Stee Thread 2007

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pretty flowers!

I wonder what kind of bun that wild one is, doesnt look like a cotton, does it?

PS I need a Mocha/Loki fix ;)
Hi there, just thought I'd jump in! I have two domestic buns and one wild one and they certainly do shed! The wild one doesn't lose quite as much fur but you can definitely see his moult line and his fur gets lighter and darker depending on the season.


Eek! Sorry, forgot to reply!

The buns are good. I had a fairly good bathtub session with the whities (LOL) tonight. This Saturday I'm going to go meet Julie (Treasured Friend). Hooray! I'm trying to get a hold of some hay for her too. She suggested bringing the three bonding beasts down with me and I just might do that. An hour-long car ride might do them some good. And I'm just super excited to meet another bunny person face to face. :D

Loki is blowing his coat like there's no tomorrow. Mocha seems to have decided that she likes being held and cuddled, just not being picked up. Wierd little cutie.

Oh, and that wild bun is an Eastern Cottontail. That's all we have here, although supposedly they get a few snowshoe hares up north. Really rare though. He does look more slender than the ones I'm used to seeing where I grew up. Local subspecies/varieties aren't unusual though. I grew up in prairie/marsh country in the middle of the state, now I'm on Lake Michigan where there used to be sand dunes and forest. That could account for the differences. And yes, wild buns do have seasonal molts.

Oh, and did I tell you that the wild bunny flicks us off? Who does he think he is?:p
Sorry, no bunny pictures yet. But I do have this pic that I'm really proud of. It's two damselflies mating.

I do want to share that I finally got to visit Julie (Treasured Friend) yesterday. It was awesome! She has a beautiful house, filled to the brim with bunny cages because of the babies her rescues had. I don't know how she keeps that many bunnies so well taken care of, but she does. I got to snuggle and pet a lot of them. I think I fell in love with Karla, her disabled Harlequin girl. She was so sweet and gentle, and she can really move for not being able to use her legs! When we left her room she came right after us demanding more attention.:D

I had brought Oberon, Fey, and Sprite in the car with me so Julie got to meet them. They all rode together in the car both ways and had a bonding session in her kitchen. Julie has all mid-size to larger buns, so tiny little Sprite was very different for her. Now I just need to learn Julie's gift for trancing. My buns put up a fuss when I do it, but not for her!

And I promise I'll try to get pics of Mocha and Loki sometimes soon! Honest!
I can't believe you got to meet Julie ,Angela I just e-mailed her that I thought that someday I hoped to meet her.

If I hadn't been with grouchy Jim the day I brought Oberon I could have at least gone in that restaurant with you and talked.....
maybe someday all of us Wi rabbit people can get together Cara, Julie, Angela and me. :Dand anyone I missed
Thats so great you got to meet Julie and her fuzzbutts! Im jealous!

So how are the three getting along? Do they fight once theyre out of the car or what?
Today when Angela was feeding the rabbits, I was standing in the door eating a frozen juice bar (rasberry) when I decided to let the bunnies have a nibble. Angela thought this was funny and ran to get the camera. Here is what they thought of the frozen treat.

Fey and Sprite loved it and were biting off as much as they could. Soon after they were doing mad binkies and racing around (sugar high?)

Oberon wasn't sure what to do with it and only sniffed it a bit and chinned and licked it tentatively, but he was also grumpy at the time because he was in temporary lock down so that others could run a bit.

Loki seemed to not be sure of it until he licked it once, then he took two big bites before dashing off (maybe he thought he was being naughty)

Mocha was hesitant until Loki took his bites, then came over and sniffed it. She then rested her chin on the popsicle for a second or two. After that she would draw away sharply (probably got too cold for her). She did this three times, then backed slowly away. After that, if we approached her with it, she got into a "I will kill you if you get closer!" defensive stance.


haha great pics!

My bunnies love strawberry banana smoothies and always mooch off me whenever I have one. And I love those fruit juice bars (strawberry)! I cant eat them around Basil and Max because they will beg for a bite, they are addicted!
Mr. Stee posted pictures!!:pinkelepht::inlove::wave:

This RO community becomes more of a treasure each day. One of the best ways to spend a Saturday afternoon? Holding Angela and James' kids and visiting with mr and mrs stee!! The popsicle pics are smilemakers.

While Angela and James were here, Oberon, Fey and Sprite mighta felt they had a paparazzi psycho.Very grateful Angela didn't clobber me for wanting to snap so many photos. I was reluctant, too, to let go of her sweeties, because holding them just made me melt. naturestee, you are too kind with your words.

Mom nDad stee's little ones are quite adorable, irresistable,and addicting compared to our larger-size clan. Lemme see if those snuggler pics can be posted somewhere? Meanwhile,memories of the day will be smiles for many years to come. If only we all couldn't be closer and have (more) opps to hold aget-together; haley,maureen, cara... Let's come up with a plan.

Love the photos. Karla and all send you guys a snuggle!
Ha ha! Julie, have you SEEN how many pics I take of my pets? They don't notice flashy cameras at all, they're a normal occurrence here.:D

Haley, they got along just fine in the car. They were a bit snippy when they were in the house, but we did have to separate them for a while so we could turn our backs on them and meet Julie's furry crew. Fey was mostly busy staring out the window while Sprite staked out a litter box for her territory and Oberon explored and got snuggled.

I still love how silly Mocha was last night with the popsickle! :roflmao:
For Angela and aussie bunny mummy: Our yard cottontail came binkying one evening from the blue spruce tree, !-BINKYS by a COTTONTAIL-!, when I called her name. We witnessed her doing a contented bunny flop. Have her side flip belly pose on digital. Nacho Beeler (male cottontail) did a contended flop for us too! Yes, indeed, I believe they will flick you off. The e/c binky dance was a sight to see!

They really know how to show their emotions and feelings at times. :)

Sending your sixth bunny good vibes and safe garden treats.

I've always wondered about wild bunnies... in the wild! My little wild one binkies and flops but he is inside our home, always! Very safe! That's great to hear they binky and flop, and in full view for you! My wild bunny "Binky" does flop, but almost always keeps his head upright so he doesn't trance himself. That must be so special for you to see your eastern cottontail flop and binky!
Aw, that's so neat that you got to meet Julie! It sounds like you all had a very nice time;).

Those popsicle pics are so cute, that's funny. Thanks for sharing those:D. I'll have to try that sometime. Hubby had an ice cream cone once and introduced it to the buns and they didn't really have any interest, especially Snuff, who seemed scared of it:shock:. Haha.
Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen your crew. I just love them (all of them), and your pictures of their antics are great and really show how much fun it is just to have them around the house. :) Great action shots too!
Yay, I finally took more pictures! First, Oberon relaxing by the girls. He's been doing this a lot more lately.


Sprite being "abused." She was not a happy girl. But it does distract her when she gets mad at Oberon during bonding sessions. Then she's more mad at us then him for a while.


The bunnies all got new toys last night. I've had them for a while but I've been hoarding them for when they got bored with their other ones. I got these from an online bird store but they're also sold at Bunny Bytes. They're balsa wood, so they're soft wood that is kind of spongy. I think I'm going to try making them myself since they like them.

It has the Princess Mocha seal of approval!

Loki wants in on the fun too.

Fey and Sprite went nuts on theirs. This is after only one night.

Bunny foot!

It's not easy being queen...


Back off! My vent!


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