Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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I so enjoyed reading your entire blog in one sitting tonight..

Thank you so much...makes me miss having a plethra of bunnies around.. but I am content with my 15 in the rabbitry and 3 in the house..

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it..
:inlove: how on earth you manage to get any thing done with such cute distractions beats me:) john wayne films certainly are a great source for bunny names:)
hartleybun wrote:
:inlove: how on earth you manage to get any thing done with such cute distractions beats me:) john wayne films certainly are a great source for bunny names:)
That is what's been going wrong...I'm supposed to get things done! Aha...no wonder the house is a disaster.

Zin - you must've been really bored to read through my blog in one sitting...so which 3 do you have in the house?

And now....introducing (although you've already seen him)....you'll have to excuse his "grow-out" cage - he gets a real "big boy" cage this weekend..

[align=center]BIG JAKE








wow!!! that is one handsome gentleman - looks very worthy of his name! sometimes i think life is too short to bother with too much housework:biggrin2:
Tomorrow I'm meeting someone to look at my rabbits and pick one out to take home. I keep going back and forth on whether or not to take CJ (Calamity Jane). As much as I like the people - I'm not sure I can do that - heck - I'm gonna cry when they drive away with one of the kids....probably bawl like a baby.

Then someone is coming on Sunday to probably adopt one of the kids after they meet them.

By Monday I'll have two less kids....hopefully Big Jake will have his "big boy" cage...and I'll be bawling my eyes out most of the time.

Then I get to start rehoming Meatloaf's litter....

Oh - and I hope to have some more news to share soon - making a few final decisions....all I'll say is Mercury is gonna be one tired (and happy) buck.
I need to share a quick story about Big Jake.

Tonight Art & I were both at our desks when we heard a "thump". He asked me if I heard it and I was like, "yeah...who is upset?"

He laughed and said, "No one. Big Jake just did a dead bunny flop and that was him flopping in his cage".

Big Jake...yep - that's a good name for him.
TinysMom wrote:
I need to share a quick story about Big Jake.

Tonight Art & I were both at our desks when we heard a "thump". He asked me if I heard it and I was like, "yeah...who is upset?"

He laughed and said, "No one. Big Jake just did a dead bunny flop and that was him flopping in his cage".

Big Jake...yep - that's a good name for him.


Great name for the bunny! Slight irony here: our DOG'S name is "Jacob McCandles"...or Jake, for short. :biggrin2::biggrin:

We can't call him Big Jake, though...he's just a 20 lb. rat terrier.

Big Jake is a very handsome boy! I hope he likes his new big boy cage. With the DBF you heard, it sounds like he's one contented bun!
(Cross posting from rabbitry area)

Just a short update..

At 3:30 am I wound up deciding to go to the show. We packed up the Hollands and the flemmies I wanted to sell and off we went.

Cindy took BOB in both shows - I was in shock. She beat out her daddy and her sister.

I found out my buck really isn't that good (and I'll share reasons why later - after I get up).

I had a blast - I got to see broken flemish (that is a story in itself - I did take a few pictures) - and I came home with more rabbits.

However - I sold two flemish juniors as pets plus the one I wound up delivering on the way home....and I have someone coming tomorrow to pick up a flemish junior.

I came home with two more holland lops for my herd - what I think is a nicer buck and another broken tort doe that is a proven mom....something that I wanted as a backup even if she was just a brood doe.

I also won in the raffle a broken black polish doe. She's five years old and they just wanted to give her away - so she wound up being donated for the raffle table. I took one look at her face and knew I had to have her.

She is going to live out her retirement here with us.

More later - including pictures.

But the neat thing is - Cindy now has three legs and she isn't even a senior yet. The two judges today loved her- AND they really liked Sher too - but they couldn't get over Cindy's crown and how nice her crown and her ears are.

And now...to crash....
TinysMom wrote
Zin - you must've been really bored to read through my blog in one sitting...so which 3 do you have in the house?
Maddie and Mallory... cause it's getting warm.. I just moved them to the house.. I got a GIGANTIC dog kennel for free at the rollergirl garage sale.. I think it's meant for a great dane or something, and I had some shelves made for it and some sides..
And my 3 legged rabbit...Bruce Lee.

