Silver, the spunky Netherland Dwarf

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He sounds a lot like my Houdini. Sometimes, you can almost hear that little brain working and that look on their face that says they are thinking things through for their next escapade. They do look at things and think things through before heading there. It always amazes me how clever the little buggers are lol.
Pani: Yes! He definitely has his feisty little times where he will get a bit aggressive. But after about three days or so, he will usually return to his sweet little nethie self!

Whiskeylollipop: He literally is Sasha's twin. Except for a little difference in her fur coloring, she looks identical to my Silv! Lol yes I bet that made him quite happy to find out she was filled with our equivalent of junk food.

Chrisdoc and Country_Girl: Yes I have also really come to love his breed as well. He really is so smart! When I first got him, I was super surprised at how he would outthink me in certain situations!

Onto how he is today, he is actually being really sweet and kissy to me! It's always after his aggressive days that he is super sweet, almost like he's trying to apologize for being mean on the days before that. I just late my he'd down on the carpet next to his letterbox today and he just started licking me all over my face and would not stop!

It was purely so sweet and adorable and made me feel very warm and fluffy (inside and outside ;)) and I rewarded him with a very nice big salad of different veggies. He is a very lucky bun bun right now, getting almost every veggie in my summer garden. So his salad has lately consisted of many kinds of lettuce, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, oregano, mint, red and green basil, and dill. Lucky little one he is.

I'm actually having to post this the next morning after I wrote so if anyone was wondering about the time difference, I was having some problems. Blah. I'm not a very technical person.
Short update today. Silver is being a bit crabby today. But his tummy seemed a little firmer than normal this afternoon. I think he's ok though some e kept eating his normal portion of everything that's edible and pooping.

He got his food salad today. Same as yesterday's I just have a pic this time. Silv was being grumpy earlier when I tried to get him out earlier so I recently just pulled him out to exercise a bit a little while ago. He's flopped down after eating some veggies and I still flopped down comfortably while my family is watching tv. Love seeing him all flopped out! :D

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Yay! Finally got some good pics of the cage after I cleaned it on Friday. Hope everyone thinks it looks good! I was considering moving the shelve down a bit lower and putting another shelve in on top, but I don't really want to switch up Silv's environment anymore since he has gotten quite comfy.

He started two bad habits recently that I keep forgetting to mention. :sigh: He has started spraying a bit (it's not very bad, thank goodness) and has started grunting along with him sometimes being very territorial with his cage space. I looked in his old cage a few times and saw spray marks on the sides and even a bit in the wall. I cleaned it all up with vinegar though.

The grunting. He is not doing this right now though as he has been in quite a good mood today. He usually is after I come for from the weekend ;). But there was a few times last week where he would just grunt whenever I put my hand somewhere in his cage that he didn't like or tried to pick him up.

On a more recent and positive note, he has his usual good garden salad tonight and I got a sweet picture if him. He's too cute
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aaaswpicture of him. He's so cute.
Thank you so much!!! I wish that I had a little camera inside my eyes. I know that I probably sound crazy, but there are so many time where he will do something adorable when I'm right up to him that a camera just can't catch for different reasons each time.

Sorry my updates have been kinda scattered lately. I'm finishing up school on Thursday and things have been busy lately. Silv has his grumpy days, but even then he can still be the most affectionate little bunny butt. I was lying down next to him and he just starts licking my face. My whole face! Then stops for a second, and goes back to licking me! And all I had to do was mindlessly rub his nose a bit.

It's the sweetest thing in my eyes. He is no sort of snuggle bun so I guess his affectionate grooming makes up for that. He won't even sit still for more than a minute or so when flopped out.

I was pretty busy tonight and before I knew it, time had gotten away from me and it was dark out. Being around 9:00 at night, I decided I probably shouldn't go outside to pick Silv's veggies sine I don't feel like getting sprayed by a skunk :p. So he just ft a bigger piece of spinach since he hasn't had it for a while and a pinch of extra pellets. I feel bad that I couldn't do better for him. But he LOVES his pellets :)
Before I start updating, I'm going to post these pictures. Some of my favorites I've ever gotten!
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I took Silv bun outside today and it was a huge success! He usually does not et outside probably because he does not feel comfortable enough yet. I thought that it would probably take a little bit anyway. But since he has recently been eating his pellets very quickly, he is more hungry later in the day.

As I took him outside, he jumped up into the lettuce bed almost immediately! I placed him into the very middle and he chomped away leaving a little trail of "trimmed" lettuce behind him and an obvious space where he had been sitting. I put him into the other herb beds and it the same results. It feels great that he is finally so comfy out there!!

So, yes, he had a nice day out. It was rally cute too because it had rained earlier in the day so everything was a bit wet. This caused Silver to develop little water droplets around his mouth, cheeks, and whiskers afterwards. I just couldn't resist the cuteness and beauty of him in the sun today so I took A LOT if pics. But I won't post them all. :D

Oh I also wanted to mention that I changed my profile pic if anyone noticed!
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Hello again everybody. It feels like it has been weeks since I have posted probably since so much has been happening. On account of my own life, I am done with school for the summer (yay!) which means lots more time for Silv to run around, get snuggles, and go outside.

