The Bunnies You Have Had....

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Clare, , Ireland
What bunnies have you had through out your life? I got my first bunnies in June of 2008, two small blue Netherland dwarf brothers, Alfie and Bucky. Only a couple of days after I got Bucky he died from what I know believe was Mucoid Enteritis. Alfie died 6 months later, I went out after school to play with them and went back out a couple of hours later and he was gone :( No idea why, the vet thinks it was dodgy breeding. We got Thumper in June a couple of days after Bucky died, and he lived with Alfie until they reached maturity and started to fight. Of course we still have Thumper :)

I got Princess after Alfie died and I still have her :) When I got her she was lop earred and had a mane but it's all gone now she just looks like a standard rabbit lol! She's still great though, really loveable. I got Misty, a netherland dwarf, in I think it was around Febuary, not sure, have to check :p I got her from a friend who was keeping her in a cage with a buck who had ripped out alot of her fur and she was pregnant, sadly she lost her litter :( I was only supposed to be fostering her but within 24 hours I had decided to keep her.

Then Princess had Milly, Bella, Alvin, Rupert and Ebony. Ebony is staying here for good, Milly has found a good new home and I am still on the hunt for good homes for the boys. :)

Your turn!

I got my first bunny when I was 6. I'm now 24.

Miffy (mini lop)
Ginger (mini lop)
Nutmeg (mini lop)
Coriander (mini lop)

Those 4 bunnies came from pet stores. The next 3 were adopted from my local shelter.

Pepper (lop/ uppy eared mix adopted as a friend for Coriander)
Slippers (sport marked sable adopted as friend for Pepper after Coriander passed)
Sonicka (REW adopted as friend for Pepper after Coriander passed)
My parents got a bunny when I was 5 years old. Of course they took care of him, but as I got older I took on more of the responsibilities. His name was Nibbles, and he died in my arms a few months after his 15th birthday. I grew up with him.

My next bunny was my first real pet of my own, a blue netherland dwarf we named Zeus. I got him in 2006, but he passed away in 2008 during surgery.

I got Barnaby in 2007 to bond with Zeus. Then when Zeus passed, Barnaby became very depressed, so I eventually adopted Ziggy and Berry to keep him company.
my first rabbit was a dutch, i think it was grey and white, they were EASTER BUNNIES, FROM THE PETSTORE!!!!!!!!! lol. I was in grade school and my parents got me one and my sister one for easter cause we asked for one, well shortly after getting them they came down with Diarehha and we took them to a not so savy vet and one died not too long after, then we got one to replace that one and then that one and my sisters died and my mom said that's it,lol.

I had Sooty whom i got from a local shelter and had only a VERY SHORT time. Thank god for the internet, and Rabbits online, and being older because i am such a better rabbit owner to all my rabbits now,lol. Sooty was 3-4 years old when i got him, and the bestest rabbit and i still miss him. He had a tumor in his stomach that had opened and i knew that it was time to let him go so in March of 2009 he went to the bridge, and of course he took a big part of my heart with him.

I still have Belle , my first bunny as an adult, Charger whom i got after Sooty died, and Benny that was suppose to be a foster but will probably be staying,lol
The only bunnies I've ever had are the ones I have now, and any of the past babies who have since found good homes. :)

The only pets I had growing up until I got my rabbits (when I was 13/14) were dogs and cats and fish....that's it. lol.

I hope to continue to own bunnies throughout my life, though. And would love to pick up breeding& showing once again after I graduate college... Hopefully I can get enough breeding & showingfor the next 2 years to make up for the 2/3 years I'll be in college! :p


