Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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:inlove:Very pretty girls Peg! I especially like the ears of LG102....very beautiful, nice and thick; seem to have a nice widebase.

One problem though...you KNOW Nyx is going to be so jealous to have to share the attention!! That girl is going to have her nose so bent out of joint, LOL.

paul2641 wrote:
Maybe wait till he breeds again, Or if these does are extraordinary get them, But you said broad does, Which I think means not perfect but can be worked on?

I'm sorry to hear about your lose, I hope everything goes well with all the others!

I'm hear rooting for you Peg, are you strictly gonna buy from this Juan guy or from Other Flemish breeders?
Paul - there is a lot you don't know - I don't remember if I posted it in my blog while you were gone - or perhaps I never posted it but discussed it behind the scenes with folks I was close to.

Either way- I will update things here.

When I first considered breeding back in July - I contacted Cathy (BlueGiants) about wanting to work with light grey flemish. She gave me the names of what she considered to be the two TOP breeders in the nation (her opinion only) for grey flemish. One name was Jack Langley - the other name was Juan's.

Since Jack was in Texas -I contacted him first and wound up buying from him - and I truly love his rabbits.

But if I continue to breed "his" rabbits only - am I really developing my own lines - or just continuing his lines - but under my name? My goal was to develop my own lines and bring in rabbits from other breeders.

When I was in Conn. in October - I got to visit the show in Storrs, CT and Alicia can tell you that when I saw two of Juan's rabbits (that he will be breeding in March) - my jaw dropped. I was extremely impressed. As I talked to Juan at the time - he was sharing with me that he rarely ever keeps bucks from his own lines but usually winds up buying the best he can find - but this buck was outstanding. The doe I looked at was phenomenal too. I could not believe these rabbits and I kept going back and looking at them over and over and over again.

Now I have never considered stealing anything - but if I could've found some way to grab those two rabbits - make a dash out the door - and flown them to Texas....I would be tempted to steal for once. VERY tempted.

In fact, Alicia and I talked about leaving Athena intact for a bit when she goes up there so Alicia could show her - but as I told Ali - I wouldn't want Athena to go up against Juan's rabbits...I honestly don't think there is any way she'd win.

When I told Juan that I had Jack Langley's rabbits and was looking to bring his in - you should've seen his face. WOW. He knows of Jack (or knows him?) and he said if I show the rabbits against Jack's and his rabbits win - he really wants to know.

Juan is not just a flemish giant breeder. If I remember right - he's the President of the flemish giant club in the New England area. He has a small rabbitry but is well respected by others for his treatment of his animals - his personality - and just who he is in general. He may not show as much as some others because his family comes first - but he has some very very nice rabbits.

Anyway - yes - I could wait until Juan does his breeding in March (and hope it takes). However - that leaves me with basically Jack's lines - which are good - don't get me wrong.

But I lose time in building my own lines with rabbits that I want.

I have thought about buying only one doe from Juan - but these does are from two different litters entirely - so I really like that. It is like bringing in two lines from Juan to work with the lines I have from Jack.

You need to remember - Athena is only going to be bred once more. Sophia won't be bred at all. Nyx will be bred (I think) - still going back and forth on that one. Nyx is definitely a cherished pet along with being part of our herd.

I really feel foolish trying to explain myself here....but the fact is - this has been discussed with people who know me - who know rabbits - and who have seen some of the rabbits.

I didn't just point my finger at a list of breeders and go "that sounds neat". I did research and a lot of thought and looked for breeders who had what I need.

As I've studied the pictures and thought about it a lot - I love Jack's rabbits for their rise and their shoulders. But I love Juan's rabbits for their size (they're massive) and I think they will bring a lot to my lines to get the quality of rabbits I want.

I want to point out that at the 1 year anniversary of starting my rabbitry - I will most likely have my original three does plus these two does - plus one more doe (total of 6) plus two bucks. That's a total of 8 rabbits. I may allow myself to keep up to 3 or 4 of the litters I have now to see how they do at shows - I am currently watching some of them as they develop.

But of those 8 rabbits - by fall - 2 will be retired - bringing me back down to 6 that I'll have for sure.

I don't think that's bad at all.

