Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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Some more pictures - including Sophia pulling a "Nyx trick" and sitting in the food container while eating. These are from earlier this week.

















Oh Peg what can I say, They are just so cute,

Now here comes the bucket load of questions, That I always have when I post in your blog!

Um just wondering how long does that BUCKET full of pellets last when you are feeding the flemish gaints is that one sitting worth of food, How often do they get a portion that size?

Would the size of that meal having anything to do with Sophia's recent litter?
paul2641 wrote:
Oh Peg what can I say, They are just so cute,

Now here comes the bucket load of questions, That I always have when I post in your blog!

Um just wondering how long does that BUCKET full of pellets last when you are feeding the flemish gaints is that one sitting worth of food, How often do they get a portion that size?

Would the size of that meal having anything to do with Sophia's recent litter?
Paul - I can't answer you because that bucket load of food is used to feed ALL of the rabbits in the house. As you may know - we mix several varieties of pellets together instead of using just one brand - so that is the bucket we use to mix it in (we also will add in oatmeal and any other stuff I want to add).

The bucket holds approximately 50 pounds of pellets - perhaps a bit more or less - as we do mix it up instead of just opening a bag and dumping it in. That bucket will last us 2 1/2-3 days (pre flemmie babies....when they start eating solids - I expect that number will drop).

I'm not sure what you mean by the size of the meal - that is not Sophia's normal meal at all - but she was playing in the living room and "discovered" the food and was hungry - and jumped in the bucket - something Nyx often does if she can...

Elf Mommy wrote:
SQUEEEEEEEEEE! (sorry, couldn't help myself!!!) I absolutely LOVE the silverish color with the white ears!!!!! OMG! SWOON!
They're basically the same color as Victor is - so I'm not surprised....
SweetSassy wrote:
I can't remember....Is Sophia's babies the same color as Athena's?
I'm not sure yet if Sophia's are steel or light grey.

I do have to share a cute story though.

Robin was doing something in the rabbitry about 15 minutes or so after putting babies back in with Athena so they could get nursed and she said, "Mom...come here.."

As she said it - the baby that she was calling me in about - perked up his head and looked around for her.

You see - the baby - the very SMALLEST of the bunch - had launched himself out of the nestbox to go looking for mama and was all curled up trying to stay warm alone.

He launched himself out WITHOUT mama's help because she hadn't gone to feed them yet.

Life is gonna be interesting.....

Now to find a good home for an explorer bun when he/she is old enough.

SweetSassy wrote:
That is too cute....I bet it's gonna be hard letting the first litters go. They are just so sweet. :)
Um....maybe. Right now I'm sorta frustrated with them - I have to go out and get some baby saver wire for Athena's cage.....here's an example of why.

This is NOT Athena laying in her cage - this is SOPHIA....on the side of the cage that is towards Nyx and not towards Athena (Basically there is a row of three - Athena then Sophia and then Nyx). This baby has made it probably four or five feet - along with any other exploring it did in mom's cage (and this is NOT the baby Robin called me in to see)..

[/align][align=center]P.S. The baby is Cyrano - the one whose nose got hurt pretty bad.
Oh no :shock:..... Atleast your figuring out what needs to be done before you breed again and have more babies. Lol. They're getting big fast.
TinysMom wrote:
SweetSassy wrote:
That is too cute....I bet it's gonna be hard letting the first litters go. They are just so sweet. :)
Um....maybe. Right now I'm sorta frustrated with them - I have to go out and get some baby saver wire for Athena's cage.....here's an example of why.

This is NOT Athena laying in her cage - this is SOPHIA....on the side of the cage that is towards Nyx and not towards Athena (Basically there is a row of three - Athena then Sophia and then Nyx). This baby has made it probably four or five feet - along with any other exploring it did in mom's cage (and this is NOT the baby Robin called me in to see)..
P.S. The baby is Cyrano - the one whose nose got hurt pretty bad.
[/align] LOVE THE NAME! Really really love it!:inlove:

TinysMom wrote:
paul2641 wrote:
Oh Peg what can I say, They are just so cute,

Now here comes the bucket load of questions, That I always have when I post in your blog!

Um just wondering how long does that BUCKET full of pellets last when you are feeding the flemish gaints is that one sitting worth of food, How often do they get a portion that size?

Would the size of that meal having anything to do with Sophia's recent litter?
Paul - I can't answer you because that bucket load of food is used to feed ALL of the rabbits in the house. As you may know - we mix several varieties of pellets together instead of using just one brand - so that is the bucket we use to mix it in (we also will add in oatmeal and any other stuff I want to add).

The bucket holds approximately 50 pounds of pellets - perhaps a bit more or less - as we do mix it up instead of just opening a bag and dumping it in. That bucket will last us 2 1/2-3 days (pre flemmie babies....when they start eating solids - I expect that number will drop).

I'm not sure what you mean by the size of the meal - that is not Sophia's normal meal at all - but she was playing in the living room and "discovered" the food and was hungry - and jumped in the bucket - something Nyx often does if she can...
Oh I thought it was all to Sophia since she was in it all by herself, I was thinking jeepers Flemish giants really are in a league of there own, It kinda makes sense that they all get fed off that, I must be crazy to have thought that was all for one bunny,

Oh and that little escapee is so cute!
Soooo cute! :inlove:

Peg, I'll take the explorer bun no problem! I'd actually love her/him as a snuggly house bun :p
Well - it looks like Explorer bun missed out on his/her morning feeding....which is sorta funny cause if it had STAYED in the nestbox - it would've gotten fed.

Here is what happened....I locked up the babies in the small cage overnight as its just too hard to keep them in their cage right now. When I got up this morning - I took ALL 14 in to Athena figuring the ones that didn't get fed could get the formula.

She hopped right in the nestbox as I was walking away.

When I came back about 10 minutes later - two bunnies were crawling around in her cage - one bun with a VERY FULL tummy - and Explorer Bun...with an empty tummy. Actually he/she might have gotten SOME milk - but not much (and I sorta doubt it got milk).

I'll be formula feeding him/her in a little bit....

I really can not get over this baby - it is the smallest of them all but the first one to hop out - and it wasn't one of the first ones with its eyes open...it even did this before its eyes were open.

I doubt I'll be keeping it - but if I did - I'd have to find the name of a god or goddess of explorers or something for it.

Also....well...its really way way way too early to share - but for the future - remember the name "Penelope".....