Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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He He, He just wants to have a bit of fun running around, Wants to be ahead of all his siblings, It is so cute, I love the way they scamper!
As I type this - my heart is breaking. We're losing Victor - he will probably be gone in a matter of minutes.

I can't tell for sure - but he is acting as if there is internal damage (its hard to explain - so I can't...). His ears are getting cooler and he's lethargic and at this point - there is nothing we can do (I did give him some pain meds).

This is really taking its toll on Robin as he would get up on her bed when she was in the room and spend time sleeping with her. I've tried to reassure her that this is NOT her fault - we're not sure what happened but we know that he must've done something to himself.

This is my second loss in two days - we lost Simon yesterday (y'all didn't know him) - and they say "death comes in threes" which it so often does.

Think I'm gonna go around and pet every bunny right now and love on them....and try to be there for Robin.

For those who believe in prayer - Robin is the one to pray for right now as she's blaming herself and I know she'll miss him.
First of all - Victor is gone now...he passed a few minutes ago. Here are some of my favorite pictures of him as a baby...




[/align][align=left]I'll do more photos in his rainbow bridge thread. He wasn't even a year old...this hurts so bad.

He appeared to have internal damage as if he'd injured himself jumping or something...I don't know.

Now for the good news. I spoke with Juan today from Iberia Flemish Giants - and we talked about his available rabbits. I thought I would be getting one of his rabbits from an October litter - but he has two really nice does from his June/July litters - and he's going to pick one out for me and that will be what I get this spring. (I am considering getting both - there are some things I need to look into and think about).

This means that after she/they get here....they could be bred in a month or so (same as Nyx) and I could breed Nyx, the new girl (who is NOT Penelope - sorry) - and Athena all at the same time.

What I am currently thinking of doing is breeding in March/April - and that will be Athena's last litter and she will be retired and go to live with Alicia by Christmas time at the latest (since she already has a stocking and ornament there).

I'm very excited because it means I won't have to wait a lot longer to breed Nyx - and - I will be able to have THREE does having litters (I hope) - plus I am hoping that I will be rehoming babies at shows for both show purposes and companionship purposes.

:pray: I'm so sorry for your loss.He was agorgeous bunny.

Your retiring Athena by Xmas? Wow.... Why so soon? It's good forAthena. (Lucky Ali :)) I just thought you were breeding them for like 2 years or so.
:rose:i am sorry to read this. fate has dealt a cruel blow and i pray that robin can take comfort in the happy memories.

with regards to penelope, will there be an odysseus or a telemachus?

SweetSassy wrote:
:pray: I'm so sorry for your loss.He was agorgeous bunny.

Your retiring Athena by Xmas? Wow.... Why so soon? It's good forAthena. (Lucky Ali :)) I just thought you were breeding them for like 2 years or so.
Most does I will probably breed to age 2 or so....but...Athena will be over 1 1/2 years old by December and the average life span of a flemmie is about 5 years - some have lived longer - some shorter.

I know that Ali will not only give her a good home - but she'll be spoiled rotten (her stocking has a Disney princess on it) - and she really deserves that - especially after having a litter of 11 so far.

So I will ask her for one more litter this spring - and then retire her this fall. I may leave her intact for a few shows in September/October so she can be shown and then have her neutered in November and ship her to Ali in time for Christmas - a lot of this will have to be worked out.

But if she lives the average lifespan of 5 years - I'd prefer her to have 2/3 of it as a beloved pet.

It isn't that I don't love her here - I really have become somewhat attached to her myself.

But I know that she and Ali will become very close and I think Ali has what Athena needs since Athena is so much like Samantha was.

Please remember - my greatest goal isn't just to breed - its to find the right homes and situations for ALL the rabbits - parents and babies.

hartleybun wrote:
with regards to penelope, will there be an odysseus or a telemachus?
Perhaps eventually - but her first date will be with Hermes. (That in itself may be a hint).

She will be arriving when the bunnies arrive in March - but she will be too young to breed. (Yes..she is a flemish giant).