Lucky buns....those huge cages awesome (my three flemmie girls used to like to nap in Nyx's) - and with shelves...seventh heaven for bunnies.
Introducing Sasha - who needs a new name because our dog is named Sasha and its getting confusing to both animals..












I'm usually ok with the bunny raffles at shows....never really tried for a bunny before that I can remember. Sometimes you'll see breeding pairs up there - sometimes pet rabbits that can't be shown ....

But when I saw a 5 year old doe sitting in that cage - looking so sad and so scared....something called out to me. She didn't need to go somewhere and be bred...she needed to be treated with respect and dignity and loved.

Introducing - Moonlight's Angel....who is now our angel.









[align=left]She has already given me tons of kisses on the neck and shoulders as I hold her - and she's won both my heart and Art's heart with her shy - yet still spunky attitude.

Then she went and peed out the side of her cage - so it would go on the floor...

Good thing we already loved her...
Broken flemish giants (one of the reasons I went to the show)











i think the buck looks like a Simon and the doe looks like a Cecelia!

just my opinion though

and there is something in Angel's eyes that i just love. they seem almost. . . hopeful?

and the broken flemish. . . *drool*
katt wrote:
and there is something in Angel's eyes that i just love. they seem almost. . . hopeful?

and the broken flemish. . . *drool*
Yeah - there was something about her eyes that drew me to her...and not just cause she's bug-eyed.

The thing is when I first saw her - she looked so sad - and lonely - and lost. It was almost like she was saying to me, "Ever been in a crowd and still been lonely and scared?"

Yeah - I knew. I knew exactly how she felt.

Now - she looks...relaxed? At peace? She dead-bunny flops a LOT.

And as far as the broken flemish go - that was one of the main reasons I made the trip - to see them since they won't be in Austin on the 1st of May.

I have got to say I am in LOVE with the broken flemish. The breeder is planning to pull a COD this year probably and he's already 3 generations in with the broken sandies. The thing is - many long-time flemish breeders are not in favor of brokens at all - and I do understand their concern. Jack Langely - who I got my herd from at first - supports the idea of brokens and has even let them use his best bucks for the program. Juan Perez - who I got Calypso and Harmony from - and who has been breeding for 25 years - definitely does NOT support the idea of brokens. (I'm not going to go into all the reasons - many of which are genetic and how it could affect the herds of people in the years to come).

Part of me really really wants to breed the broken flemish. I think they're beautiful and I think people would really like them.

BUT - I'm currently in the process of developing my own line of flemish and I am probably keeping four or maybe five from my first litters for a bit - plus I'm going to be doing breedings this week to see who produces the best offspring with Mercury. (He's very happy and excited and the first doe is very upset with me tonight cause I changed my mind and decided to start breeding tomorrow instead of today).

If I bred the brokens - I could use Mercury - but I basically would have to keep everyone else out of the broken lines and vice versa. It would be like breeding three breeds - hollands, solid flemish and broken flemish.

I'd also be doing the brokens but not publicizing it because that might make some very respected breeders unwilling to work with me.

Anyway - I am really having a blast working with the animals - they really bring me such joy....
Peg, I love your new Hollands and Angel! Such beautiful rabbits. I just want to pick up "Sasha" and "Zuba" and smoosh them!!

I could see from the first picture that you are going to have some competition from Angel for Art's affection! :biggrin2: (He is such a softie...I love it.) She has such gorgeous markings. Kudos to you for listening to your heart and giving that little sweetie a wonderful, loving retirement. :thumbup Regarding going tinkle outside the cage: of course she had to mark her spot...draw the line, so to speak...so all the other buns would know to stay out of her new hutch! She's settling right in! ;)

Broken Flemmies!!! First time I've ever laid eyes on one! It's amazing. It's hard to get used to though. I look at one, and have to remind myself that it is a Flemish Giant...the eyes are so trained to see only Solids, I automatically start thinking, "Hm, wrong ear type, can't be an E-Lop...wrong fur type, can't be a standard Rex...."