I took him outside again and he ate and ate and ate some more. It's kinda funny, I think the fact that I have been taking him out to the garden so much recently is keeping all the wild buns away from our veggies.

Maybe they smell his scent because he chins EVERYTHING and decide not to eat the veggies (or go near them, hehe). I see them in the yard, but never in the garden. Well that's good.

Silver has started to molt though which isn't very good even though necessary. Even with me brushing him everyday, he still insists on grooming himself like crazy. Grrgh, he's having a few issues today and yesterday (probably) because of all his hair-ingesting. He has been eating pretty normal and still running around like a maniac, but is not pooping as much as usual but seems alright otherwise.

I tried giving him pumpkin but he did not want to take the syringe. I ended up just putting a little bit on his paw and he licked it off. Well, at last I got a little bit into him. I took him to my dad's house again yesterday. He loves going there since when we are in the house, he gets free run of the whole carpeted apartment.

Took a few pictures of him flopped out in my room.
Hello it's Silver here tonight, or I guess you know me by that silly nickname my hooman made up, Silv. :disapproves: Hehe, snuck onto her phone when she went upstairs. Today some other people who liked to talk A LOT came over. Hooman said that they were these people called 'friends'.

They all were saying I was 'so cute' and saying 'awwww' whenever I did anything! Some of them were nice and quiet and didn't try to touch me every second. I showed them my approval by jumping into their lap, but then couldn't help making a leap to my cage. Some of them wouldn't shut up either. Like geez, get your hand out of my space, and be quiet then maybe I will not bite you.

Only my hooman gets kisses. She's the best and is quiet whenever I tell her to be. She always gives nose rubs at the right time, even if I am being 'temperamental'and 'territorial'. ;) ❤️
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Yours Trooly,
Silver was happy that I came back gone tonight. I always feel bad leaving him on the weekends. But he is usually VERY happy to get attention when I come back. Since being in his new NIC cage, he has not been trying to rattle the cage like he did to his ole bars.

Well, tonight I can't even unpack without him running back and forth, rattling the bars, and jumping up on his hind legs. I give him all the nose rubs he deserved and a few big hugs. I let him run around on my bed after that. I swear this bunny loves my bed as much as life itself. Lol, I lie down with him and watch him happily jump around. Chinning my pants and liking my pillow as he goes.

Bunnies are magical little things. Sometimes more preferable than other human company within itself. ;)
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Chillin' out and eating some nom noms! I just had to take a picture of him eating the apple sauce even if it doesn't do his excitement much justice. He loves that stuff so much and will stand on his hind legs and do anything to get as much as possible, continuously licking the top even when no more is left.

Yay!! Going away on vacation (with Silv of course!) on Friday! It will be a bit of a drive, but I can occupy myself :). I think that I will be able to fit Silver's carrier on the floor of the front passenger seat with me. I really hope so. I think that it will be a whole lot less stressful and enjoyable for the both of us, lol. I will for sure post pictures of his set up once I get to the house. Hoping everything goes well and he adjusts quickly!

On a non-Silver related I pic, since I don't talk about myself too often, I am happy to say that I have finally ordered a new bathing suit for the summer! :yay: I had gotten a new one back in March, but good thing I only paid $12 for it cause it sucked. Lol, I'm really not picky but if the thing can't stay on even with endless adjustment and tailoring, then I just can't wear it comfortably. The new one I ordered was a bit more expensive (but still real cheap, I'm about broke at the moment!) but I am just in LOVE with it and can't wait till it arrives in the mail!
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Have fun on your holiday and best of luck on your travels with Silver :) He's such a cutie!
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Settling down for a power nap! Oh I also wanted to say that my painting is coming along well and will be finished shortly. Just working on a few other projects right now but it looks pretty close to being finished.
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Hello all! Silver and I are back from a successful vacation! He did very good on the car ride there. He was a little bit hot at the start though and since the walls of his carrier were cool, this happened. I can't even explain how much I just love this picture. :D
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After that we turned the AC on though because it was loud having all the windows open on the highway, even though Silv seemed oblivious to it all. When we got to our destination, I set up his area. It wasn't very large and didn't get too much time out, but he seemed happy and transitioned well.
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We loves da photos! I is so glad you had a greats holiday! Da only trips I has been on are to da vet cause I chews at my stitches
On the way back he was good also. It was rainy for a part of the trip back home so we kept the air on. I caught up on some shows and Silv asked for a few pets and ate some hay. The drive home was SUPER short compared to the drive there. We were stuck in traffic galore and it ended up being 5+ hours. But it was under three on the way back. Crazy how time can vary do much all because of a few slow cars.

I have more pics. ;)
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I thought his fur just looked so pretty against the fabric.
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I took a few pictures of random little things while we were at this park. Inspiration for future paintings.
Awww, Silver is so cute. Such a little bundle of personality, it really shines through in his pictures. :) That shot of him in the car, lying up against the side of his carrier, is particularly good! :D

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