The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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It is amazing! :) I'm so glad she's doing so well.

Chris stayed home from work today with the flu, and I think I'm coming down with it now too. No fun.

I have pictures today!

One of my passions, other than animals, is gardening. I use to have a huge flower garden at my parents house. Now Chris and I live in an apartment that doesn't even have a yard, but I make up for it by keeping lots of house plants. For awhile a bunch of them kept dying on me and then for Christmas Chris build me 3 shelves in the kitchen. 2 of them have plant lights above them, since our apartment doesn't get much sunlight. I haven't had a plant die on me since I got that! Here is the bottom shelf, so you can kind of what they look like. I thought I had a picture of the whole thing, but I can't find it now.


This is our mini Christmas tree. We got is right before Christmas time, hoping it would make the house smell good, since we both love the smell of pine but always use fake trees. I know it looks kind of lopsidded. It's not the tree itself, it's planted that way. I need to get a nice pot for it some time and repot it.


Here's my African violets. It's not flowering right now, but it had beautiful flowers on it when my fiance got it for me. This plant was the first time my fiance has gotten me flowers, ever in the almost 10 years we have been together! So it's a pretty special plant for me.


I'm not sure what this one is called, but it's some kind of climbing plant. I rooted a cutting of it from a giant plant that was in my old dorm room common area.


Aloe vera interesting story behind this one!


Christmas cactus that my fiance gave me for Christmas. These are one of my favorite flowers. I wish I had taken a picture of this one when it was flowering. I want to get a few more, all different colors, and plant them in one giant pot.


Bamboo. These plants look pretty sad though. We have a huge set of them planted in dirt in our bathroom, but I didn't get a picture. The big dome thing next to them has Venus fly trap and pitcher flower seeds planted in it, but they haven't started to grow yet.


I use this plastic tray thing to grow seeds, and right now it has a bunch of Marimio balls in it. They are aquatic moss ball plants that are native to Japan. I have a huuuge one in one of my fish tanks.


And lastly, my mini rose plant that Chris got me last weekend. I've always wanted one of these.



So that's it. I have a lot more in other parts of the apartment, but I just took pictures of the ones on the shelves in the kitchen.

I have new pictures of the bunnies too, but I'm having some trouble with my computer so I'm going to restart and post them in a separate post.

Ok now for the bunners. These are all from either today or yesterday!

Fluffy Barnaby relaxing. Don't mind the red eye, or the spot on the rug under him ;) It's really not the best picture, I just thought he was laying cute.


Here are a bunch of random ones of Zigs and Berry. You can see how well she is looking! These too are much friendlier than Barnaby is, so it's usually easier for me to take good pictures of them.








That's it for now! :bunnydance:
I stopped because my 2 females were retiring age, and I had them until about 2 years ago when I was struck by a horrible horrible ordeal.
I ordered a milksnake off and it had mites and a type of contagious bacteria. I didn't know it until it was too late. All 7 of my geckos died. Thankfully I was able to treat my hamsters (Which is all I had at the time) for the mites and they were ok. It was horrible. So I took a break..and just bought my new geckos in November.

I want an iguana too, but yeah they are difficult. I did A LOT of reptile rehab..its amazing in a horrible way.

And I love your garden! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you give me tips on what to do? I have been trying SO HARD to keep live plants. I have a fern that has been doing pretty well, but other than that eh. I think I am not meant to keep regular house plants.
I really want to set up a 20 gallon long with carnivrious plants..I have to chose between pitcher or venus plants because they require diff humidity.
Then I want to buy a exo terra for my crested gecko and make it completley planted..

And your buns are jsut sooooo cute!!!
That really sucks about what happened to all your geckos! I can't imagine loosing 7 at a time. I was worried about Haku for awhile when his tail got infected, just loosing him would have been upsetting enough for me. He's fine now though. :)

Yeah reptile rehab can be pretty gruesome. It's sad. I haven't been that involved with reptiles for a few years, but am slowly getting back into it. Since I'm planning on breeding my geckos, I'm also going to offer my services to rescue them. I think that's something more breeders should do.

