Soooska's Six Amigos 2008

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Thanks everyone. Yeah Amy I have the water bottle with the marbles for all of them. They do like playing with them. Note though they can be loud. LOL

More pictures of the "Love Bunnies" "Gosh they are Cute"






I loved the video, Susan! He is such a special boy. I love how he licks his basket- hes such a little lover.

I loved how when I was visiting he would just come up and lick my hand. :)Give him a kiss from me. I miss my little friend. :)
Thanks Haley, Buttercup sends you lots of kisses to and wants to know when you are coming to visit him again.

He seems to be much better, he still has the odd mucous in his poo's but really theirs nothing else we can do unless we want to do a scope and I sure as heck am not going to put him through that. Honestly you'd never know he was almost 10, he's more active than the rest of my "Lazy Bones"


Thanks Montana.

Here are a few more picturesof the "Love Bunnies" GoshI love:heartbeat: them so much, I just can't get enough pictures of them. So here we go again.







Theres my babies! I just want to scoop that little Winston up and snuggle him!

Vega's hair looks a little better, is it coming back in?
Your bunnies are gorgeous as ever Susan....I really love Jackie and Wilbur though they look so snuggy's so sweet :)

I love this picture


I'm yet to catch my bunnies yawning on camera....bribery just didn't work with them ;)

Little Winston and Miss Vega! Thanks for the new pic of those babies! I still cannot believe they were at my house;).

Give them a kiss from me, Susan! Little sweetie pies.:D
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Little Winston and Miss Vega! I still cannot believe they were at my house;).
I cant believe we all had Winston and let him get away! lol. Its amazing he didnt get bunnynapped on the way. Maybe cuz we knew he was going to such an amazng family :)
Haley wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Little Winston and Miss Vega! I still cannot believe they were at my house;).
I cant believe we all had Winston and let him get away! lol. Its amazing he didnt get bunnynapped on the way. Maybe cuz we knew he was going to such an amazng family :)
We did, Haley, we did:D. He's so darn cute! So is Vega, she's just beautiful as well. Love those babies;).
They are such a beautiful couple. :)

I love theirblanket too- you need to make those pillows and sell them. I'll buy a bunch. All the bunnies love Auntie Susan's pillows.
Gourgeous wabbits. I'm in love with Daisy Mae and so is CJ (they would make a cute couple, hm? *cough* hehehe *cough* :p ) and I am in love with Winston's markings!! <3