Not pooing?

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Jan 16, 2025
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United Kingdom
So my rabbit hasn’t pooed in about 2hours he’s only weeing but he’s not weeing in his litter box? He’s still eating and drinking and being active is this normal or should I be concerned? Thank you
Not all rabbits will territorial mark and drop poop pellets every few minutes all day long. Some will actually restrain themselves and save it for the litter box when they hop in to munch hay, which may be every few hours, especially during the daytime during their typical rest period.

I wouldn't normally be concerned over not pooping every a few hours. It's when it becomes all day, and you also start seeing a decrease in appetite, that can signal a gut slowdown and potential health issue. However, it's good to be observant of these things, as any break in normal behavior, and changes in poop and eating, can be an early signal of a problem developing.

If the change in pooping seems odd, there may be other changes of behavior. Like seeming unusually lethargic, can't seem to get comfortable (maybe up and down from belly pressing), hunching up and seems uncomfortable, hiding out when it's not usual behavior, eye squinting, trying to lay in the water bowl, grinding teeth (different from contented tooth purring/chattering), trembling, laying in litter box when that's not usual behavior (especially coupled with other signs of discomfort), reduction or lack of appetite/drinking.

Not pooping with any of these additional signs of pain/discomfort, it's something to pay attention to. It could be a signal that something in your rabbits diet is causing some minor upset, when it's only for a few hours and your buns behavior returns to normal after. Or if these symptoms last longer it can be a more significant health issue, possibly an emergency.
Not all rabbits will territorial mark and drop poop pellets every few minutes all day long. Some will actually restrain themselves and save it for the litter box when they hop in to munch hay, which may be every few hours, especially during the daytime during their typical rest period.

I wouldn't normally be concerned over not pooping every a few hours. It's when it becomes all day, and you also start seeing a decrease in appetite, that can signal a gut slowdown and potential health issue. However, it's good to be observant of these things, as any break in normal behavior, and changes in poop and eating, can be an early signal of a problem developing.

If the change in pooping seems odd, there may be other changes of behavior. Like seeming unusually lethargic, can't seem to get comfortable (maybe up and down from belly pressing), hunching up and seems uncomfortable, hiding out when it's not usual behavior, eye squinting, trying to lay in the water bowl, grinding teeth (different from contented tooth purring/chattering), trembling, laying in litter box when that's not usual behavior (especially coupled with other signs of discomfort), reduction or lack of appetite/drinking.

Not pooping with any of these additional signs of pain/discomfort, it's something to pay attention to. It could be a signal that something in your rabbits diet is causing some minor upset, when it's only for a few hours and your buns behavior returns to normal after. Or if these symptoms last longer it can be a more significant health issue, possibly an emergency.
He was acting very tired and lazy when he wasn’t pooing but it lasted about 6hrs and he started pooing again at 11pm but now it seems he has stopped again maybe been 4hours now should I get him checked or could this just be because he can’t be asked to poop, he’s still eating and drinking just no poop and being very lazy!!
Is he still eating the same amounts of hay and pellets, or has his appetite reduced at all? Are his poops getting smaller? Have you changed anything in his diet?

With him just having his neuter surgery a couple weeks ago, there's also considering the possibility of post surgery complications. But also keep in mind that with being neutered, his usual behaviors may change a little, and he may start to calm down as his hormones fade. Which is pretty normal post neuter.

If he just seems more chill and calm, but also seems to be happy and get excited about things, the changes could just be due to the changes in hormones. But if there also seems to be a change in all his usual behaviors and he seems unusually subdued, along with the delayed pooping, then it would probably be a good idea to get him checked out, in case there is an underlying medical problem.
Is he still eating the same amounts of hay and pellets, or has his appetite reduced at all? Are his poops getting smaller? Have you changed anything in his diet?

With him just having his neuter surgery a couple weeks ago, there's also considering the possibility of post surgery complications. But also keep in mind that with being neutered, his usual behaviors may change a little, and he may start to calm down as his hormones fade. Which is pretty normal post neuter.

