Well-Known Member
What bunnies have you had through out your life? I got my first bunnies in June of 2008, two small blue Netherland dwarf brothers, Alfie and Bucky. Only a couple of days after I got Bucky he died from what I know believe was Mucoid Enteritis. Alfie died 6 months later, I went out after school to play with them and went back out a couple of hours later and he was gone
No idea why, the vet thinks it was dodgy breeding. We got Thumper in June a couple of days after Bucky died, and he lived with Alfie until they reached maturity and started to fight. Of course we still have Thumper 
I got Princess after Alfie died and I still have her
When I got her she was lop earred and had a mane but it's all gone now she just looks like a standard rabbit lol! She's still great though, really loveable. I got Misty, a netherland dwarf, in I think it was around Febuary, not sure, have to check
I got her from a friend who was keeping her in a cage with a buck who had ripped out alot of her fur and she was pregnant, sadly she lost her litter
I was only supposed to be fostering her but within 24 hours I had decided to keep her.
Then Princess had Milly, Bella, Alvin, Rupert and Ebony. Ebony is staying here for good, Milly has found a good new home and I am still on the hunt for good homes for the boys.
Your turn!
I got Princess after Alfie died and I still have her
Then Princess had Milly, Bella, Alvin, Rupert and Ebony. Ebony is staying here for good, Milly has found a good new home and I am still on the hunt for good homes for the boys.
Your turn!