The Bunnies of Ten Acre Woods

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:shock:Your killin me here! Oh what acuteie!!!!! I really think that bunnies could become an addiction forme if I only had more room!!!!:D

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

all foster kids!

She is Purty Darn Cute, Just 7 More Days. :wiggle:woohoo

Bunnies...Could Become an addiction :laugh:YeaRight.:sunshine:

I think you've already been caught, Hook, Line & sinker!

In thefive months that you've been on RO you have taking onmore Bunnies than a lot of peoplewould havein alife time.:great:

Yeah! I'd sayYour Addicted!:roflmao:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

:stork:Oh I want to see the new babyssoooooooooooo bad but mama bunsays:nonono:........:tantrum::sad:I dont even know how many she had.

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

and all foster buns!

yah I guess I already have the bunnyfever!:ponder::bowoh to the bunnys...

p.s. Nuggles is still goin strong!!:highfive:

Weeone very prego!

I'm so glad Nuggle's is Ok,:yes:I knew she would be.:wink

How many more days does Weeone have before she kindles?

Yes! we've both got the fever BAD! I was up all night changing Daisy'sNIC house around,Making itlarger and dividing in half forlittle Pebbles to arrive! Only 4 More days.:woohoo

I'm also already talking to someone about buying a Beautiful BlackLionhead.:foreheadsmack:



"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
:laugh:just cant get enough of the buunys!I knowthe feeling, I 2 have been known to spend night after nightdoing bunny :construction. Infact, that is on my list for tomarrow!Hoppers (Newest foster ) needs a bigger cage and he needs to be moveddownstairs so I can talk and see him more. He is so sweet, I gotta becareful around him or I will fall in love!!

Kindling? as in how many days befor she gives birth? If I gotthat right, she had her babies friday.We didnt know exactly when shewas due so we have just been watching her close.Her and Mr.Peebody wereabandon at a petsmart in the middle of the night, stuffed into a tinybox with no food or water or room to even turn around. We were calledby a montana animal rescue and asked to pick them up and foster them,get them fixed after babies are weened and the foster all untill theyfind forever homes. When we went to Saltlake City to get them we weretold another rescue groop had picked them up. I felt uneasy about themfor days so I hunted down this rescue group and found the woman who hadthem! She said she realy didnt want them and didnt want to devote thatmuch time into fostering them but was told by a petsmart employee thatnobody would take them. The vet at petsmart was the one who found themwhen she opened that a.m. she did an ultrasound to try and sex them andof course found that Weeone was expecting but she said she new nothingabout rabbits so thats all she could tell us.Petsmart donated acage,food,water bottle, food dishes, etc. for the 2 bunnys. I confirmedthat they would have all this with the lady (who picked them up fromanother rescue) the night before we were to get them. This woman whohad them is a Vet Tech and said she would just take them to work withher and for us to pick them up at the clinic. Well, we got there tofind that she 2 had stuck them in a petsmart togo box sized for1guiniepig! She said she didnt have time to grab the cage that morningso she put them in a tiny box, when we opened the box it was so filthythe urine had crytalised! It had been durity for some time!:tantrum:Wecame prepared though, largekennel,girl/boy fleece blankets and toys.the night before I laid knew tile in our utility room to take the chilloff the concret and then Chad and I built them a 32sq. foot cage withcarpet,shelves,beds, the works! They were so hungry and thirsty it wasunreal! and talk about skinny!:cry4:anyway I have been toldto seperate mrpeebody but yet let them see each other because the arebonded, and for me not to check on or disturb the babys because allthat she had been through and the fact that she was under nurished maycause her to destroy her kits especially if my poking around stressedher to bad. So, I have yet to see her babies but I did see movement inthe news paper serounding the nest. I just hope they are all alive andwell, not sure when I should try peeking???

Sorry I misunderstood who was prego!:wink

I would go ahead and check onthem, if she's comfortable in your home and settled down even just alittle more then when your got her,and from what you said about thecondition of the box they where in she must feel a bit more at easenow, Then I go ahead and check Now. There's a much greater chance ofher not caring for them or killing the rest of them if there is a deadone(Sickly One)in the nest then there is of her rejectingthem just because you handled them.


