Well my day was going along fine was talking to my oldest daughter on IM (she lives in MA) - she says,'I'll brb really quick'....after 20mins. I'm thinking, 'ok, she probably got tied up doing breakfast/dishes with her fiance.
After 30mins. I give her place a call - no answer. Now I start to worry. My first thought is she might have choked on something (she has a problem with that due to her uvula being a bit larger than normal)..now, I didn't know if her fiance was there with her or if she was alone, so I start to really worry. The fiance's mom lives a block down from them, and I call her. She goes up and checks on their apt. and doesn't find anyone there, however she says she knows Steve has to do some errands and maybe they went out for a bit....
that would make sense, except I know my daughter well enough to know she would let me know before she just hopped off IM - it's SO unlike her to not say good-bye.
At this point I'm thinking I'll give it some more time (I know my daughter would have presence of mind to call 911 or go to a neighbor if she was having trouble breathing)...I'm even looking up the local police dept. phone number when I get a call from Steve's mom that my daughter was taken to the hospital because she was choking. Of course I'm relieved, and then I get upset at the fiance for not calling me earlier and letting me know, but yeah, he more than likely had his hands full. I swear I truly HATE it that she lives about 15hrs.away (oh and in the meantime I'm calling my husband at work telling him what's going on - of course he's a lot calmer than I am, thank God, lol).
So that was my day - and that's about all the excitement I want for the next 5 years, even though I know that's not going to happen, haha.
Btw, it was 2 small Advil tablets that were the culprit.