Pani: Yes! He definitely has his feisty little times where he will get a bit aggressive. But after about three days or so, he will usually return to his sweet little nethie self!
Whiskeylollipop: He literally is Sasha's twin. Except for a little difference in her fur coloring, she looks identical to my Silv! Lol yes I bet that made him quite happy to find out she was filled with our equivalent of junk food.
Chrisdoc and Country_Girl: Yes I have also really come to love his breed as well. He really is so smart! When I first got him, I was super surprised at how he would outthink me in certain situations!
Onto how he is today, he is actually being really sweet and kissy to me! It's always after his aggressive days that he is super sweet, almost like he's trying to apologize for being mean on the days before that. I just late my he'd down on the carpet next to his letterbox today and he just started licking me all over my face and would not stop!
It was purely so sweet and adorable and made me feel very warm and fluffy (inside and outside

) and I rewarded him with a very nice big salad of different veggies. He is a very lucky bun bun right now, getting almost every veggie in my summer garden. So his salad has lately consisted of many kinds of lettuce, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, oregano, mint, red and green basil, and dill. Lucky little one he is.
I'm actually having to post this the next morning after I wrote so if anyone was wondering about the time difference, I was having some problems. Blah. I'm not a very technical person.