The Bunnies of Ten Acre Woods

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Hi! JadeIcing

I love that shot of Dallas.:laugh: :brat:

It's not Mongo thats the problem He plays well withothers:wink,it's Daisy being jealous of poor littlePebbles!:rollseyes

Now how could She not like this little Cutie!:inlove:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
Well Mike, I brought my Holland Lop hometoday! Her name is Holly, she's a Harlequin, and she's justadorable. Here she is (check out my new blog that I gotcombined with Bandit's - CrystalBall's Babies)


Hi! Crystalballl

I was just looking at your thread and saw her and she's absolutelyBeautiful!:inlove::great: congratulations.By theway I loved Your Christmas Pics with Santa.:yes:

I will go back and leave a reply and say Hi to BanditToo.:wink :wave:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
Pebbles is beautiful - but I can understand why Daisy would be ticked off, especially seeing that she's still intact.

Y'know, bunny adolesence can be pretty crazy! ;)

Just hang in there...

Yeah! ec

We're still working on getting Mongo fixed firstsince he's the only Buckand is 6 monthsoldandDaisy just turned 4 months old but she'llbespayed of next month hopefully,if our financeswillallow it.:wink

My girls and I are going to A Rabbit Breeders Show a Montgomery CountyFair Grounds the weekend of the 13th and we'll bepicking upour new Netherland Dwarf while there!:dancing:

This will be our first Rabbit Showand Iknowwe'll have a great time!:yes:

No! I'm Not carrying my Wallet.:no:

Hope You all had a Great New Year's Day.:great:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"


Plus no need for wallet. All it takes is....

"Hi my name is name. I breed breed name."

"Hi my name Mike. When can I go to your place and pick up doe."

They know when they have a sure thing....and you are a sure thing....

Or maybe you will show will power....:laugh:

Ali, Ringo, Samantha, Connor, Teresa, Dallas and zoo crew long as he doesn't check the back of his shirt where it says "SUCKER".......

Oops...I wasn't supposed to mention that - was I?


JadeIcing wrote:
They know when they have a sure thing....and you are a sure thing....

Or maybe you will show will power....
hahahaha! You Two arejust ToooFunny.:laugh:

MY wife has put her Foot down and Thumped MeOff! She says: "No More Bunnies",Wejustdon't haveany moreroom!

Ive taken over the entire Living Room & DiningRoomwith NIC cages & bunny Stuff, now how many wifeswill lettheir Husbandsdo that?:yes:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand" I'm a breeder...but at times I've hadbunnies in the bathroom, bedrooms, even our master bedroom (still havefour that live there now). Around election time in November my husbandput his hand over his heart and proudly proclaimed, "And if I amelected husband...I promise a bunny in every room..."

Then he winked at me and said, "You know I don't REALLY mind....much....don't you?"

So you still have a master bedroom.....and a kitchen.....and the girls' rooms.....



tenacrewoods wrote:
hahahaha! You Two arejust ToooFunny.:laugh:

MY wife has put her Foot down and Thumped MeOff! She says: "No More Bunnies",Wejustdon't haveany moreroom!

Ive taken over the entire Living Room & DiningRoomwith NIC cages & bunny Stuff, now how many wifeswill lettheir Husbandsdo that?:yes:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
Mike - you might want to tell your wife that it COULD be worse.

For four out of the last five nights - I've slept with a rabbit in my arms (wrapped in a towel).

And Art thought nothing would ever come between us.....even after 27 years of marriage...

I'm not sure what I'm going to name this buck but when I know for sure he's made it...he's getting a name... don't have to limit rabbits to just the living room!!!

Hello! everybody!

Long time no See!:wink I'vebeen rebuilding my front porch and helping my Nephew build a StorageShed so I'm sorry I haven't kept yall up to date on my bunnyadventures!

Well I picked up my new Baby Netherland Dwarf today and weenjoyedour veryfirst rabbit show except for thelast part just before leaving! :foreheadsmack:

I meet Mongo'sBreeder there to get theour newBabyand I ran into the young lady (Jennifer) that sold meDaisy as she was showing and selling a few Bunniesofher'stoo.

My daughters were running all over the place, petting andholding every bunny that anybody would let them touch. They even got tolearn how to syringe feed a 28 day old jet black HollandLopBaby and that was one ofthe most precious thingsI've ever seen.

