Dear Mongo,
Thank you for the compliment. Now if I could only get mom to see me in the same way....oh well!
I would definitely advise your dad to get another doe instead of a buck. Here are my thoughts on this.
First of all, while does can be more territorial, having another buckaround, even altered, can cause a bit of a ruckus. Even though mom hadme "altered" (remind me to tell you about that later)....I still don'tlike it when a buck comes around. For some reason, even an altered buckwants to challenge my authority. The does automatically accept it.
Does however...even if they are territorial...are usually very easy forme to get along with. They know that I will take their side againstbreeder mom and I will encourage them to get along with a gentle nip ifthey continue to fight. (There is nothing quite like taking a nap witha doe on either side of you).
Your dad needs to remember that even if Daisy doesn't accept Pebbles,that Pebbles is still young enough to bond with another girl -especially if it is a young girl. My personal opinion (although yourdad should check the board for advice on bonding) is that two younggirls who are brought up together from a young age...can get along justfine.
I would suggest that your dad take Pebbles along to the breeder andhave her play with the litter and see if one rabbit in particular getsgroomed or grooms her or whatever. This way you can find one that fitsher personality.
I think the NIC cage idea your dad had is roaming is better. Do your best to learn how to get outof the cage (don't tell your dad I said that) and use ONE spot for yourdroppings and show your dad that you can be litter box trained andtherefore deserve to be free roaming.
Now .... about being altered. Let me take a minute and tell you aboutthat. What my mom did was to take me to a special place (I'd recognizethe smell anywhere now) and leave me there. She cried when she left andI thought it was because she would miss me...but when I found out whatI happened, I cried too. They petted me and were very nice to me andthen they put me in a box where I got sleepy. isthe important part. DON'T GO TO SLEEP!
When I woke up - I was missing two "man things" as momcalls them. I hurt too. The people there petted me and lovedon me and gave me stuff so I didn't hurt so bad...but all I wanted todo was curl up in a corner and cry. How was I going to let mama know Iwasn't a man bunny anymore? (Tio & Kyo went at thesame time and they were crying in their carriers too).
I don't think mama knew what would happen - but she cried when shepicked us up anyway. She loved on us and gave us craisins and shepetted us and gave us something every few hours for a day or so thatmade us not hurt so bad.
But our pride was hurt...and we never were quite sure how to tell her what they did to us at that place.
So my advice to you? DON'T GO TO SLEEP. Cover up your manparts.....or better yet - don't get in the pet carrier if you see yourdad bring it out.
Well, I must go.
The BunFather
tenacrewoods wrote:
Oh!The BUNFATHERMy Hero!:great:A ladies ManExtraordinare!:bow :bow
A ? Please: Dear BUNFATHER
As you know, from all yourWorldly Wisdom,Daisy and I are in love so I don't thinkthere'll be any problem with usbondingbut thenthere'sPebbles!
Dad'sgetting a Netherland Dwarf given tohim by MyBreeder in just 2 more weeks and he can Choosebetween eitheraBuck or Doe!
Now The tuffQuestion: O' Wise One :bow
What if Daisy doesn't except Pebbles into My harem?ShouldDadjust get a Buck to Bond with Pebbles?
I wouldn't like That Very Much.:growl:
Then we'd Have to have2 Large NIC homes(lessRoom)or shouldhe juststick with hisOriginalPlan and have1 Big"Mongo's Gigolo Bungalow":yes::laugh:
Your Humble Student!:bow :bow:bow :bow
Desperate Trying To Follow in yourFootsteps!