Shampoo is tested on bunnys

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Rabbits do have tear ducts.

I would advise doing research and obtaining your information from sources other than PETA.

They certainly do. Especially in winter, a sickrabbit's eyes will weep quite copiously. It's also a sign ofpasteurella, allergies, injuries, and other sickness. Just like humans,rabbits' eyes water if irritated. I've seen it manytimes!

No kiddin'!!! I'll never forget the sight of acow with her udder nearly dragging, swollen with milk. It was justWRONG!!! Someone should have milked her. Maybe she'd just lost a calf.

Some PETA stories are valid but don't believeall. They have one about women being fed to pigs -- yes that's exactlywhat I meant to type. It's sickening but it's a true story! How do Iknow? It's been all over the news and my brother-in-law's sister hasbeen on site with the investigations.

I do think PETA needs to research a bit more since they don't alwaysseem to get things right. PETA doesn't even seems to understand thatpeople are omnivores and have been since the beginning of time but yetthey think eating meat and other animal products (milk,etc.)is cruel.
Very true MyBunnyBoys!

I have nothing against Vegans or Vegetarians (I have friends who are both) but I will never give up meat and milk, honey etc.

Biologically, humans are omnivores. We have canine teeth fortearing meat. Our eyes are placed in our head as a predatorsare placed. Our stomachs are designed to digest most greeneryas well as meat.

There are some lines I draw tho, I will not eat veal or rabbit. =p

Each to their own, but I am against animal cruelty! You canstill eat meat and use animal byproducts (cheese, milk, eggs, honey)and be against cruelty.
bunsforlife wrote:
I have nothing against Vegans or Vegetarians (I have friendswho are both) but I will never give up meat and milk, honey etc.
I forgot to mention that! I have nothing against vegetarians as I'veconsidered it myself but I know I would not get what I need so I stuckwith eating some meat.
My issue with PETA is their biased propagandaused to incite extreme emotional responses in people. Becausethis board has such a wide variety of interests in the rabbit industry,including breeding, this forum is not the place for such propaganda.

I happen to know that there a lot of companys whoDO NOT test shampoos on any animals what so ever! (being in the trade,it's on of the first things I get asked and I have researched quite afew companys) What these people say is not the Gospel Truth. I'd takeit with a grain of salt, some people like to SHOCK others I think andcreate dramas where they shouldn't be.
pamnock wrote:
Myissue with PETA is their biased propaganda used to incite extremeemotional responses in people. Because this board has such awide variety of interests in the rabbit industry, including breeding,this forum is not the place for such propaganda.

You have a point there Pam, but they're not doing anything that any other group does to convince people of their arguements.

If someone or a group wants to achieve what they want, then they willdo what it takes and normally that is exaggerating or giving only onebiased side of the story.

You have to remember that PETA is not only for protecting pets, it'strying to convert everyone to vegetarians and that's what they'restories are aimed at.
Buck Jones wrote:
If I understand their precepts at all they would have noanimal as a pet for humans and would disallow us our favorite rabbitcompanions.

that was my understanding to, to take care of what we have now,but to create no more and to end up with only wild animals onthe pets period!
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
You have to remember that PETA is not only for protectingpets, it's trying to convert everyone to vegetarians and that's whatthey're stories are aimed at.
Not reallyvegetarians... vegans! I got my'Vegetarian Starter Kit' from Peta a few weeks ago... I just wanted tosee what it was all about... I've been vegetarian for 10 years... andinstead of helping me to find more options foodwise, it stated howpeople should all be vegan and told horror stories of how animals areliving in abusive conditions so that we can drink milk, etc!So not only do we have to give up meat to comply with their standards,but our milk, cheese, cakes(they have butter in), chocolate, etc...

I think they do alot for anti fur, etc, which I support, but I thinkit's unrealistic to expect everyone to become vegan. We needprotein in our diets and some of us don't like all the chick peas,lentils, beans, etc... so animal products are the only way to have abalanced diet.

I think people should eat what they want, vegan, omnivore, veggie,whatever, but I found their booklet way too 'you may be veggie, butbeing vegan is what you should be or else you don't love the animalsenough.'

That was just my personal experience of them.

Ang xx
oh, they do have tear ducts....well, peta didnt tell me that, i just heard thats why they tested on bunnys eyes,
well, how do they keep the products in there eyes?
If I understand their precepts at all theywould have no animal as a pet for humans and would disallow us ourfavorite rabbit companions.
they dont want animals for pets bcuz no one should "own" a animal but keep care of them and keep them as companion animals :)
yeah like i have this HUGE issues with PETA.. 6people (including pets) either have Cancer now or did or died fromCancer. and when my little cousin have Wilms Cancer when she was 3,PETA broke into the lab and set those animals free (including the onesthat they were testing on to find a cure for cancer!) and that has madme REALLY mad! and then my friend and i were watching this thing onChannel 2 (PAX) and they did a thing of what the animals go through forus to eat them.. and my friend and i were sooo upset by this that forthe rest of 3 days we refused to eat meat! well on the 3rd day my momand dad made me eat meat! and now my fav food is turkey! lol.. but iagree also with the Anti-Fur. and i dont have anything agaisnt thepeople just what the believe in is what makes me mad! but i know i cantchange anybody, so i've come to live in peace with it and just shake myhead when i hear something about them! my Grandpa and i would go backand forth with each other bout random things! lol (he was using aneletric fence to keep the deers out of his garden) and so i would makehim feel bad about it, then he'd say things like "oh yeah and yourprecious make-up that you were, they test that on rabbits!" and he knewhow much i loved rabbits! and him and everybody eles would always saythings like "Were having Rabbit-Stew tonight!" and "Were havingTurtle-Stew tonight" even when i had a wild/pet squrrile theyd say thati was eat Squrrile (sp) when i didnt know what it was!
PETA is too strident and shrill for mytastes. Any organization that suggests it hasall the answers about any topic not only earns my suspicion,butgains myderision when it tries tojamthose ideas down my throat. I am too intelligentfor that tactic.

I agree, PETA doth protest too much, for far too long!


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