Middle of nite update #1

He justate quite a bit more...seems to be continuing to improve...he got realwiggly and I wouldn't let him go cuz I wanted him to eat a bitmore....he promptly peed....Oh well, that one was my fault!LOL! He's now sitting in the playpen cleaning himself up,after all mom makes SUCH a mess when she feeds him!
He's a lil doll..I've told him I take back what I said yesterday..it isNOT ok if he gives up and go...we've come to far and he's too strong ofbunny!! I'm amazed at this lil guys strength....and at his age! I thinkthe doc will be amazed when he hears how he's doing!
Well, time to try for about another 2-3 hours of sleep before the next feeding...jeesh, its like havinga baby again!!!
Yep, I'm real lucky my boss is good about these things, but then again,he'd have to live with me at work if something happened!

But it doesmake life easier!
Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts...I think its helping! He's trying not to disappoint his fans!
Hang in there Corky..Mom loves ya!