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BethM wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
Thank you! Yuck, I can't imagine sinus surgery- just the thought of someone going in there (wherever, however) makes me shudder! I still feel freaked out about Dotty's claw up my nose the other day lol!
I noticed the dr. didn't tell me exactly HOW he was going to surgerize my nose and sinuses...he probably figured I'd run out the door screaming! The first surgery was the hardest, as I had a deviated septum, so they had to basically take my nose "off", break the bone, and reset it. OUCH!!! I looked like Karl Malden for 3 days. The second one was easier, but still took a bit of recovery.

Defo not fun, but well worth it in the long run. I hardly have sinus infections anymore, maybe once a year when a catch a cold. So I guess, even KNOWING now about how it would be, I would still do it.

I've also had two surgeries for chronic sinusitis. Both times, I had polyps in all of my sinus cavities, so nothing could ever drain properly. The first surgery, I also had my deviated septum corrected, and was the most difficult. (For mine, though, the septum was just cut at a couple places, bent into the correct spot, and stitched.)

I made my doctor tell me all the details, though! I'm the kinda person who wants to know exactly what is going on.

Like WabbitMom, I hardly ever have sinus infections now, maybe once or twice a year when my allergies are especially bad. Jen, I know the saline rinse sort of freaks you out, but it helps a bunch. I canclear upan infection with a few days of saline rinses when I first notice it.
They do, really scare me! I'd like to help alleviate my symptoms, but I'm not sure if I could put water up my nose on purpose.... How do you do them? Maybe I'll think about it!

Steve called the doctors this morning for me because I hardly slept last night for the pain, even with co-codamol. My doctor called and diagnosed a sinus infection over the phone, so now I have doxycycline to take!

Steve went and picked it up for me, and I took it just now, so I sure hope it starts helping soon. I have my CT scan this evening and I just know the whirry-noise of the scanner is going to make me super dizzy and make the pain worse! When I had my MRI scan I had to ask the nurses if the bed moved at all (it didn't) because everything kept revolving really fast side-to-side :shock:

Oh gosh I'm such a moaner! Listen to me!

Aww Spring, I feel ya!! There were a few days we were literally dying. My dad said "Oh we don't need the AC, there's a breeze!" it was already 90F at 10 am. We should have known. :p Then it just got hotter and eventually we we all were stripped down to our skivvies just sitting LMAO.
The doxycycline made me throw up violently for ages, and I've felt super-nauseous all afternoon. I went for my CT scan this evening, which was over in about 5-10 minutes, but it wasn't pleasant. There's a part of the scanner that has clear plastic/glass, and the scanner-thingy whirrs round insite it at top speed, and I was right underneath, so I had to stare at it the whole time, and it made everything spin violently when I came out :(

Also, this afternoon, I wanted to go and lie down, but I got waylaid by yet another sick bumblebee, and a homing pigeon landing in my living room! Had to feed them and water them both and try to nurse them both back to health! More in a seperate thread!
mouse_chalk wrote:
They do, really scare me! I'd like to help alleviate my symptoms, but I'm not sure if I could put water up my nose on purpose.... How do you do them? Maybe I'll think about it!
I use this.

The packet is salt and maybe some bicarbonate of soda to make it more gentle, and it's pre-measured. I just empty one packet into the bottle, and fill with lukewarm water. (My water is good, so I just use tap.) I tilt my head sideways over the bathroom sink. Put the top of the bottle to the nostril that is up, and gently squeeze. The water runs through and out the other nostril. (I also tip my face forward a bit, so the water won't go down the back of my throat.)

The instructions are to use half the bottle on each side, but I sometimes use a whole bottle on each side. The water flow helps to wash out irritants, like pollen and dust, and also infection if it's present. The salt helps to dry out the membranes just a bit. It doesn't make you dry like in cold dry winter air, but it just reduces swelling.

The first couple of times I did it, it was uncomfortable, and I was really tense. After a bit, though, I was able to relax and it doesn't bother me any more. I now feel much better after doing the rinse, if I've been having problems.
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im anoyed, confused messed up, and feeling in an arty mood so i might do some art

*snaps becca*
i don't know really. i haven't been the same since 'you know what happened' everyone keeps going we want the old becca back and i'm like. what if this is me now? they don't understand. I haven't spoken to any of my real life friends (best way to explain) apart from paul. I am getting faaar to attached to him - i keep doing this i shouldn't because im always the one that gets hurt. but i just have a habit of doing it. thats why i felt lonely last night because paul couldn't come online he text me saying he couldn't get on and i was so upset! i don't even know why! gaaa!!
paul2641 wrote:
This Paul is your drama teacher right?
He's not the teacher its like a drama group we're all in it no teachers Theres a director but that changes everytime. We're doing a show at the moment so i see him every wednesday
Becca wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Becca you have to find something that brings you joy not someone. You can never base your happiness on someone else.
:expressionless i dont know - the person who brought me happiness has died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no one brings you happyness, you chosse to let it in, and can alsoo make it your self, so becca, get over it! be happy.. i need you to be:(
Don't you still talk to your friend Fay? Don't worry the old Becca will come back, you just need time, I can see you coming around a bit already.
irishlops wrote:
Becca wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Becca you have to find something that brings you joy not someone. You can never base your happiness on someone else.
:expressionless i dont know - the person who brought me happiness has died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no one brings you happyness, you chosse to let it in, and can alsoo make it your self, so becca, get over it! be happy.. i need you to be:(
i don't want to get over it. i can't! whats supposed to make me happy?

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