Do you have a website for your geckos? I've been working on one. Well, I was at least until our desktop computer broke. I haven't worked on it since because all my stuff was saved on that computer. I should really work on it more soon though, because hopefully I'll have baby geckos this year.

I don't know if I really have any special tips about the plants. Our apartment doesn't get good light, and after we got the plant lights that really seemed to help. Other than turning the lights on for them, I just water them and spray them down with a squirt bottle and so far they have all been doing really well.

Carnivorous plants are awesome, but I haven't had much luck with them. I got my fiance a kit that came with a packet of seeds from different types of carnivorous plants, so we are planning on separating them out when/if they grow.

I love planted tanks. My fiance and I where thinking of setting up a planted tank in our kitchen and keeping a few frogs. Our kitchen is frog themed, for some strange reason.

It's snowing here! I didn't know it was suppose to snow, but it is. Brr. I am really looking forward to the spring.
I really want to try to start bonding Barnaby to Berry and Ziggy again. I don't know, they all seem happy, but I feel bad for poor Barnaby that he's all alone while the other two have each other. And if I could get my trio back, that would mean they could all have free range of their room again.

When Ziggy and Barnaby got in that fight, I decided to keep them separate for awhile. I made a plan to keep them apart until March 1st, thinking that that would hopefully be more than enough time for the two boys to forget their grudge.

Now March is looking so far off...and I want my happy trio back so badly. I'm thinking I might start doing bonding sessions this week, at least to see how things go. Plus, there were a few times where I did have all 3 out together, while I was doing cage cleanings, and Ziggy and Barnaby pretty much ignored each other - no fighting. Maybe that's a good sign.
I love my bunnies an insane amount, but sometimes they can be so frustrating.

I've had the flu since last Wednesday, but of course I can't take a break from taking care of the animals. The puppy is a hyper crazy ball of energy and the bunnies are pains in the butt.

Barnaby doesn't like people. I understand and accept this, but it can make things hard sometimes. I have to pick him up sometimes, and he acts like I'm trying to kill him or something when I simply need him to move so I can clean his cage. It leaves both of us pretty upset in the end. I try not to pick him up or bother him unless I really have too. I think he would be happy if I just didn't exist, and his food just fell from the sky and his litter box magically cleaned itself.

Ziggy and Berry are friendly, but also both hate being picked up. Last night around 2pm I was feeling horrible and trying to lure them into their cage, because they where being loud and kept waking me up. I was getting so frustrated, because all I wanted to do was go back to bed, and they would not go in their cage. I finally gave up trying to do it nicely and just caught them both and put them in. I'm sure you can guess how they felt about that.

I really do love them all, but sometimes I wish they would listen to me once in awhile :p They seem to enjoy making the simplest of tasks into a nightmare.

I'm trying to relax today, I have to get over this flu! It's not working so well though, it's hard to relax with a dog jumping in my face and my fiance hogging the couch playing video games all day. Bleh.

I think I'll work on the lizard tank and try to clean the house some instead.
I don't have a website..yet...I want to wait until my 2 females are ready to breed, and then start. I mean, I only have 3 now, so I can't produce much this year. I am hoping around May I can buy some more females and 1 more female. I want a Enigma Female and a Super Snow male. If I can convince James to get 2+ more females, but I doubt it.

I am sorry about Barnaby, but yeah my REW hated to be picked up, so I understand, and ESP about late night rabbit fiascos!

Hope you feel better!

Yeah that makes sense about the website. I don't really need one right now either, but working on the website gives me something to do, and hopefully someday I'll actually use it a lot more.

I want to get a couple more females and then another male, eventually. I'm planning on incubating for females this year, so then I'll probably keep a few and get another male for them some time. Chris doesn't care how many I have, but I don't want to overdo it right now, just because I don't want the whole apartment to be covered in tanks.