This is from Juan's website:

I specialize in Fawns, Light Grays and Blacks, keeping a small number of animals to focus on quality. My senior stock is registered and several are Grand Champions. Due to their ancestry, my rabbits occasionally produce quality Steel Grays and Whites. My Flemish have placed consistently at or among the top of their classes at the ARBA Conventions, the Eastern States Flemish Giant Shows,the National Flemish Giant Rabbit Show and the Michigan All Flemish Giant Show. I am proud to announce that both the Best of Breed (also Best Light Gray) and Best Fawn (Youth) at the 2008 ARBA Convention were animals bred and sold by me. Congratulations to Inga Dolinski (Michigan) on her wins! I am an active member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, the National Federation of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders and the Central Massachusetts Rabbit Breeders Network. I am also active in the Eastern States Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders Association and currently serve as its President.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
:inlove:Very pretty girls Peg! I especially like the ears of LG102....very beautiful, nice and thick; seem to have a nice widebase.

One problem though...you KNOW Nyx is going to be so jealous to have to share the attention!! That girl is going to have her nose so bent out of joint, LOL.
I think Nyx currently has her nose bent out of joint because of the babies and the attention they're getting.

TinysMom wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
:inlove:Very pretty girls Peg! I especially like the ears of LG102....very beautiful, nice and thick; seem to have a nice widebase.

One problem though...you KNOW Nyx is going to be so jealous to have to share the attention!! That girl is going to have her nose so bent out of joint, LOL.
I think Nyx currently has her nose bent out of joint because of the babies and the attention they're getting.
Ah, well....you just remind her that she had plenty of attention and lovin' when she was the baby! And now she needs to be a good Auntie. ;)
paul2641 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
They will be coming down from Iberia Flemish Giants in Massachusetts. They will be staying with Alicia for a month or so while we wait for Penelope to get fully weaned and ready to come.
Fast moving aren't we Peg to get more Flemish giants, I hope everything goes well, And Ali is so luck to get to mind them for a month!

All the best ;)!
I don't think she's moving fast at all. ;)
Peg I wasn't critiquing your actions, I was just enquiring into them, I have full confidence in what you do in your rabbitry as I said "Your rabbitry" You make the decisions be them for the best or worst, And I believe there always for the best, I thought the currant Flemish Giants you had were from Juan, I hadn't heard that they were actaully from Jack Langley, I understand now you want to diversify the line to make it your own, And I wish you the best in that quest!

You know we love reading every single detail about your rabbitry so keep posting everything that comes to mind!
I don't know anything about rabbit breeding, so I think it was great that you shared some of your thought process in how to start your rabbitry. It sounds like you planned and researched as much as I would have, which is a lot! We know you love your buns and want to improve the breed as well. Can't wait to see how the babies shape up for showing!
silvermoon wrote:
I don't know anything about rabbit breeding, so I think it was great that you shared some of your thought process in how to start your rabbitry. It sounds like you planned and researched as much as I would have, which is a lot! We know you love your buns and want to improve the breed as well. Can't wait to see how the babies shape up for showing!
Thanks so much - I'm so excited as I watch them grow. Right now I'm watching three sprecifically from Athena's litter - not sure how I feel yet about Sophia's litter (although they ARE adorable).

I think the planning and researching can be such a fun part of the breeding....I'm still struggling to decide on my next breeding(s). The more I watch the babies - the more I like Mercury's for body and massiveness - but I've got to say that the EARS on those babies of Hermes are so adorable..

Peg, I haven't posted in this thread yet, but I've been reading along! Will you post more photos of the babies? What happened to little explorer bunny? I was so sad when I read he died, it sounds like he would have been a really cool bun when he grew up.

I still want to have a Flemmie someday so looking at your blog helps me get my fix! Thanks for sharing everything! Oh one quick thing, do Flemmies come in broken coat colors? Thinking on it, I'm pretty sure I've never seen a Flemish Giant with spots.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Peg, I haven't posted in this thread yet, but I've been reading along! Will you post more photos of the babies? What happened to little explorer bunny? I was so sad when I read he died, it sounds like he would have been a really cool bun when he grew up.

I still want to have a Flemmie someday so looking at your blog helps me get my fix! Thanks for sharing everything! Oh one quick thing, do Flemmies come in broken coat colors? Thinking on it, I'm pretty sure I've never seen a Flemish Giant with spots.
I will be posting more photos of the babies - hopefully later this afternoon. First though - I need to do my nails with black nail color - or purple - or green - or something. Maybe I should tattoo them first too.....

Seems like people are complaining and joking about my hands when holding the babies (I got a note about in on Facebook from some guy I don't even know) - talking about how gross my hands looked and the big joke on FB was about passing around the pictures, etc. Funny thing is - the photos weren't posted on FB (if I remember right) - they were only posted on here. So it makes me hesitant to post pictures now (again). Then again - I usually take pictures of the babies when I'm cleaning in the rabbitry or cleaning out their area....

