Soooska's Six Amigos 2008

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Thanks everyone. Daisy Mae loves the salt spools, Wilbur & Jackie lick theirs every so often, Buttercup has one he licks it every now and then. Winston and Vega don't have them. Gosh I hope they aren't bad for them, she'd be really upset if we had to take them away.

Haley I can't believe Wilbur & Jackie were ever that small, they are little "Porkers" now. Well Chris says it's the type of fur they have, "it's fluffy". I think I'll stick with that story too.:laugh:



I must take their St Patrick's Day Photos soon.:clover:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Ijust read someplace not to let them have those tho? is that right?
They arent harmful at all, just unnecessary. If the bunnies like them its fine to let them have them; they just dont need themlike people used to believe,

A couple pictures of Chubby & Chubbier.




And one of the Dutchess with a dirty nose.



Ok so we weighed all the Babies yesterday. Here are their weights:

Wilbur..............6.44 lbs

Vega................5.57 lbs

Jackie...............5.38 lbs

Daisy Mae........4.39 lbs

Buttercup.........3.54 lbs

Winston...........3.39 lbs

ROFLOL......I had tears in my eyes.

Why is it that rabbits don't want to play when we turn the camera on? Do they think they're gonna get in trouble if we record their behavior?

I loved the videos.....and something strikes me about Daisy Mae.....a question.

Does she have days where she's happy and lovey dovey and other days where she's grumpy?

I ask because sometimes she looks just like a princess - and other times she looks like a very perturbed princess.....and Miss Bea is like that.....has her cooperative days and even more uncooperative days.

Anyway....I loved watching the to get them to wear their Easter Bonnets and play in the snow....

Thanks everyone for the compliments.

And yes Peg the Dutchess can be very Lovey Dovey with me and then be a real Grumpy Head. You should hear her grunt she sounds like a little Piggy. Honest ask Crystal she laughed the first time she heard it.

Here's a few more pictures of the Babies.









I love the videos and the new photos!

I was laughing out loud watching prince Buttercup not play in the snow. I think he was probably too excited to be in Daisy Mae's room! lol

Peg, Daisy Mae can be a fiesty little thing- she grunts likea little piggie when shes upset! Its so funny coming from such a beautiful little princess.

Susan, give Winston and Vega a kiss from me. I miss that little Winston everytime I see his face. Hes such a little doll!
Here's a few pictures of Wilbur & Jackie, we cleaned our carpet today so they were locked in their cage. Once it dried I let them out, I was on my the computer in Daisy Mae's room when I looked up and saw this. It's a good thing I was upstairs all I would have needed was them to wonder into Winstons & Vegas room.




then this




All Daisy Mae did the whole time they were in her room was this.


Then she came to see me.




They are now in their room with the baby gates up.
Haley I think she knows they are in here, the two of them actually stood up and looked in her cage. Many times she will go stand outside their door with one or both on the other side looking at her.

I really think that one day the 3 of them can be bonded. Haley would you like to come and visit me for a week in the summer to help me bond them?:p

Haha, we'll see. I dont know if I could make the drive again- last time I was such an exhausted mess when I got home! ;)You should get Nadia to come try sometime-shes good at bonding too!

SOOOSKA wrote:
all I would have needed was them to wonder into Winstons & Vegas room.
And I just noticed this and I love that youre now calling your bedroom "Winston and Vega's Room!" Youre a true bunny slave!
Here's a few more picturesof Daisy Mae and one of Wilbur & Jackie.




Gosh she's cute if I may say so myself.

Tha Love "Bunnies"



I wantsssss Wilbur and Jackie :biggrin2:!

OHHH...Susan...that is such a neat idea to put marbles inside of a soda bottle! I never would have thought of that. I am so trying it!