Just to add - I never had anything against dogs, I love all animals, but I never really realized how great they can be until I got one of my own.
One of my friends from collage came across the blog of one of my old roommates from college (who I didn't get along with). My friend linked me to her blog because in one of her posts, she wrote about all her major life events, and mentioned me. First of all I think it's rather funny that she mentioned me at all, because I would never have mentioned her if someone asked me to list my major life events. But she described me as "having a creepy little girl voice" and "having an unhealthy obsession with animals".
I've never had anyone call me (or something about me) creepy before, lol. I do have a very soft feminine voice but it's never bothered me, and my fiance thinks it's cute :biggrin2:
And about the animal thing...I guess people aren't allowed to have a passion without it being an "unhealthy obsession". Oh, and the fact that this girl was obsessed with guys even though she had never had a serious relationship, and pretty much based her whole self worth on what men thought of her wasn't unhealthy at allll right?
I could say so many negative things about that girl, but I'm just going to leave it how it is. That was in the past and I really couldn't care less about her.
In a strange way, I kind of felt complimented with what she wrote about me. If the only bad things people have to say about me are that I have a weird voice and really like animals, than I feel like I'm doing pretty well for myself. And the fact that she is still writing about me when I haven't said a word to her for over 4 years is amusing to me.
So anyways, enough of that. I've been sick for the past couple of days, yet again. It's some kind of stomach bug or something I think. I wasn't feeling up to cleaning and doing stuff like that for a few days, so the kitchen really got pretty bad (Chris almost never cleans). Today I was thinking, ya know it's probably not healthy to be eating and preparing food in a messy kitchen. I really hate cleaning the kitchen! On any normal day, I can assure you that my animals cages/rooms are cleaner than our kitchen is. I mean of course there is no poo or anything in the kitchen haha, but we leave a lot of dirty dishes out and stuff. So I dunno, I started feeling kind of guilty that I've been taking better care of the animals than I have been of myself and Chris. So all day I've been going on a huge guilt induced cleaning spree. I really need to get some kind of a system down, especially for the kitchen, so our apartment doesn't get so messy.
I've been thinking some of getting a normal blog

I write way to much nonbunny related things on here! The bunnies are doing wonderful. Berry and her recovery have been such an inspiration. This morning she was flopped out sleeping in the cage. I'm always nervous that I'm going to walk in the room and find her dead, or having problems from another stroke or something. But lately, the only thing I've been finding is a very happy bunny!