Barnaby is driving me nuts lately, but it's okay. I have pretty much come to terms with the fact that he just isn't ever going to be very friendly, and I accept that. I really need to try to rebond him to Ziggy and Berry though. I think he's getting lonely and bored. Last night I had to go in the room twice to get him to stop chewing on the litter box. I finally got so annoyed I just threw him some hay on the floor and took the litter box out. Yeah, that was a mistake, and now I have a huge mess to clean up - but I was worried that he was eating pieces of plastic. He's never chewed on the box like that before, so I dunno. He has plenty of toys and stuff to play with but I know that just isn't the same as having a buddy. I think I'll start bonding sessions again today and see how they go.
I cleaned the bunny room today, a day earlier than usual. I'm working on moving the lizard tank into the bunny room too - They will be on top of my bureau that I have in there. The desk they where on before isn't as sturdy, and my fiance wants to take it down.

All the bunnies are doing well. When I was moving stuff around in their room, I put my old alarm radio/cd player in there. It has this setting where it just plays relaxing sounds like waves or wind chimes. I was thinking that I could leave it on for the bunnies sometimes, since their room is so out of the way and quiet. I wonder what type of music they would like?
I took some new pictures of the geckos yesterday, since I had them out while I was working on their tank.





I moved their tank into the bunny room. Now I'm just waiting for my grout creation to air out some more before I set up the tank and put them into it. It didn't come out as well as I hoped, but it's okay for now. I'll either try again or just buy them some new hides sometime.

If any of my older pictures in my blog go missing, it's because I've been working on organizing my photobucket albums. It was just a huge mess and took me forever to find pictures when I was looking for certain ones. I'm trying not to move ones that I know for sure I have posted recently though.
Yay it's friday!!

Haha I'm not even working right now and I still get excited about fridays. It's so nice to have my Chris home with me on the weekends. I feel a lot less anxious when he's home with me.

All the pets are doing wonderfully. It makes me so happy to see them all happy and healthy. I've been dealing with so much with them lately, that it feels weird to me to not have at least one of them be sick. But Haku is done with his antibiotics and his tail is pretty much all healed up. And Berry is doing amazing! I don't think anyone would even be able to tell that anything was ever wrong with her.


So now that the lizard tank is done and I don't have that to keep me busy, I've been thinking about working on our bedroom some. Chris' dad gave us a bedroom set last month, but I didn't think we were going to use it because it's kind of ugly. I've been thinking though, that I could paint it to match our bedroom better and maybe make it look a lot nicer that way. If I do that, then we wouldn't have to go out and spend a ton of money an another new bedroom set. So I'm going to start by painting the headboard and see how that goes. I'm going to paint it white, and then I was thinking of maybe painting a cherry blossom tree or something on part of it. Our bedroom has kind of a Japanese theme to it.

Oh speaking of Japanese...I've been trying to learn Japanese :) It's hard, but is something I've always wanted to do.

So sorry about all the nonbunnyish posts in my blog. The bunnies are doing well, not much has really changed with them so I don't have a whole lot to post about. I'll try to get some pictures over the weekend :)


Nibbles was my first ever bunny! My parents got him when I was just a little kid, like 3 years old. I grew up with him. He started out living outside, because my parents didn't really know any better. Eventually, when I was older, I talked them into letting him move into the house. We sectioned off a huge section of our kitchen with baby gates and just let him free roam that section, instead of using a cage.

He was a pretty big guy. I'm not sure what kind he was, my parents got him for like $5 from a farm. He was never neutered, again because my parents didn't know much about rabbits back then. So he use to always run circles around our legs trying to hump haha, and my parents told us he was "dancing" lol.

