Well-Known Member
I'm bummed the US lost to Mexico.
edited to add: in soccer. hehe.
edited to add: in soccer. hehe.
I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle, Karen- I'll be thinking of you and your family :hug:Feelin' blue. My favorite uncle has throat cancer. He hasn't eaten or drank for 3 days, so we think he's just given up. It just makes me so sad. My parents are so close to my aunt and uncle and it's very hard on them too.
I take pictures of everything and anything. Most of thepicture are for myself but some of my pictures show up in the papers.Pet_Bunny:Cool so what type of photography you into? Will you be attending the indy car racing?
Cool I would love to get into photography, That looks really cool the area looks really nice.paul2641 wrote:I take pictures of everything and anything. Most of thepicture are for myself but some of my pictures show up in the papers.Pet_Bunny:Cool so what type of photography you into? Will you be attending the indy car racing?
I didn't go to the Indy Car races. It wasless than10 blocks from where I work, and the engine noises was so loud.
Here is a view of the back part of the standsfrom the street. The race track is on the city airport runway.
Cool I would love to get into photography, That looks really cool the area looks really nice.
Sounds like something is going on with he having difficulties at work, or with his health at all? Thing is, I think, for men at least, it's more difficult to come to terms with lessening of physical fitness (this has been the case with my husband...took awhile for him to come to grips with it, but hell, I swear he's made a pact with the devil 'cause he NEVER looks olders, lol). It could possibly be something about himself that he's struggling with - people tend to find fault with others when they're less than pleased with themselves...anyhow, just some food for thought.Today is a bad, bad, bad day indeed!!!!!!!! Just had world war 3, round 3 with my husband last night. I'm happily going along in my life, having finally sorted out all the business dramas that have been going on for the past 3 months, thinking, at least my personal life is good, then all these issues come out of the blue that I didn't even know we were having. Then, thinking we sorted them out in the first 2 conversations, It's all been dredged up again last night and we're back to square 1. Apparently he doesn't like aspects of my personality, even though I've been exactly the same for the past 11 years that he's known me now he has issues with it.
Brenda, is there any way you can receive state aid for your rent & medications?need to rant. dont wanna start drama so ill do it here.
my staph infections are driving me nuts. three months and still getting no better, just the infection goes deeper and gets worse.
ive had a headache since thursday night when i hit my head and i have a black eye.
worked 56 hours last week for overtime so got little time to rest and didnt see my daughter from thursday night till just last night. i missed her.
im really broke, i have 400$ to pay 800$ rent, plus a utility bill my ex-roomie decided it would be a bitch move to not pay just to make my life miserable. have to pay utilities for this month still. need to get my boys fixed and have no money. my dog is driving me nuts-with animal control being called its been even more upsetting.
my two roomies who live with me, neither have jobs. sit at home all day and sleep or eat MY food i buy. they dont even have money for rent so im stressed about getting kicked out with no where to go
my best friend is in rehab and i havnt had time to call or write him and i miss him so much.
i started adhd meds to help with work and got badly addicted so had to stop and detox from them still having to work, which led to me passing out and my head meeting the floor.
my daughter needs allergy meds and i cant even afford them. i need more anti-biotics and i cant afford them.
where sara bit me it got infected with staph and its super painful right on my ankle bone and ill have to cut it open and get the infection out.
i need a beer.
/hugsToday is a bad, bad, bad day. I don't want to go into details, but because of some irresponsible actions I have lost a great deal of respect from members on my rat forum. Luckily I was smart enough to post in the mods section and not on the general section. To cut it short, I had a HUGE blowout with a fellow mod I considered a good friend because of her opinions on the matter. I know I did wrong, but there is nothing I can do to fix it, I can't apologize for stupidity, and I know that. I didn't need to hear it in such a mean hurtful way when I was already upset and ashamed. So I may not be returning to a forum where I've felt like family for 2 years now, and that hurts. I've been crying all day, off and on. It's just not good.
And today was supposed to be a good day, we're going to go see Katherine Heigl's new movie finally. Now I'm not even in the mood.