sick bunny.....

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Hi !

I cannot beleive Corky is going thru all of this. You must be so worried.

Im thinking of your and Corky. I hope he pulls thru !!!

My babies and I will have you all in our thoughts.

I will be watching this very closely.

Lots of Kisses and Hugs to Corky xxx
Hi im soo sorry to here about Corky,I really hope he pulls threw you and him both will be in my prayers.


Thumps and faynay send there love too and a BIG GET WELL to Corky
Not yet...I'm heading there in about 20 minutesto check on everyone (came into work this morning) thankfully my bossunderstands and I'm taking 1/2 a vaca day....Dunno if Doc will letCorky come home or not....
Just went and saw him at the vet, he stilldoesn't look very good. They gave him more fluids via the IVthis morning. He still hasn't eaten... :( I'mwaiting for the vet to call me with an update as he was out at lunchwhen I stopped by.

Homer was doing fine after his surgery. He came out of things betterthan most they said. I'll pick him up later today...not sureyet on Corky.
Oh God!

This just can't happen. Corky has to getbetter!

Please send some good healing thoughts to Corky.

The vet thinks the infection is in his blood stream now, and doesntfeel its looking good. He wants to try a new med for 24 hours and isletting PGG pick both buns up at 3. Talk of putting him to sleep isbeing done some. But I honestly dont feel its time, and she isnt readyyet, so she is going to bring him home and give the new med a try.

So hopefully with everyone sending some thoughts and prayers their way,and Corky fighting like it seems to me he is doing, he can pull throughthis.

So, COME ON CORKY! You can do it!!!!!!!!!

Virginia've got to make it, Buddy.

Please God, Please save Corky. Please!!

Thinking of you and yours, PuterGeekGirl.

Thanks much... ;) He's home with menow...that helps. Doc had given him some mushed up pelletsand he was actually sitting up!!! When I had gone a couple hours beforehe wouldn't even do that....when I picked him up he peed all over me..Itold him it wasn't nice but I'd let it slide! He seems a lil more alertthan a couple hours ago. Going to keep up with the bunny goopmeals and going to add in some baby food of carrots, spinach,bananas..basically anything to keep his system going at thispoint. If he makes it thru the nite, depending on if he'sbetter at all tomorrow he'll have another injection of the newantibiotic we're using to clear up his blood stream...if he seems quitea bit better we'll do so orally. Bad thing about it is it canmake him sicker and depresses his appetite. We've got a longbattle ahead but Doc thinks it can be done...not easily...but he'shopeful after seeing him perk up after eating. So PLEASEcontinue with the prayers and good vibes...I've told Corky my bunnyfriends and their bunnies are sendin them his way and he's not to lethis fans down!

I'll try my best to keep you updated..its gonna be a long nite....Nowto call the boss and get it ok'd to run home every couple hours!

I was absolutely gutted after talking with the vet earlier...but seeinghim has helped..I cried myself to sleep...but woke up 20 minutes later!:( :( Man this is so hard!!!

I just looked over and he's drinking!!!! Quite a bit!!!! He seems toprefer a bowl right now...if thats what it takes...thats what we'lldo!!!!! And he's cleaning himself!! Both (I think anyway) very goodsigns..when he gets real down and out he won't even clean himself!!

The lil stinker was in his playpen (after eatingsome baby food carrots) and cleared easily the 13" high wall and camerunning down the hall as fast as he could!!!!! Like heusually does!!!

I'm trying REAL hard not to get my hopes up too much...but wow that did my heart good!!!
We just ate a mix of baby food carrots andpellets mashed..did REAL well with ALOT down him thattime. He seems to be consistently drinking out of thebowl....peed about a gallon on me it felt like...went thru 2 layers oftowel and onto me. Have had a bunny poop (never thought I'dbe that happy about bunny poop!!) the consistency isn't the best yet,but at least the system is moving. And I think he's trying totell me I'm VERY messy as he's sat in the playpen cleaning himself offand on for 10-15 minutes!

Talked to my boss and told him I'll need to run home every couple hoursand feed him tomorrow...He said that was fine....hopefully that'll onlylast a couple days..but luckily I live less than 10 minutes fromwork!

Please keep Corky in your thoughts and prayers....cuz I think itshelping!!! I'm trying not to get too excited, but I'm very happy withhis progress!!! He's one tough bunny!

Dear PuterGeekGirl,

I came on to check on Corky and saw the news of Brogan first.

Thank God Corky's doing all the things we want him to do. He is So in my thoughts and prayers, Dear Friend.

* * Keep going, Corky. We need you to make it. * *

Since there's nothing more I can help you with, PuterGeekGirl, becauseyou're doing such a fantastic job of caring for the little one, I'll goback to praying.

I'll be checking first thing in the morning, so please keep us updated.


I haven't been on for awhile and I amjust now seeing this. Oh how my heart goes out to you and Corky. I willkeep you and Corky and your husband in my prayers.

I am so sorry I wasn't here for you sooner. I feel awful.Prayer is a VERY powerful tool and it works. I will be praying with allmy heart and might. Hugs for you Hun and a kiss for brave strongCorky.

Tina, Jeremy and Apollo
Hi Putergeekgirl and Corky!

I've been following, and I almost cried when I read that he's doing somuch better. It must me an emotional rollercoaster for you,girl. I know what it's like to have a sick bun, but nothinglike this. You two are so tough!:D Best of wishes,Stay strong you two!


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