Snuggy's Family 2007

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That little lop is adorable :)

I know how difficult it is to have to decide what to do when one of a bonded pair is left alone. I knew Pernod was lonely after Perry left, which is why we got Shadow. However, Pernod will never accept Shadow. I think she was a 'one-bun-only' girl, and that was Perry (she still lays next to his photo every night and gives it kisses :().

I think it depends on the bun's personality. If Snuggy is the 'mothering' type, then she will probably be willing to accept another bun. Pernod is a very independant girl, and needs worshipping (which Perry did). I would definately say give it a try, if not with the little guy, then try her on some dates.

Best of luck

Thanks, everyone.

Haley wrote:
oh wow, he is very cute!

how far is she from you? any chance of a play date?

Not that far, really. I'm dying to hear from her! I don't want to get my hopes up. He may have been re-homed already.

LuvaBun wrote:
Pernod will never accept Shadow. I think she was a 'one-bun-only' girl, and that was Perry (she still lays next to his photo every night and gives it kisses :().
Oh, Jan. That makes me cry. Bless her heart. Give her kisses from me.

Snuggys Mom wrote:

I'd love to try Harley with Snuggy! Wouldn't they be so cute together?!

Are you up for another Brinkley trip? hee hee


Uum, Harley and Snuggy sound like a match made in heaven names;).

Good Luck with your decision, Laura:D.
Unfortunately, Harley will have to have a new name. My cat's name is Marley.

It looks like Harley will be coming home with me Saturday!

Wish us luck!

I've missed having a boy bunny. They're always so much sweeter, IMO.

Hehe, Harley & Marley. Yep, I think he needs a new name.

Have I mentioned how HAPPY I am that you're getting him??? I hope sooo much that he and Snuggy will bond and be happy together!

oh good luck!! I really hope all goes well:) I hope Snuggy feels better soon...give her a kiss for me! Good luck this weekend be sure to let us know when arrive at home with harley....oh and have u decided on a name or will u wait til u meet?

I'll have to see what his personality is like and then decide on a name. The first name that popped into my head was Sydney, but I think there's already a bunny here with that name (?).

I wanted to keep this in our home thread.


Lord Thumper's dad, Tumpie Rabbit made it for me.
WOOHOO!!!! I couldn't be happier than to hear that Laura is going to take one of Kim's mom's bunnies. The bunny formerly known as Harley is going to have the best home ever!!!!!!!
slavetoabunny wrote:
The bunny formerly known as Harley is going to have the best home ever!!!!!!!

Yes, he is.:biggrin2: He will have a better life than he has ever known, and I couldn't be happier with anyone else getting him. :D

Aw, thanks guys (gals)! :D

I'mtaking inventory of my supplies tonight, making sure he has everything he needs. I think he's set.

His temporary housing will be an extra-large dog crate, but hopefully he and Snuggy will hit it off and he can move into her condo eventually.

I'm mulling over a couple of new names:



ooh I like the name Sydney. I dont think we have anybun on here with that name, do we?

Im sure once you meet him you'll be able to tell what his name should be. Im so excited for you guys! I really hope this cheers poor Snuggy up.


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