I'd share the exact comments - but durn it - I can't access them now that I notified Facebook of the spam.


Anyway - I'm just venting/teasing sorta. It really was funny though in a way. Perhaps I should have tried to "friend" them? :shock: Just kidding of course. Already had friends like that once - never again.

So yes - I do hope to take pictures today.

As far as the explorer baby goes - we don't know what happened...we came out one morning and went to take the babies to mama and explorer baby was laying on its side and could not move really. I did give it formula and it lived for about 20 hours or so - but it just seemed like it had internal injuries or had broken its back or something. The only thing we can think of is that it was climbing and fell - and that little one really tried to climb a lot. The container was full of hay and I wouldn't have thought it could hurt itself but that is the only thing we could come up with.

I have seen one flemmie which if I remember right - it was a tri-color (broken harlequin). I'm not sure that is what it was - but it seems like it was what it was - it was a pet to the breeders who bred Tiny.

I will say that I can already tell the difference between the two litters. I'm hoping that I can take the photos in such a way that you can see the difference too.

OH Peg that is sad that those nimrods on FB have the guall to point something that laim out. Common find something else to complain about
Fancy77 wrote:
OH Peg that is sad that those nimrods on FB have the guall to point something that laim out. Common find something else to complain about
Ok - I gotta say I kinda brought it on myself a few weeks ago.

Someone who had been a part of my life wanted an apology partly for something I didn't do (and was accused of doing) and partly because of something I thought about them and mentioned to three people (and only those three people).

So I gave the best apology I could think of. It was along the lines of "I'm sorry I ever knew you...I'm sorry I wasted all those hours on you..." - you get the idea - right?

Mind you - I didn't read it to Art until after I'd read it and he was like "oh boy...are you in trouble now because you know how vindictive that person is...".

Week have gone by with no issues - I assumed they'd moved on with their life much as I have.

Anyway - I read the note to Art before he went to bed (and before I reported it as spam) and we both said two things.

Its sad this person's life is so empty that they have to focus their attention on me and my dirty hands....and its probably best that their attention is focused on me anyway since I was prepared for some sort of vindictiveness...just figured maybe they were over that.

But we did laugh about the fact that maybe I could use magic marker to cover my fingernails (and use temporary tattoos on my hands to distract from the dirt).

As far as the babies go - I'm setting up to do some videos and pictures now. Wait until you see them...they're SOOOO adorable. Some are drinking from the water bottle already and they love to run around mama and bother her.

Let's hope I can catch them at playtime and not naptime.

But first......gotta scrub out their cage they'll be in....:biggrin2:

Edited to add: I don't usually treat people the way I did with my apology and I rarely ever cut them out of my life - have only done that to two people that I've met over the internet. I don't want you to think that is normal for me - because it isn't.
TinysMom wrote:
Edited to add: I don't usually treat people the way I did with my apology and I rarely ever cut them out of my life - have only done that to two people that I've met over the internet. I don't want you to think that is normal for me - because it isn't.
OH Peg I know u r like this vicious, angry person that hates ppl and thinks u r better than everyone else...yep I can see u r that and have dirty fingers...yep

LMAO J/K total sarcasm:biggrin2:
Well...the dirty fingers are from all the dirt I try to dig up on others so I can spend hours dissing them....

Now I've been found out - gotta go wash my hands so no one suspects...
TinysMom wrote:
Well...the dirty fingers are from all the dirt I try to dig up on others so I can spend hours dissing them....

Now I've been found out - gotta go wash my hands so no one suspects...

make sure to clean under the nail too that is tricky to clean...lol
Fancy77 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
Edited to add: I don't usually treat people the way I did with my apology and I rarely ever cut them out of my life - have only done that to two people that I've met over the internet. I don't want you to think that is normal for me - because it isn't.
OH Peg I know u r like this vicious, angry person that hates ppl and thinks u r better than everyone else...yep I can see u r that and have dirty fingers...yep

LMAO J/K total sarcasm:biggrin2:
Wow....my lack of self-esteem must've been cured.

I wonder when that happened?

Hooray! I can now think of myself as better than others.

Oh wait...is that what I really WANT to do?

Nope - I'd rather go pet babies.

I am trying to decide whether or not to use this as my new sig picture..


Of course it will be smaller.