MyBunnyBoys wrote:
You have to remember that PETA is not only for protectingpets, it's trying to convert everyone to vegetarians and that's whatthey're stories are aimed at.
Not reallyvegetarians... vegans! I got my'Vegetarian Starter Kit' from Peta a few weeks ago... I just wanted tosee what it was all about... I've been vegetarian for 10 years... andinstead of helping me to find more options foodwise, it stated howpeople should all be vegan and told horror stories of how animals areliving in abusive conditions so that we can drink milk, etc!So not only do we have to give up meat to comply with their standards,but our milk, cheese, cakes(they have butter in), chocolate, etc...
I think they do alot for anti fur, etc, which I support, but I thinkit's unrealistic to expect everyone to become vegan. We needprotein in our diets and some of us don't like all the chick peas,lentils, beans, etc... so animal products are the only way to have abalanced diet.
I think people should eat what they want, vegan, omnivore, veggie,whatever, but I found their booklet way too 'you may be veggie, butbeing vegan is what you should be or else you don't love the animalsenough.'
That was just my personal experience of them.
Ang xx