I got my first bun Smokey a Netherland Dwarf, when I was 5. Then when smokey was about 8 I think, I got my second bun Truffle a Dutch female, then my dad decided that he should put them together in the run because he thought Smokey would be too old, well he was proved wrong and truffle had a litter of 7 kits. We lost 2 unfortunatly and ended up with 5, 2 greys females, 1 black male and 2 dark siamese sable females. I kept one of the dark siamese sable girls which, is Eclipse.
We lost Smokey when he was 10 due to a tumour in his mouth I believe, he had lots of mouth problems, the vet advised that there wasn't much we could do and that he was in alot of pain, so they put him to sleep, I didn't go because at the time I couldn't face it.
No more buns entered my life then till I met my fiancee, he went for a job interview back in 2005 at a local petshop and saw what he called a cute little fuzzball in a cage on his own, well we were due to go on holiday for 2 weeks in only a few days time so, we knew we couldn't get him then, so we decided that if it was still there when we got back that he'd become ours. Well we came back after our hols and he was still there looking as cute as ever! But now he had a companion which, I fell in love with, so we ended up getting both whc, are now named Blue our teddy bear lionhead boy and Leo our lionhead lop cross, tri harlequin boy who are now both 4 years old.
Then the following year we were at pets at home, one of our large pet stores, like pet smart, and we were looking at the buns and there was one little baby white lop all on its own which, was being bullied by the other baby buns in the pen, so me and my fiancee took pity on her, we then noticed someone else eyeing her up, so I quickly ran (literally!) to find a member of staff so, we could buy her. Fortunatly I did and we ended up with a gorgeous girl Clover a Possible frost point mini lop, we kept her inside at first with us as the time of year was winter and we didn't want to put her outside till it got warmer. We had lots of fun and bonded rather close with her, she used to hate it when we had to shut her in her cage and would rattle the door with her teeth lol!
When she went outside we decided to get her a companion so, she didn't get lonely without all the human company she once had, so about a year later we got our bundle of fun boy, Fiver a black otter mini lop, we had him spayed and then slowly introduced him to Clover, and it was love at first site! They get on really well and are allways snuggled up together.
So that brought our bunnie total to 6 by 2008, but it came down to 5 this year when I lost my beautiful girl and second bun Truffle this year in june, she sudenly became lethargic and struggled to move, so we rushed her to the vets at 10 at night, who took her in, unfortunatly though at 3am the call came that my beautiful girl had gone. It was so hard it was the first time I really had to deal with it properly, like bringing her back and burying her (Smokey was cremated) but, she now has a lovely spot in our garden to rest.
So thats the bunnies I have owned so far at the age of 22, and I bet there will be plenty more to come!
ive had:(ALOT)


thats a mix of about 5 litters of bunnies.

mini lops, lionheads, mini rex, and dutch.

i had them when i was about 6(i am now 16), then we moved and i had to sell them:tears2:.

now i have a Dwarf Hotot named Poker.
I never had rabbits when I was younger, although I always really wanted one.:( My dad would never let me because he didn't think it was fair to 'keep them caged up', which I didn't understand at the time, until I got older and realised that he was referring to the poor rabbit that lives in a tiny hutch at the bottom of the garden and never comes out to play, and isn't really thought about much. We lived next door to a family who had a rabbit that they kept just like that, and when I got older I found out that my dad hated seeing this poor bunny being neglected and that's why he didn't want one. He is happy with our rabbits though and thinks they have great lives- in fact, he thinks we spoil them too much, lol!

Anyway, Mouse and Chalk were the first bunnies we got, 2 years ago. We got them as a pair, as babies. They completely transformed our lives with their binkies and mischievious ways. We then got Barney and Snowy as a pair, about 4 months later, after falling completely in love with them in the adoption section at our local pet store and wanting them to have a safe loving home.

Then, last year just before Christmas we got Dotty- and that really is our limit! :D We were thinking about whether she would like a friend and whether we had the room etc for another, but I think that right now we're a full house, and she is very bonded to us and doesn't seem to be missing a bunny friend at all- me and Steve are her bunny friends! :)
My first rabbit I had as a very young child... don't even remember how old I was. I named her licks (tho I really have no idea if she was a girl or not). Anyways my uncle's rabbit had babies and that's how I got licks... and I named her so because the first thing she did when I picked her up was lick me. She was a very sweet rabbit, and I think of her even to this day... tho my memory is a bit hazy now. She didn't live very long... we probably didn't even know they needed hay, and she was kept as an outdoor pet... if only I had known then what I know now.

RIP sweet little girl.
I've had 5. :)
I got Berri, a black Mini Rex, for my 13th Birthday in August 2004.
She died in February 2007.
Berri had a litter in March 2006, and I kept Pebble (REW) and Ebony (Black).
Pebble died in September 2007.
I got Maddie, a Chinchilla Lionhead, in 2007.
I got Ruby, a REW Lop, in 2008, a friend for Ebony.

I don't plan on having rabbits again, or if I do, it won't be for a long time.

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