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
Hi! Everyone

I've been saying howenamored Mongo is with Daisy but she finally showed how much she loveshim Too. :woohoo

This is Real Bunny Love!:inlove:

And she kisses Mongo again.:kiss:

Then she Bits Him! Guess it wasn't as good the second Time Around.:laugh:

After this pic Mongo gets up and moves Away and who could blame him.:disgust:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Hi Mike, those pictures are so cute.

I can hardly wait till you can finally bond them, they will be so cute together.

Are you going to use the cages you have now or build a new one forthe? And are you eventually going to bond the new baby girlwhen she gets older?

Thank You! Snuggys Mom

AndI take the fifth on your comment.:laugh:

Soooska Iwillhave Mongo neutered right after Christmas and will start working onbonding all 3 of them the day I get Pebbles Home.

Here'sapic of daisy's house after I spent last night Slitting it in half andadding the shelfs and extentions on the ends.

JadeIcing Thanks! Sheis such a real cuddle Bunny,loves to be held and petted but always hasthat dissaproving look on her face. It's Her built in Frown.:wink


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Funny thing look at my Dallas, remind you of anyone.


Even when being kissed still telling me I'm wrong taking pics


Oh!JadeIcing They have theexactsameFace.:faint: :inlove:

I love Dallas's color, is he a Blue/Black oraBrilliantBlack? What ever it is he's Beauuutiful evenwithhis permanent frown. I know 2 Bunnies that would make agreat couple :winkbut 2 others thatjustmighthave Homicidal Reactions.:roflmao:
P.S I just noticed in the last pic,Dallas's bottom lip is pouching out!:laugh:

What a Sad LookingFace,He's Too Darn Cute!

Bet he's an expert Begger!:yes:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Yup expert. Teresa may be small but she puts up a good fight. She will fight for her man. :D

I was told he is a blue. He was bought from a breeder and than given upbecause they didnt want to pay for his medical bills.:mad:

Thats ok he is ours now. If you check out Alicia and the Zoo Crew.


:bunnydance:Iwill be putting up more on Dallas tomorrow.:bunnydance:

Alicia:sweepThe Maid, The buns Ringo Starr :runningrabbit:, SamanthaJane :apollo:,Connor Grayson:not listening, Teresa Mekare:bunny19,Dallas Jinx :bunny17:, AND THE REST OF THE ZOO CREW!!!

P.s. We need smilies for lops!

Just when I'd thought the pics couldn't get any cuter... wow!

The part about kissing then nipping is too, too funny in this case. ;) I think you've got a couple of characters there!
Well it's Official Mongo is getting Neutered on 1/2/07 :cry2

We decided he has suffered long enough,the poor thing want to cuddlewith Daisy (and more) so we hope by early February the More will beless, A Lot Less!:roflmao:

Hopefully this want change his personnality because he's such a sweetboy except for his over active hormones.:embarrassed:

I just couldn't take the chance of Daisygettingpregnant as Mongo is almost twice her size and we allknowhow that could turn out. :rip:and I'mjust not taking that Chance with My Baby Girl.:no:

I'll let everybody know when the day gets closer!

Here's Some New pics of Mr.Mongo

Mongo Protecting His little Sister's New House!


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Hi! ec

Yeah!they're characters alright but by midFebruary they'll be ableto cuddle all the want,Today I scheduled Mongo's Snip Job forJan 2,07 :woohoo

I'm sure if Mongo only know what was coming hewould be more like :nerves1or :nonono:andI'd still be. :laugh:

Her's more Pics of My Cutie Pie!

Theses next 2 pics aren't that Great but Look at that Cute Hinny and Those Ears!

Can Anyone sayStealth fighter! :ponder:

Daisy's Hoppy Dance!:happydance

Her usualPitifulLook at Bed timebecause she's back in Jail for the Night! :wink


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Oh Mike, those pics of them on either side of the cage kissing is toooooo cute!

All of your pics are just wonderful, love those action shots!

Mongo will be just fine, my Snuffles wasfine after his and Ididn't even get attitude from him like we did w/ the cat, she was notpleased!

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