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irishbunny wrote:
Don't you still talk to your friend Fay? Don't worry the old Becca will come back, you just need time, I can see you coming around a bit already.
yeah i talk to her. haven't spoken to her in a while but shes still my best mate. just havent spken to her this week.

i think i'm getting somewhere when i can smile but then i listen to a certain mj song and i just can tstop crying again.

Becca wrote:
irishlops wrote:
Becca wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Becca you have to find something that brings you joy not someone. You can never base your happiness on someone else.
:expressionless i dont know - the person who brought me happiness has died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no one brings you happyness, you chosse to let it in, and can alsoo make it your self, so becca, get over it! be happy.. i need you to be:(
i don't want to get over it. i can't! whats supposed to make me happy?
His music, his body is gone but his spirit is here. Do him justice and live life.
:hug: Becca...

I know that you feel like you wont ever get 'back to normal' again right now- but you will- you will feel better, and happier. I think that all of us- definitely me, have had things happen in our life, where we feel like we will never get over it, and never feel happy again, but we do. It wont be an overnight thing- you wont wake up one morning and suddenly feel great and stop feeling so unhappy, but in time, you will feel happier, and more like your old self- except you'll be stronger, because you'll have come through it. And I know that I was never a big fan or anything, but you were, and you have stuck by that the whole time, despite people telling you to be otherwise, and all the negative comments that you got on Facebook. That already shows what a strong person you are! And Grace is right, I can see some of the 'old you' coming back a bit already :)

mouse_chalk wrote:
:hug: Becca...

I know that you feel like you wont ever get 'back to normal' again right now- but you will- you will feel better, and happier. I think that all of us- definitely me, have had things happen in our life, where we feel like we will never get over it, and never feel happy again, but we do. It wont be an overnight thing- you wont wake up one morning and suddenly feel great and stop feeling so unhappy, but in time, you will feel happier, and more like your old self- except you'll be stronger, because you'll have come through it. And I know that I was never a big fan or anything, but you were, and you have stuck by that the whole time, despite people telling you to be otherwise, and all the negative comments that you got on Facebook. That already shows what a strong person you are! And Grace is right, I can see some of the 'old you' coming back a bit already :)
thanks.. yeah those comments on facebook were so mean! :pssd: stupid people :twitch:
and i will carry on his legacy foorrreeevvvverr now i dont know what to do about this Paul thing. I don't understand how i always get so attachted to people!!! grrrrrrr but i love talking to him! Hes awesome! I tell myself that its good i have someone i trust and who understands me then i go but its wierd i hate not talking to him!


oh well.
Becca wrote:
irishlops wrote:
Becca wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Becca you have to find something that brings you joy not someone. You can never base your happiness on someone else.
:expressionless i dont know - the person who brought me happiness has died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no one brings you happyness, you chosse to let it in, and can alsoo make it your self, so becca, get over it! be happy.. i need you to be:(
i don't want to get over it. i can't! whats supposed to make me happy?
who made you happy before mj? mmhh
I'll try to be honest with you without making you despair.

Grief is a pain in many different ways. It takes its own time which sometimes is or feels like a very long time. The feelings do change though,-they become less intense as the time passes. This doesn't mean you are forgetting who you have lost, simply that you are adjusting to not having them in your life anymore.

Keepingoccupied is a good tactic and finding an outlet for your emotions in a way that helps you is a good thing. If you are the creative type, use those skills to produce something (song, story, collage, drawing etc.) to express yourself. It could turn out to be theraputic:). Sadness of any kind can change how you think about life, but underneath it all you are still Becca with your likes, dislikes, sense of humour and talents.

Be kind to yaself girl.

Jo xx
Mmm first married anecdote:

So I was in the shower earlier and I was washing my feet, and they just didn't look CLEAN no matter how hard I scrubbed. So I called Alexis in and I go "Watch this!" and scrub and scub and still, look dirty. Alexis looks at me, looks at my feet, looks at me, and goes "... Your feet got tanned, you giant dork."

UGh, its been a crappy week.My headaches/ back problems have been bad. I spent 2 night in the hospital and I haven't been able to get out of bed for more then 2 mins at a time.My mom made me go to the hospital since I was in so much pain. I resisted because there is nothing they can do besides give me some strong pain meds(after waiting 5 hours and having to explain everything, not worth it for me!). So I got my pain meds(which didn't do anything) and then came home. i've been so drugged up since tuesday and I hate that drugged up feeling. The meds dont' even really stop the pain. My head is pounding with my pulse and I can't move my neck/back.

I'm really hoping this episode ends soon. I dont' know much much more I can take. Stupid headache!

*end rant* I'm going to crawl back to bed now :(
SunnyCait wrote:
Mmm first married anecdote:

So I was in the shower earlier and I was washing my feet, and they just didn't look CLEAN no matter how hard I scrubbed. So I called Alexis in and I go "Watch this!" and scrub and scub and still, look dirty. Alexis looks at me, looks at my feet, looks at me, and goes "... Your feet got tanned, you giant dork."

Its been a pretty good day so far - hope to top it off with watching some episodes of SyFy's "Warehouse 13" on so I'll be caught up with Eric and Art.

I've had such fun playing with bunnies today....makes me remember why I love them so much...
A little update of my own: I've spent all day throwing up on and off, and with the kind of nausea, you know where you think you're going to throw up, to the point where your chin starts wobbling? All day:( I've been curled up in a ball on the sofa pretty much hugging my laptop and reading and posting on RO for comfort- I didn't eat a thing all day until about 9pm when I had a salad. Steve went to Ikea especially to buy me a blanket to snuggle under, which is what I've been doing all evening. And my sinuses still feel like they're going to explode. :(

Chalk just did a binky so high, she landed on the sofa! She looked a bit shocked at first, but soon recovered and took on the very important job of digging my new blanket. Mouse has just jumped up to join her :rollseyes

If it wasn't for these bunnies..... I'd be soooo bored! (And the owner of a lot more blankets) :p
Awesome! I got the results of the spinal tap they did when I was in the hospital last week. Turns out I have Viral Meningitis again. WooHoo! Part in my spinal fluid and everyone is invited!

I"m glad I wouldn't let them admit in the hospital. Last time they pumped me full of super antibiotics for 2 weeks with no result. I"m starting to feel a bit better. I have to keep taking tons of pain meds and steroids but at least i'm in my own bed and not trapped in the hospital.

Ugh, stupid headache
im super annoyed, crital and scared..
im going ALL the way up to they royal victora hospital belfast. 2hrs away, getting my heart moniter read by the machine and...
"sorry we dont know whats wrong"
like... for gods sake! they dont even knwo if its my heart or not!!! i know they are trying but im sick of it not working..
and my mum is talking crap about her sucide and dad, and divorce and, i really just want to pretend nothing ever happened..
pewh! now thats off my chest.. im ging to get changed for the docs. i need to wear soemthing easier for them to access the moniter.

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