The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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The vet did test for EC, but was pretty sure from the beginning that that wasn't the problem. She didn't have a head tilt, she literally could not control the muscles in her neck. Her head wasn't tilted, it was limp. She felt like a rag doll. Her leg issues are with her front legs only, her back legs are normal. It is worse on one side than the other, which I guess is pretty normal with a stroke.

Plus if it was EC, I don't think she'd be showing so much improvment without being treated for it at all.

I joined the disabled bunnies yahoo group as well as a group on Bunspace and have gotten lots of tips for caring for her. :)

Berry is, I think, only 2 years old. According to her prevous owner, she will be 3 in March.I've only had her for about a year though.

I'll look into Palace Pet or Vet Bed! Thanks!

Berry is doing well. She's moving around and eating and is doing a better job at grooming herself. Three or four times a day I do the physically therapy on her front legs that the vet showed me, and she seems to actually enjoy it. Afterwards, for at least a short amount of time, she seems to have more control over her legs. One of her legs has improved a lot more than the other, which is going a long ways into improving her mobility.

I'm going to try to take some pictures of her and the others today. I couldn't bring myself to taking pictures of her when she was doing worse. I didn't want to remember her like that.

I think, as long as she's feeling okay, that I'll do some bonding sessions with her and the boys and see how it goes. I'd like to be able to at least keep her with one of the boys, so they can keep her company and help her groom.

Oh I see. Yes, that doesn't sound like EC and you have ruled it out. Glad she's doing better! Sounds like you have a good plan to help her out, and we're here to provide support!

It's been a week today since I found her limp last Sunday. With all the stress, it feels like it's been so much longer! I'm so happy she's still here with us.
[align=center]Happy 1st Gotcha day to BerryMelon & Ziggy!![/align]
[align=left]Today, Jan. 18th, is the one year anniversery of the day I got Berry and Ziggy. They have been living with me for a year now - how fast a year goes by![/align]
[align=left]That also means that both of them have birthdays coming up. I know that Ziggy will be 3 on April 1st. Berry's old owner didn't know her exact birthday, but knew that she was about a month older than Ziggy, so we celebrate her birthday on March 1st. She'll also be 3 this year.[/align]
[align=left]Berry is doing well as can be expected for now. She is eating on her own and moving around the best she can. She seems to enjoy her physical therapy and I think it is helping her, at least a little.[/align]
[align=left]The three bunnies are still seperated. It's been kind of stressful making sure that the boys get their exercise time as well as taking care of Berry. Before, when they where all healthy and bonded, they where never locked inside their cage and had free range of their room. I think they're a bit peeved to be caged now. I have been letting Berry spend time with each of them to see how they react to her. I feel confident about letting Ziggy and Berry stay together. I just need to work out how I'm going to organize their cage,because I don't think Berry isready to tackle ramps, but I don't think that just one section of the cage would be big enough for the two of them. I'm thinking aboutputting Berry and Zigs on the bottom floor, with the Xpen connected, and giving Barnaby thetwo top floors of the cage for now. [/align]
[align=left]Here's the cage now. Usually the two ramps are in making it a gaint 3 story cage, but I took the ramps out and closed off the holes between the sections for now.

[align=left]Don't mind the mess - that's all the bunnies stuff in boxes stacked beside the cage. I haven't had a lot of time to get around to cleaning/organizing the room lately.[/align]
[align=left]Here's sweet Berry. She's not looking her best right now, but she's alive! [/align]


[align=left]Oneof Ziggy...[/align]

And just because he's so cute, Barnaby...


[align=left]His nose is healing up really well. You can barely tell anything is wrong with it anymore unless you really look up close. All the fur hasn't grown back yet either, so that will make it even less noticable eventually I think.[/align]
[align=left]And for something non-bunny! I took a shower this morning, and when I got out, this is what I found...


[align=left]I thought it was so funny, I couldn't yell at him. Looks like he had fun! And by the way, that's our very scantly decorated bedroom that he's in. Yes, it's depressing, because we don't even have a bed yet. I'm really getting crap from my family that I can spend thousands in vet bills for my pets but we don't have a bed. Oh well, I think my priorities are in the right place. All the other rooms in the house have furniture though, just not the bedroom yet.[/align]
Yesterday I spent a couple of hours working in the bunny room. I changed the cage around again - now there is one cage area on the bottom floor, and the top two floors are connected again to make one big two story cage. I moved Berry and Ziggy back in together and they are getting along perfectly. It was so cute, because when I put them together again Ziggy started doing binkies around theroom. Barnaby is still by himself. He gets along well with Berry, but is ticked at Ziggy still.

I've love to someday have them all bonded again, but I think I'm going to give Barnaby some time to cool down before trying.