Mongo Pebbles and Daisy are all doing Great,Mongo's stillnot neutered yet as my wife Had to go out of town Thursday and won't behome until later this evening and she's been super busylately,which is a good thing I guess except I Miss Herbunches!

Well on to the Bad news: About 10 minutes before leaving theshowmy girls and Iwent and picked up our new BabyNetherland Dwarf which they named "Baby Boo".

We were walking around,saying our goodby's to friends we knew and newone's we'd just met when Jennifer (Daisy's Breeder) walks up from outof no where and hands my youngest daughter this Fluffy Little WhiteLionhead Buckthats 5 months old and ask if we wanted a FREEBunny!

Of course since my little girl was holding itandthis Breederknew I'd just bought the Netherland,Shesaid we could give it to someone else if we didn't want tokeep him.:foreheadsmack:

I informed her we just came to pick one up andthere was NO Way that we wanted another one.

I tried to talk a few people into taking him but every time I talked toanyone my little girl would turn her back so they couldn't see him orshe'd walk a fewsteps away.:disgust:

Little Brat's, Both Girls,the breeder andmyownlittle girl knew just how to manipulate Me and they weredoing a wonderful Job! :embarrassed:

Well I brought 2 Bunnies home from the ShowToday!:laugh:You canJust Plaster a GreatBig "Sucker across My Forehead".

My little girl just wouldn't part with him and batted herebig blue Eyes and put a frown on her face everytime I mentionedanything aboutit.:whatever

He is a very Sweet Boy that loves to be held and cuddled morethen any 5 month old Bunny I've ever run across, He's White with SablePoint markings and is quite Beautiful and My babyNetherland,In my:whistlingHonest Unbiased opinion, She is just about themost Beautiful ND I've ever seen.:roflmao:

Without further Ado here's the new Members of Ten Acre Woods!

OK! Bunny doesn't have a name yet as he was a total surprise and wecan't seem to come up with a Masculine name that fits a White FluffyBunny so "Any Suggestions would be considered and appreciated.:wink :wave:

Oh! I'll Post More newPics of Mongo, Daisy and Pebbles tomorrow!

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"


(But at least it was a LIONHEAD....
[align=center]LIONHEADS RULE!!!)
[/align](from a totally unbiased lionhead breeder)

[align=left]Butseriously now Mike- are you SURE it is a sable point? To me it lookslike a broken tort buck without much for markings (like aCharlie)....and not a sable point.

Just my .02 ~ maybe Pam or someone else will break in and verify it.


P.S. Did you ever see Star Wars (the original movie?). Yourlionhead looks like he has a teddy coat - and I have one like that(only with more spots) that we named "Chewbaca" 'cause he looks like a"walking carpet" (per Princess Leia's comments to Hans Solo")
Hi! TinysMom

No! I'm not sure of anything about this bunnyexcept that he's white with some brown markings and Definately aMale!:laugh:

Oh! By the way, if the Wife doesn't want to keep him thenyou'll bewelcome to come by andpickhim upatanytime! :wink

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

I think that you should name himRascal. The little rascal just wormed his way into awonderful new home. Both your new babies are justas cute as the bunny crew that you already have. I guess youhad better start building on that new bunny room!!!!;) Beckie Trouble and Trixie
Hi! JadeIcing

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!You were right :biggrin:but atleast I didn't have to use my wallet to get a second bunandit's a good thing too as my wife is 200 miles away from home and hereAlternator just went out on her Car, On a Sunday morning NOless!:growl:Money! Money! Money!:dunno:

2bunmom Thank you!
I do have a 14ft X 36ft Back Deck that wecouldbuild a nice size bunny room attachmentonto,:roflmao:eek:r go with my original plan and just turn MyLean-too into a Rabbitry, :dancing::no:but I don'tthink the wife is going to go for the attachmentto the houseeither.

The Poor Little Lionhead must have been terrible mistreatedas he jumps or coware's down at everything he see or hearsandis hiding in the corner of his NIC house and doesn'tseemtowant toomove.

He will let you hold & cuddlehim butcoware's downwhen anyone goes to touch him, he even coware'sdown to the new baby ND.:tears2: :ponder:JustMakes me wonder how his previous human's treatedhim?:sad:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'llUnderstand"


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