How did it come about that the broken Flemmies were at the show? Was the breeder doing an exhibition or something? And did the judges take a look at them, like as a Special Category rabbit? Inquiring minds want to know...;)

Peg....the broken Flemish reminds me of a huge version of my Molly!

I LOVE Angel....must have more pictures of her! She looks so sweet and happy to be in Art's arms.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Peg, I love your new Hollands and Angel! Such beautiful rabbits. I just want to pick up "Sasha" and "Zuba" and smoosh them!!

Sasha and Zuba are in side by side cages (with bars that don't line up) and they spend a LOT of their time periscoping and flirting with each other. His cage is taller than hers too so if he periscopes - he can see Sher and flirt with her.

I had put Sasha beside Angel thinking that they're both fairly sociable breeds and Angel could have a friend.

I guess I forgot to tell that to Sasha...who wants a girlfriend when you can flirt with a buck??

I could see from the first picture that you are going to have some competition from Angel for Art's affection! :biggrin2: (He is such a softie...I love it.) She has such gorgeous markings. Kudos to you for listening to your heart and giving that little sweetie a wonderful, loving retirement. :thumbup Regarding going tinkle outside the cage: of course she had to mark her spot...draw the line, so to speak...so all the other buns would know to stay out of her new hutch! She's settling right in! ;)

I've been doing some reading about Polish and how long they can live, etc. I am seriously considering taking her in and getting her neutered when I get Sophia done later this year. I'm just so scared I'll lose her - but I have always regretted that I didn't get Miss Bea neutered by the age of 2 or 2 1/2.

Broken Flemmies!!! First time I've ever laid eyes on one! It's amazing. It's hard to get used to though. I look at one, and have to remind myself that it is a Flemish Giant...the eyes are so trained to see only Solids, I automatically start thinking, "Hm, wrong ear type, can't be an E-Lop...wrong fur type, can't be a standard Rex...."

I could not get over how nice they looked. They used checkered giants to get the broken pattern....and now they're on the third generation in from those crossings.

I have to admit - I am very fascinated by them.

How did it come about that the broken Flemmies were at the show? Was the breeder doing an exhibition or something? And did the judges take a look at them, like as a Special Category rabbit? Inquiring minds want to know...;)

Here in Texas they will let you put almost anything on the show table and let it be judged if there is a standard. Since the breeder has been writing a COD and working with folks from the standards committee on it (unofficially) - he wanted to bring them and get a judge to look at them and comment.

The time I saw them get judged...the judge did like them. He said they still had a ways to go...but he liked what he was seeing. I forget all of his comments but I have to say they did look nice. I think they're on their way towards some nice flemish.

The thing is - I have such mixed feelings about this. I'm concerned that when the COD is filed and then when the rabbits are presented and it goes before the club whether or not to work with them (I don't fully understand the whole process) - this could split the national club. Many many (MANY) long-term breeders are against the idea of broken flemish. Many newer breeders like the idea - along with some of the old-timers.

The breeder is going to have some broken light gray ready to go fairly soon and I keep going back and forth on it. I tell myself "no" for some fairly good reasons...then I look at the pictures of the brokens and go "breeding ONE wouldn't hurt if I did it on the side and never publicized it".

Anyway - I'm glad I could share the pictures with y'all.
undergunfire wrote:
Peg....the broken Flemish reminds me of a huge version of my Molly!

I LOVE Angel....must have more pictures of her! She looks so sweet and happy to be in Art's arms.
I really think the broken flemish are quite impressive in a way. I have to make myself stop looking at the pictures and thinking of them.

Angel is....its hard to explain. I know they're supposed to be a very active breed (now that I've looked them up) - BUT - she will just lay in my arms and snuggle - or get up on my chest and start kissing my neck and shoulders.

Its almost as if she's starved for love.

Art was very gracious about me winning her and he understood my concern due to her age. He said she needs a "retirement home" too.

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