Berry is doing amazingly well. You would never imagion looking at her now, that just a short week and a half ago she was near death. She seems happy to have company with her, and is moving around very well.

My fiance was home sick yesterday, so I was taking care of him too. He has something going on with his eyes, where he gets migranes and very dizzy if he focuses on one thing for too long. Not good, since he is a pixel artist and his job requires him to focus on a computer screen all day. I keep trying to get him to go to the eye doctors, but he hasn't yet. Keeps saying that he doesn't want to go because he went last year and the doctor gave him glasses that ended up being the wrong perscribtion. I think I'm going to have to find him a new doctor myself and make him an apt., then just make him go to it.

I'm waiting for the dogs new crate to get here! Should be here this week or next. I felt bad because we have been using an old bunny cage for a crate for awhile now. Lol, no wonder our dog thinks he's a rabbit. But had an awesome crate sale and I was able to get him a new one for $70 off the normal price. :)
Glad to hear that Berry is doing well and Ziggy has his little friend back. Poor Barnaby.

My husband is the same way, won't go to the doctor even on death bed!
So glad I found your new blog!! It was great catching up on things, even if they haven't been the best for the start of the year.

So sorry about Berry... Glad to hear she is doing much better than the day you found her. You are a great bunny-mom to stick through all of her therapy. I agree about trio's, they are so much easier to take care of than individuals. It is so nice that Berry and Ziggy can still hang out together. It broke my heart to see the pic of that lovely condo split into three cages (I still remember how excited you were when it arrived).

I do hope Berry's recovery status is a sign of better things to come for the new year.

Thanks for all the comments!

I know I feel bad for Barnaby! Well I'm hoping I can get my trio back eventually. Barnaby doesn't seem to upset though. He's having his run time right now and is just going crazy running around, so he seems happy still.

What is it with boys and doctors? I mean, I don't like going either, but I'll go when I need too.

Hopefully Berry's improvment is a sign that things are going to start getting better! :)

Kit's new crate got here yesterday. So he's finally sleeping in a dog crate instead of an old bunny cage :p
I'm so glad it's the weekend and my Chris (my fiance) is here with me.

I get so lonly sometimes during the days when he's at work. I've been applying to jobs again so hopefully I get one soon. With all the vet bills lately we don't have a lot of extra money to put into savings or buy stuff that we want. But it's okay, because we get everything we need and keep the bills payed. But the dog has to go to the vet next week for his rabies shot so that I can get his license renewed before the end of the month. One of my geckos (Haku, the male) is on antibiodics because he scraped his tail up and it got infected. And then of course there was the drama with Berry.

Hopefully I can handle working again. I get really bad anxiety and once in awhile panic attacks. But hopefully I can deal with it. :shock:

All the pets are doing well. Berry included! She is walking around and stuff now. She doesen't have full control of one of her legs still, but she can move it enough to get around somewhat normally with it. The other leg is fine now and her neck is back to normal. I'm looking forward to the day when she can do binkies again!

Barnaby is still alone, but he's okay. I've been doing a weird every other day play schdule, where Barnaby will get a whole 24 hours of run time and then I'll cage him for 24 hours and let Berry and Ziggy out. They seem to be okay with that schdule. I'm hoping that by switching off who is in the cage it will help me rebond them, instead of just keeping them in seperate cages.

Today is Barnaby's day out, and as soon as I let him out he started running around doing binkies, it was so cute. His binkies are funny. I need to try to get some videos of the bunnies sometime soon, and try to figure out how to post them.

Last night I cut everyones nails, and it was not fun. Ziggy is molting so I came out covered in fur, and none of the bunnies like being held all that much.They all feet flicked me off when I finished, it was funny. But afterwards, they accepted my peace offering of crasens so we're all in good terms again.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'll probably be back again sometime this weekend with pictures :)
Ugh last night our computer got a virus and we had to reformat it. I lost yet more pictures :X

I was up until like 2 am installing updates and getting the laptop working again. So today I'm tired and don't feel well.

The weather here is insane. Very rainy and windy. We live on a small peninsula so have all kinds of severe weather and flood warnings and all I can hear all day is the ship horns from the bay. They must be having a hard time with the weather. It's so windy the house is swaying and it's really freaking the dog out.

Ah well, at least we are all warm and dry inside.

The Geckos



Haku is a male snow blizzard possible diablo blanco het. He has eclipse eyes and is a year and a half old. Last time I weighed him he was 71 grams. Haku is calm and easy to handle. He was my first leopard gecko. :)



Aurora is a female and is a year and 4 months old. She is a tremper albino het. diablo blanco and weights 59 grams. I love the markings on her face.

So those are the geckos. I'm planning on breeding them this year and would eventually like to get a few more, probably females.