If he just seems more chill and calm, but also seems to be happy and get excited about things, the changes could just be due to the changes in hormones. But if there also seems to be a change in all his usual behaviors and he seems unusually subdued, along with the delayed pooping, then it would probably be a good idea to get him checked out, in case there is an underlying medical problem.
He’s been eating the same maybe even more than usual, when he does start pooing again they start of small then gradually go back to the usual size. He still does his binkies and zoomies when he gets a treat and always in the mornings when I wake up, he’s just acting a lot calmer. His poops have been fine today but he has been kinda of his potty training there’s a few wees in different places and poops as well but I think this is because I moved his cage to the other side of my room not knowing that he would still think his potty is where it used to be. Any idea how to get him to use it in the place I want it? Thank you!
Moving anything of size or importance in a rabbits area, or changing the location of their area completely, does have the potential to disrupt their litter habits, and is most often what does happen.

They'll usually feel the need to go around marking their new territory, including poop marking and possibly urine as well. Though sometimes the marking behavior can actually be a rabbits disapproval of you moving their stuff without their permission 😆 But not remembering, or being confused about where the new litter box placement is, is also a likely possibility.

It might also be an explanation for the delayed pooping issue you're seeing. If he's wanting to poop in the litter box but is confused about or not remembering where it is now, so he's essentially holding it in until he finds the litter box again.

Rabbits are creatures of habit. They essentially map out their area and territory in their brain. This helps them know where to run when they get scared by something and are in a panic to hide. You'll usually see this careful exploring and 'mapping' behavior when a rabbit is in a new area they aren't familiar with. They'll walk or hop around carefully checking everything out. Then once they're comfortable and know the area well enough, that's when you'll see the zoomies and binkies, which is essentially them practicing their escape moves.

My suggestion would be to put a second litter box in the place it used to be. As he gradually gets used to where his new area is, he'll likely need the old litter box placement less and less, until you may then be able to remove it when he isn't really using it anymore. Otherwise, if you don't want to do this, it's a matter of putting up with the accidents and hoping he adjusts to the new placement quickly.

To me, your description of his increased appetite, normal behaviors, and pretty normal poop size, doesn't seem to indicate a health issue. I'm more inclined to think these are related to the change of his area and/or related to his decreasing hormones. But it's just my opinion, based on what I know about rabbits. If you're unsure or have concerns, I'd suggest you consult with your vet.
Moving anything of size or importance in a rabbits area, or changing the location of their area completely, does have the potential to disrupt their litter habits, and is most often what does happen.

They'll usually feel the need to go around marking their new territory, including poop marking and possibly urine as well. Though sometimes the marking behavior can actually be a rabbits disapproval of you moving their stuff without their permission 😆 But not remembering, or being confused about where the new litter box placement is, is also a likely possibility.

It might also be an explanation for the delayed pooping issue you're seeing. If he's wanting to poop in the litter box but is confused about or not remembering where it is now, so he's essentially holding it in until he finds the litter box again.

Rabbits are creatures of habit. They essentially map out their area and territory in their brain. This helps them know where to run when they get scared by something and are in a panic to hide. You'll usually see this careful exploring and 'mapping' behavior when a rabbit is in a new area they aren't familiar with. They'll walk or hop around carefully checking everything out. Then once they're comfortable and know the area well enough, that's when you'll see the zoomies and binkies, which is essentially them practicing their escape moves.

My suggestion would be to put a second litter box in the place it used to be. As he gradually gets used to where his new area is, he'll likely need the old litter box placement less and less, until you may then be able to remove it when he isn't really using it anymore. Otherwise, if you don't want to do this, it's a matter of putting up with the accidents and hoping he adjusts to the new placement quickly.

To me, your description of his increased appetite, normal behaviors, and pretty normal poop size, doesn't seem to indicate a health issue. I'm more inclined to think these are related to the change of his area and/or related to his decreasing hormones. But it's just my opinion, based on what I know about rabbits. If you're unsure or have concerns, I'd suggest you consult with your vet.
He’s been doing fine today until he pissed blood! I came into my room and see this blood patch definitely fresh it was still soaking wet I did think maybe he was doing this small wees not in his litter box because maybe he had a urine infection? I made a vet appointment for 1:40 which is in an hour hopefully he’s fine but when I saw how red it was I started worrying. I even started spray white vinegar where he had been weeing and he obviously doesn’t care about the smell because he’s still peeing in those places😂 I did think most of it had to do with me moving his enclosure but I hope his okay and everything I’ll let you know how the appointment goes!! Thank you
Moving anything of size or importance in a rabbits area, or changing the location of their area completely, does have the potential to disrupt their litter habits, and is most often what does happen.

