Soooska's Six Amigos 2008

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SOOOSKA wrote:
Susan - this is one of the cutest things I have even seen! :inlove:You seriously have some beautiful rabbits!:big kiss:
Thanks Jess, I just love watching Wilbur & Jackie together, they are so in :heartbeat:"Love":heartbeat: with each other. So saying that here are a few more pictures of them from this morning. :craziness





So I just discovered you can do all this fancy stuff on Photobucket (DAH), so here's my first master piece. LOL


I feel sorryfor everyone on RO, because I'm going to play with photobucket fromnow onand decorate my pictures. :craziness

Here are a few pictures of Buttercup we took on Sunday when we had him outside with us for a while. My goodness pictures are so much nicer with the natural sunlight.

We're going to bring all of them out to get pictures.I can hardly wait to see Daisy Mae and Winston's eyes in the natural sunlight.











Haley Buttercup sends lots of kisses to you.:kiss1:

I love love allllllllllll your bunnies. Wilbur and Jackie are just so special though. You cannot help but see that pic and not go awwwwwwwwwwww. I think we should bring copies of pics of them together to all sad people and show them something to smile about. Thank you for sharing. Made my day :biggrin2:
Love all the new pics, Susan! Yeah, my camera makes it look kinda like nighttime outside if I use the flash. So, now I turn the flash off and I get great pics.

I bet they love being outside:)!

What is that in Daisy Mae's mouth in her pics?
Yay I just joined here and I'm so glad I found your post. I loved Winston so much when he was posted over on Lagomorph Lounge and I'm so glad I found more pictures of him. yay!
Thanks Drunkenbunnyhugger, he's a real sweetheart and so is Vega. I can't imagine our lives without them. Vega is a real lover, she lets us pick her up and pet her all the time.

They live in our bedroom (or should I say wesleep in their room LOL)which is so nice as we always get to play & talk to them. At first when they came we had them in Daisy Mae's room but Vega and her did not like each other, so we had to move them. Our first thought was to but them in the basement but them i thought we'd really not get to see them that often so I suggested to Hubby that they go in our room. He was a little hesitant as I do have allergies but I kinda said I would put up with them. We have a really good Hepa filter so all has worked out.

I love all the new pics! Especially the ones of Buttercup outside. Hes such a special boy.

Winston looks so cozy in all those pics- he must think Vega is his pillow :)I can see how her face is getting better but now her head area looks pretty bad. Poor dear- I hope Winston will stop with the overgrooming soon!
So my sweet "little " Daisy Mae is starting to get a complex. Her Daddy keeps calling her "His Mini Sizzler Sausage", she's not impressed as she feels she is quite svelt.

She would like to know what all of you think.

Soooska & Daisy Mae "Dutchess of Ajax"


Hi everyone I miss everyone so much. I can't get onto RO from my home computer, I'm at a friends right now. I can't wait till I can log on from home. I have tons of new pictures to post.

Hope to see everyone soon.

Hugs to all of you.


Aww tell Daisy Mae we think shes beautiful just as she is. If she needs a boyfriend, Mr. Kirby the lionhead is available, you know :)

We miss you here, Susan! Try deleting your cookies and such when you get home just in case. Its not the same without you!