I'm working on redoing the gecko tank right now. Haku somehow managed to scrap up his tail on one of the old cage decorations, and it was pretty bad. He's doing well though and should be all healed up soon, although I think he'll be left with some scaring. I'm using stryofoam and grout to make rock like formations and places for them to hide. It's fun, but time consuming and I'm not that good at it. I made some before and didn't think they looked that great, although the geckos like them.

I think now I've introduced most of my pets, except for the frogs and the fish.
Very neat geckos!! I am not too much of a lizard person, but I still think they are cool. I've heard so much about their care, that Ithink takingcare ofrabbitsis easier.

A few years ago I was seeing a guy whose sons had lizards. The first time I met them, they brought out one of the little lizard-guys and handed him to me. I was like saying how cool he was and stuff because I really thought it was a test to see if I was too girlie to handle hanging with them. Personally, I think I passed that test with more than flying colors. ;)He really was a cool lizard... even made me think I might want one.

Ahhh I worked with Diablos before Dragonrain, it was my "main" work along with line bred snows. My most expesive baby went for $500 to Abby's Geckos. Crazy huh?
Good luck, your male is beautiful and that eclipse in there should add some interesting details.
He really should meet my super snow het eclipse ;)
I may have babies in the summer, so keep me in mind becaue my babies would be perfect for your project. Granted mine will all be breed with and engima male, but they are all snows.

But beautiful geckos!

What are you using to grind down the styro? I am going to be using sand paper..maybe that will help with the edging so he doesn't get cut again?
I think I might have an older picture of Haku that shows his eyes...I'll go look.

Okay here is an older picture of him I have saved. I had a lot more, but I lost them when our main computer went.


Isn't Aurora cute? I think she looks very girly, for a gecko. She is actually kind of a brat though, and is a lot harder to handle than Haku is, but she takes a great picture.

I've always loved reptiles ever since I was a little kid. I think it stemmed from my obsession with dragons. I've kept reptiles pretty much for my whole life, started out with anoles that my Dad helped me care for when I was pretty young. One of my favorite past pets was a female iguana I named Tiamat. I rescued her from horrible conditions. She had some pretty serious medical issues from her past care though, and passed away only 4 years after I took her in. I also had a young rescue iguana that was paralyzed in the back legs. I miss having iguanas and have been toying with the idea of getting another for awhile, but they just get so huge and can be a lot of trouble to care for. Leopard geckos are so much easier in comparison.

Myia that's awesome that you worked with DB's. Any particular reason why you stopped working with them? I love the look of them. You can get a good price for them too, but that's not why I like them. It seems like we have similar tastes in morphs.

Keep me in mind if you do end up with any snow engima babies for sale this year, especially if you think any of them are females!

I've just been carving away at the styro with a knife haha. I really suck at this, but I have fun with it. I am pretty sure Haku cut himself on part of the cage actually, but I'm not positive. He climbed up one of the taller decorations I had in the tank and was hanging from the wire on the lid of the tank, so I think he hurt himself in his escape attempt. Lesson learned, I won't be using anything tall in the tank anymore, to keep him away from the lid.

Thank you! :)

Ah it's always something isn't it? Chris wasn't feeling well at work again today, but decided to stay the whole day anyways. He called to tell me he felt horrible and didn't know how he was going to make it home. I went to meet him at the train station to come home with him and he was so out of it when we got back to the house. I seriously thought we were going to be making a trip to the emergency room.

Once he got home and layed down and took some meds he started feeling better. I think he has the flu or something, on top of his dizzyness that we think is caused by his eyes. I don't care what he says, I'm going to call the eye doctor once he's over the flu or whatever he has and make him an apt. He's been sleeping pretty much since he got home at 7. It's so cute, the puppy is sleeping on top of his chest, and hasn't left his side for more than a few minutes since Chris got home. Kit really loves Chris so much. I'm a bit jealous of the bond those two have, since I was the one who wanted a dog in the first place, and I'm the one who takes care of the dog.

But at least I have my bunnies! Barnaby I don't think will ever be much of a people bunny, but Ziggy and Berry are so friendly. They run up to me whenever they see me and jump up on my lap when I sit with them, and they love to give kisses (especially Berry).

Berry is doing amazingly well, by the way. I'd say she has already regained about 95% of her motion back since her stroke. She is getting around very well and runs and plays with Ziggy. I don't think anyone would be able to tell anything was ever wrong with her, if I didn't say anything. One of her front legs is still a bit compromised, but it doesn't slow her down!

Tonight was trash night, so that means bunny room cleaning day. Now that I have a system down, the bunny room doesn't get as messy as it use too. I clean their room and cage twice a week, on the two trash nights.
Wow what a day! I'm so glad Berry has recovered so well--it can be amazing to see someone/something recover from a stroke. The brain's ability to recover can be amazing.

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