Next Wednesday - Angel is going to get spayed.
I'm horribly scared - she's already become so precious to me - I dread the thought of possibly losing her in surgery. :hug1
BUT - I have reason to believe she needs to be spayed fairly quickly and she IS 5 years old already. I'm hoping that by spaying her - it will remove any danger of cancer (or cancer itself) and I can have her for many more years.
I also can use prayers/encouraging thoughts for two situations.
First of all - for those who read in the rabbitry - the doe that was pick of the litter for keeping - wasn't eating her food. Turned out it was cocci (I've shared that over there). She's eating now - mostly greens, pumpkin and bananas. She eats a bit of oatmeal also and last night she did eat about 1/4 cup of pellets.
She really needs to put her weight back on and get her condition back (she was GORGEOUS) - and of course we need to make sure this cocci goes away totally. She is being treated for it.

Secondly - I have a doe that I need to rehome even though I don't want to. She is from the liters that Athena/Sophia had and she is the smallest in the litter. She's probably 5 - 5 1/2 pounds where her siblings are 6 1/2 - 8 or 9 pounds. She has smaller bones and I suspect she will stay small for a flemish - perhaps top out at 10 or 11 pounds instead of being 17 or whatever.
I just started calling her "Lil Bit" tonight and I shouldn't have done that because when I name them - I get attached.
I really need the right home to come along for her - someone who wants a flemmie not because of their size - but because of their personality. She is a kisser and a cuddler and she will come and cuddle in my lap for as long as I'll pet her.
If I had my bunny barn built - I would seriously consider keeping her just as a pet. She just has the "ideal" personality - at least at this age. I may wind up keeping her if I can't find her a home that will appreciate her.
So send up good thoughts and prayers that she will either find a home - or that I'll have peace about keeping her?
Wish we had the cage space...
I can't do this to a lot of my litters though. I am currently keeping three does for breeding (although I may let one go) - but as I see how other litters develop - I may rehome some of the three this fall if I get better quality offspring from the newest breedings.
Oh - and I need to tell y'all about a dream later. I'm too tired to tell it right - and I have to edit the language a bit because one of my rabbits has a potty mouth (and I blame that on Alicia).
Lol! :censored2:
Shame, shame, Ali.
But alas - I'll share the story tomorrow.