They'll usually feel the need to go around marking their new territory, including poop marking and possibly urine as well. Though sometimes the marking behavior can actually be a rabbits disapproval of you moving their stuff without their permission 😆 But not remembering, or being confused about where the new litter box placement is, is also a likely possibility.

It might also be an explanation for the delayed pooping issue you're seeing. If he's wanting to poop in the litter box but is confused about or not remembering where it is now, so he's essentially holding it in until he finds the litter box again.

Rabbits are creatures of habit. They essentially map out their area and territory in their brain. This helps them know where to run when they get scared by something and are in a panic to hide. You'll usually see this careful exploring and 'mapping' behavior when a rabbit is in a new area they aren't familiar with. They'll walk or hop around carefully checking everything out. Then once they're comfortable and know the area well enough, that's when you'll see the zoomies and binkies, which is essentially them practicing their escape moves.

My suggestion would be to put a second litter box in the place it used to be. As he gradually gets used to where his new area is, he'll likely need the old litter box placement less and less, until you may then be able to remove it when he isn't really using it anymore. Otherwise, if you don't want to do this, it's a matter of putting up with the accidents and hoping he adjusts to the new placement quickly.

To me, your description of his increased appetite, normal behaviors, and pretty normal poop size, doesn't seem to indicate a health issue. I'm more inclined to think these are related to the change of his area and/or related to his decreasing hormones. But it's just my opinion, based on what I know about rabbits. If you're unsure or have concerns, I'd suggest you consult with your vet.
So he actually did have a urine infection and he’s finally back to using his potty they gave me anti inflammatory instead of antibiotics because it was only the start off one and he’s all back to normal now doing great!
I'm glad you discovered it when you did and got him to the vet. I've never heard of anti inflammatories clearing up a true UTI. It's an infection usually caused by e. coli bacteria, so typically needs the proper antibiotic to clear it up. And with you describing significant amounts of blood in the urine (not just a few drops), to me that would seem to be a more advanced stage, not early.

An anti inflammatory may help initially by reducing inflammation and discomfort, but over time or once you stop giving it, the symptoms may re-emerge. And I wouldn't think it could make the blood go away if this truly is a UTI and not something else, in my opinion. So it might be a good idea to still keep a close eye on his urine for continuing signs of blood.

If the blood isn't clearing up, and/or things worsen, contact a vet immediately. Along with a possible infection, another concern would be if this is somehow a complication from his neuter surgery. If your current vet isn't a really knowledgeable rabbit vet or you aren't sure, it might be good to look for a more experienced rabbit vet for a second opinion.

Be aware that rabbit urine can vary in color due to the plant pigments in different food. So I just wanted to make sure it was actually blood you were seeing and not normal pigmentation of the urine. There are some pictures showing the difference, in the link below.
I'm glad you discovered it when you did and got him to the vet. I've never heard of anti inflammatories clearing up a true UTI. It's an infection usually caused by e. coli bacteria, so typically needs the proper antibiotic to clear it up. And with you describing significant amounts of blood in the urine (not just a few drops), to me that would seem to be a more advanced stage, not early.

An anti inflammatory may help initially by reducing inflammation and discomfort, but over time or once you stop giving it, the symptoms may re-emerge. And I wouldn't think it could make the blood go away if this truly is a UTI and not something else, in my opinion. So it might be a good idea to still keep a close eye on his urine for continuing signs of blood.

If the blood isn't clearing up, and/or things worsen, contact a vet immediately. Along with a possible infection, another concern would be if this is somehow a complication from his neuter surgery. If your current vet isn't a really knowledgeable rabbit vet or you aren't sure, it might be good to look for a more experienced rabbit vet for a second opinion.

Be aware that rabbit urine can vary in color due to the plant pigments in different food. So I just wanted to make sure it was actually blood you were seeing and not normal pigmentation of the urine. There are some pictures showing the difference, in the link below.
He seems fine now using his litter box perfectly, I was thinking that about not getting antibiotics, maybe she wasn’t sure. She did tell me to come back if it continues after the anti inflammatory. Thanks for your help really appreciate it! (The links always help me out so much)