Stee Thread 2007

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but...

maherwoman wrote:
He knows when we get a house within a couple years, that I plan on having a bedroom (or two) dedicated to bunnies...and to also have dogs, and cats, and gerbils, and birds, and and and.....HAHA!! Heck, I plan to also foster when we have the room! (And then, ya know, they'll probably be staying once I see their cute little faces...)
Rosie, cross the gerbils off your list. They're illegal here in CA, just like ferrets, hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and Quaker & Monk parakeets.<WBR>/ah/faqna.htm]http://www.cdfa<WBR>[/url]
This gives you time to pick a new species!

I just wrote an english paper on why ferrets should be legalized. I&#39;d love a hedgehog.

-Stee&#39;s, the animals are looking beautiful, as usual. I&#39;m especially a Loki fan.
That&#39;s so husband mentioned the other day how he&#39;d like a hedgehog...that&#39;s one I didn&#39;t know was illegal. Real shame, too...they&#39;re so cute!
Just to prove I didn&#39;t fall off the world, I decided to post the next pictures. Usually I poke around on Angela&#39;s log because I am too lazy to log out and log in again and I have gotten in the habit of just reading and not posting.

This pic is from a lap bonding session. Usually we only do two rabbits at once, but I was able to nab Sprite while Angela had the other two and I plunked her down in the mix.

And a close up of the Lord himself, Oberon

Mr. Stee wrote:
Now isn&#39;t this the look of ecstasy followed by a sly smile on the occasion of being sandwiched by two beautiful girls? :biggrin:

Priceless pics!! :thanks:

Nose pats to all!(includingMr. Stee, nice to see you post!)

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance:<WBR>:bunnydance::bunnydance:<WBR>:bunnydance:
Oh, absolutely too cute for words...especially that grin from Lord Oberon in the final shot.

The girls don&#39;t look too unhappy, either! Hehe...;)

I hope you're not expecting me to give this pillow back!

Why yes, I am comfy. Why do you ask?

Run away! Run away!

Is it just me or do they look suspicious?

I disapprove of you replacing my favorite chair!

LOL, those are some GUILTY bunny looks in the sofa picture. No, not causing trouble, never...

And is that little Miss Fey or Sprite that looks so comfy on that pillow. Great pics!! I love your crew.

Oh goodness! Your bunnies and kitties are too adorable!! You take great pictures as well :apollo::kiss:
Hehe!! Those are WONDERFUL!!! :D

I just love your babies...they're all so beautiful (or handsome in thecase of the boys)!! I love the looks you capture...:)

Ok ok! It hasn't been thatlong! I have a few pictures from last night. All ofthe bunnies were binkying like mad and running around like loons,although I didn't think to get the camera till Mocha and Loki were out,and they were the last ones.

I'll get some later today. I want to get pics of the game collection too, to prove how geeky we are.:D
That picof LordOberon is almost intimidating!!:shock: He looks like the rabbit version of a mad SeanConnery!!!

I wouldn't mess with him... :no:

Ras, you're just scared of big bunnies. Seriously, he's a mush!:D

Since Alicia insisted, here's some more pics. Lots of Mocha, because the little princess deserves it.:)

Another pic of Lily being way too comfortable. I don't havemany pics of Eve because it's so hard to get clear pictures of blackanimals.

Who, me? I'm being good for once!

Loki doing a sliding turn in a Bunny 500.


I believe I shall call this Loki's Lounge. And I will beserved Craisins by loyal slaves, and groomed by many beautiful, gentle(!) lady buns.


Obey me, slave!

Mocha's usual hay-eating position. Perfectly placed so the poops land on the floor.:disgust:

Or she does this...


Bunny Brigade, charge!

Mmm, can't talk. Mouth full.

Great Pictures! Ilove the mid-air leap into the hay basket!Sebreacts just about the same way each time we reload his. Isn't it nicethat they can find such joy in the simple pleasures in life?:)
Oh my gosh! even looks like Loki is ducking while Mocha jumps rightover him LOL


Awesome pictures!


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