One time, when he was still living outside, the neighbors cat broke into his hutch. I'm sure the cat wanted to kill him. But Nibs was about the size of a cat, and he started chasing the cat around the hutch trying to hump it! It was so funny. The neighbor, who owned the cat, was freaking out yelling at my dad thinking that her cat was going to get hurt. Well that's what the cat gets for trying to kill our bunny.

Nibbles lived to be 15 and a half. About 6 months after his 15th birthday, he passed away peacefully in my arms. We buried him in my parents back yard, and I still go visit his grave when I go to my parents house.

I don't have very many pictures of him, because I didn't even have a digital camera when we had him. Here's what he looked like...


But he doesn't look so good in that picture. Near the end of his life he lost a lot of weight, so he looks kind of bony.

I still miss him a lot even though he's been gone for like 5 years now. Someday I think I will name one of my future bunnies after him.
Thanks :) Yeah, I like to think that he was happy with us. I really felt like I had a connection to him...especially considering he was with me all through my childhood. The day he died, I woke up and just had a strong feeling that I had to go to him. I went downstairs to the kitchen and just cuddled with him and held him. He didn't seem like he was in any pain or anything, but I knew he was dying. He snuggle up in my arms and seemed to go to sleep on my lap, then stopped breathing. It was really sad, but very peaceful. I was honored that he seemed to want to be with me in the end.

Haku is so big! I absolutly love your geckos! And I am so glad to hear he is doing better.

And what a wonderful story Nibbles has! What an old bunny though!
Haha yeah Haku is a monster!

I only hope my current bunnies can live as long as Nibbles did. He was a happy/healthy guy all his life too, pretty much right up until the end.

I took a few pictures of Barnaby today, because I haven't taken many of him lately. It's hard to get good pictures of him, because he really isn't very friendly.





In some of those pictures I think you can see where his nose is messed up on the side. That was from when he got bitten by my friends bunny who I bunny sat last Thanksgiving. Poor Barnaby got almost half his nose ripped off when he got loose from his room and stuck his nose in my friends bunny's cage. The vet tried to stitch his nose back but it got infected and they took the stitches out early. Soo part of his nose healed back together, but not all of it.

Here's some random pictures of stuff in the bunny room!

My Bambi snow globe and container that Chris gave me for Christmas one year...



A not so good picture of my engagement ring...

It's so cold here today! We got a little bit of snow last night but not much. I haven't done too much today. We're just all hanging out inside.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far! :)

Thank you! I love it! I know it's not a traditional engagement ring, but we're not a very traditional type of couple ;)

Bleh the computer got yet another virus on it saturday night, so Chris and I spent most of Sunday reformatting it (again) and installing updates and all that. This time we actually bought an antivirus program, so hopefully this won't happen again!

The weekends always go so fast!

I had to order the geckos food today. I always try to put it off for as long as possible, but I'm running out fast and couldn't put it off much longer. I feel so weird getting bugs delivered in the mail. The geckos will be happy though!

I really need to think of what to get Chris for Valentines day and our anniversary - which are the same day. This year we will have been together for 10 years! It's crazy...I feel old now haha. But I'm only 23 (almost 24!)...we started dating when I was only like 14, and have been together ever since :inlove:
I forgot to add...yesterday afternoon I fixed some wires on a fogger thing Chris has.

Anways the reason I wanted to post about it here, is because it's likely the last thing I'll ever have to fix that Zeus (RIP) damaged. I got a little emotional thinking about that while I was working on it. It's so weird the things that you think about when a beloved rabbit passes. I use to hate when he chewed on wires, but now I'd gladly give up every wire in the house to have more time with him. I remember the day after he passed, I was cleaning the bunny cage, and I started crying thinking about how it was the last time I'd ever be sweeping Zeus' poo off the floor.

I've had all sorts of animals pass away in the past, but for some reason none of the others ever effected me the way that Zeus' passing did. I really miss that little trouble maker.





He was so handsome. RIP Zues..

I am so sorry for you loss. I cried because it reminds me of pinball, I miss him too

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