Stee Thread 2007

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Thanks! I get action shots by sittingaround with the camera in my hand for way longer than I reallyshould.:) When I think they're going to do something, I focusthe camera on the area I think they'll be in (press the button half waydown) and then click the button once they start to move. I'vedeleted tons of pictures where I only end up getting a butt, or alittle bit of flying foot, or a bunny sitting on the ground after theworld's most fabulous binky. Having a decent camera helps,although mine is nothing special. And I never use the red-eyesetting because it guarantees that by the time the camera actuallytakes the picture, the rabbit will already be on the other side of theroom staring at your flashing box.

Cheryl, I think Loki has learned to stay out of Mocha's way.If she wants it, she won't stop at anything to get it. He'sprobably been smacked enough times to know better.
No, we didn't change anything. Thereis a Sport setting for fast-moving stuff, but we never useit. Nothing seems to turn out right when we do.
Ok, first a cute video. I wish myvideo file converter program didn't degrade the quality somuch. This was crystal clear in the originalfile.:? Anyway, Sprite has been really aggressive and gruntylately so I thought I'd get a video for all of you who have never beengrunted at before. Low and behold the little beast stopsgrunting! It's funny though.

Now for more Mocha and Loki pics. Here's proof that I don'talways get my good shots. Mocha is hard to photograph becauseshe's super fast and less predictable than the others.Binkying over Loki:


Loki binky!

Shall I jump over this or not?

Praying for Mocha's twin Pipp:


And she flopped!

I love Loki in this one.

This face could get away with murder.

And this face could do murder! Kiss my lips, slave!

Kitty time!

Yay, a clear pic of Eve!


It was so warm that we opened the windows to air the house out. Mmm, the smells of spring!




She keeps trying to get those fish...

Great pics and I love the video!

Your bunnies are all so adorable! Mocha's facial expressions remind meof Lucy sometimes...its the "bow down to theprincess" look ;)

Do we get an Oberon update as well?
Angela wonderful pictures as always! Great video, I love when people put videos on their blogs.:D

I think I need Mocha!!:hyper: One of the cutest buns in the world.
It's been way too long since I updated this. I don't have any new good pics of the buns, but I do have two stories to share about Fey the "innocent" troublemaker.

1st story- I was cleaning out Fey and Sprite's litterboxes when I heard a little kerplunk-scrabble-scrabble from the bathroom. I went to check it out, and there was Fey. IN the bathtub, which was all wet because I just took a shower. She was sitting very very upright and had this look on her face that said "What took you so long, Momma?" She all but jumped into my arms, getting me wet in the process. When I put her down she went off to do some binkies like nothing happened.

2nd story- Loki and Mocha's pen is right next Fey and Sprite's. It has to walls of NIC panels with 2 inches in between. I also keep pieces of cardboard and paper grocery bags in between because Mocha gets stressed if she sees Fey and Sprite too much. Well, I was sitting down petting Oberon while all the other buns were in their pens. Somebun had been playing with the stuff between the walls and there was a bunny-width gap allowing the buns to see each other. Fey hopped up to the gap, put her front paws on the NIC wall, and did a long stretch and yawn. Mocha immediately ran over and got into an aggressive posture. Fey sat there. Mocha started pushing her nose through her side of the wall, trying to bite Fey. Fey stuck her nose in her side a little, just far enough that Mocha couldn't actually latch on. Mocha was going nuts and Loki was grooming Mocha's butt in an attempt to calm her down. Eventually Fey got bored with her taunting and hopped away. Cheeky monkey!
I lied, I do have a new bunny pic! Here is what James calls "my sixth bunny." He's in the yard most days, and has a taste for my English Daisies, strawberries, and pea vines. :?


Some pretty flower pics from my yard. Cherry flowers:


Mock Orange Bush flowers:



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