TinysMom wrote:
hartleybun wrote:
with regards to penelope, will there be an odysseus or a telemachus?
Perhaps eventually - but her first date will be with Hermes. (That in itself may be a hint).

She will be arriving when the bunnies arrive in March - but she will be too young to breed. (Yes..she is a flemish giant).
I think I may know now. LOl. I'm not gonna say .....so if I'm wrong. Lol. ;)
I see what your saying about Athena. Time just flew I guess. I think it's great your doing right by your rabbits (finding good homes, etc...) :) I like that your a breeder that cares about your bunnies :)
SweetSassy wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
:shock: I did not know this.
did not know what?
I just got off the phone w/ Ali - she did not realize how soon I was willing to let Athena go to her (she'd told me that they would be ready whenever I decided to let her retire).

I just hate the thought of Ali missing out on time with Athena though...
TinysMom wrote:
SweetSassy wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
:shock: I did not know this.
did not know what?
I just got off the phone w/ Ali - she did not realize how soon I was willing to let Athena go to her (she'd told me that they would be ready whenever I decided to let her retire).

I just hate the thought of Ali missing out on time with Athena though...

Oh.. ok.... :)

Ok...here is the story for those who don't know it all.

Back a couple (three?) years ago - Ali had a doe named Samantha and I had Tiny. We used to talk about our rabbits a lot since they were both flemish giants and they didn't have the typical flemish giant personality at first. Ali would have to describe Samantha because she could do it better than I can.

Ali lost Samantha and I lost Tiny and we helped each other through our grief.

When I got the rabbits - as I would share about them with Alicia - Athena sounded more and more like Samantha...as far as temperament goes.

I love Athena dearly (I've grown to love her a lot over the last few days because she is becoming affectionate) - but the fact is - she doesn't "fit in" here as well as Sophia and Nyx do. She's happy - sorta - but for me - there has been a sense that she wasn't meant to be mine forever...that she was sent to me for a bit - and then supposed to go to someone else.

In my heart - I knew she was supposed to go to Ali and Ali knew that too.

Unless I find the right homes for my does that retire - they'll live here with me once they retire (especially once I get the bunny barn built). Some of them may breed longer than Athena will.

However, I feel like the more litters a doe has - the harder it is on her and she's less likely to live a long life. I have no facts to back that up - its just sorta a gut feeling thing.

Looking at these babies makes me realize I want to breed Athena one more time - most likely to Hermes - but possibly to Mercury again. I can't tell the sexes for sure - but I think she gave me a bunch of bucks...which will limit my choice of does to take her place.

Anyway - that is the full story of why I'm doing what I'm doing.
SweetSassy wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
hartleybun wrote:
with regards to penelope, will there be an odysseus or a telemachus?
Perhaps eventually - but her first date will be with Hermes. (That in itself may be a hint).

She will be arriving when the bunnies arrive in March - but she will be too young to breed. (Yes..she is a flemish giant).
I think I may know now. LOl. I'm not gonna say .....so if I'm wrong. Lol. ;)
I'm hesitant to give too many details or even get my own hopes up because she is not even weaned yet and wont' be fully "weaned" and ready to leave the breeder till March.

But I am VERY VERY excited about her coming to live with us.
Peg, you know how I felt about Victor. I am so sorry that he had to pass so young. Tell Robin that she is 100% not to blame and that Victor was ALWAYS an explorer. He is now exploring heaven...with Tiny and Samantha, and Buck, and Elf. Thank you for giving him so much love in such a short time.
Elf Mommy wrote:
Peg, you know how I felt about Victor. I am so sorry that he had to pass so young. Tell Robin that she is 100% not to blame and that Victor was ALWAYS an explorer. He is now exploring heaven...with Tiny and Samantha, and Buck, and Elf. Thank you for giving him so much love in such a short time.
Thanks Minda - I will let her know.

I'm not handling this well right now at all - partly cause he was so young....I didn't take nearly enough photos of him. Partly because....well....I'm very emotional at this time.

I am reminding myself that he had a very good life even if it was short and that he knew Robin loved him (he'd wait on her bed for her to go to bed).

It broke my heart to drop you a PM about this - but I knew how much you cared for him.
