest puncture wounds from a cat are lethal. They MAY survive with heavy antibiotics and a special formula that wildlife rehabbers carry.

A little water is good.

Best to find the remnants of the nest and put them back.

sas :pray:
Here's a good link...

You'll see this around as well, but there are better forumlas. The puppy espilac is better.


1 can of sweetened condensed milk or fresh goat's milk (don't use cow's milk)
3 tablespoons heavy cream
3 tablespoons Karo corn syrup
1 egg yolk

Combine ingredients in a plastic bowl. Warm in microwave and heat mixture until it's slightly above room temperature. Test it by putting a few drops of the formula on your wrist first because you don't want to accidentally scald the babies.

Feed the babies with a pet nurser bottle or a feeding syringe or an eyedropper, and do so slowly. Baby rabbits are quite uncoordinated and can easily inhale fluid into their lungs. If they aspirate the formula into their lungs, they will die. Please, take it slow!

After feeding the babies, you must massage their lower abdomen with a warm, moist washcloth to stimulate urination and defecation.
I picked up some Pedialyte from work today. They're still warm, breathing, really active and well...pooping a bit Lol. I have tomorrow off so I'll pick up the ingredients to make some formula and start making calls. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I'm not giving up yet =)
I couldn't cut n' paste the formulas from the link I posted, but read through the feeding instructions and forumlas in the link, it's better than the formula that I could cut n' paste.

Good luck!!

sas :clover:
I'll PM you what we did to save ours-we just rehabbed a litter of 8 (though not all survived)
Sorry you lost one but thank you for rescuing the others. You need to take them to a wildlife rehab immediately. In the meantime, you can feed them goat milk or kitten formula but no hard food, (pellets/lettuce) they are still too young.
I know one wildlife rehabber that will take the remaining bunny that is still alive, as I am sure that we all do. His name is Randy Atkinson. He is in Raleigh, NC. Not sure how far you are from there, but he will take in the remaining bunny. I am not sure what the phone number to where he works but maybe someone can give him a ring and let him know about this bunny. I am sure that he will take this bunny but if he doesn't he probably knows who can.
She's doing okay.(not that I know the gender lol..) Still squirming around. She almost back flipped out of my hand while I was getting ready to feed her some formula earlier.

I'm in Charlotte which is a few hours from Raleigh. I don't have my car back yet and the grandparents wouldn't drive me that far even if I paid them..
That is cool that you are only a few hours away from Raleigh, NC. Maybe email Randy and see if there is a way that he can pick up the bunny or get the bunny to the wildlife center. His username on here is ra7751. Message him and explain the situation. I think his email is in his profile.
wait: you're giving the baby parsely? You're going to have a dead bunny with that I think. I really would NOT recomend fresh foods until the bunny is older.. They have an extremly sensitvie GI tract and flora in it can EASILY be messed up.

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