Scone MacBunny - 2009

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I took Scone into the Cornell hospital yesterday for a follow-up blood test and recheck. They called today - the results were in the normal range, so nothing to worry about. He's been his usual self this week. I guess the crisis is over, thank goodness.
Talk about a small world - I left one of Scone's books with the vet student at Cornell after I picked him up a few weeks ago, and apparently it made the rounds of the vets and students.

The vet showed it to the head of the NY State HRS chapter when she brought a bunny to Cornell. She recognized Scone from the display boards I made up for HRS, and she contacted me to see if the HRS could sell the book as a fundraiser. I've sent her the PDF files for all three books, so we'll see - maybe Scone's books will be published after all.

kirbyultra wrote:
Wow that's great! I didn't know you wrote books about Scone. What kind of books are they? :)
They are three childrens' books (so far) that I wrote for a son of a friend, using my pictures of Scone. The first one was "Where is Scone MacBunny?" - it introduced Scone, and told the story of the time he hid inside my box spring. The second book was "What is Scone MacBunny Doing?", and it was based on pictures of Scone doing more-or-less odd stuff (mostly through the magic of PhotoShop). The third book was "Where in the World is Scone MacBunny?", and it is based on my photographs from different places in Europe and the US, with Scone PhotoShopped in - it's much more involved than the first two, giving a lot of information on the various places Scone "visits".

Here' Scone looking at his first two books:


This picture is from the third book, Scone at the Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily:


The first book was written when Seamus was 3 or thereabouts, he's 7 now, so the books got progressively "older" from year to year. I've printed and sold (or given away) about 150 or more of them over the years, but never did anything about seeing if anyone wanted to publish them for real. I think it would be neat if the HRS could run with them and raise some money for the chapter.
This is so cute, seriously! I would totally buy this (for my own bunny indulgement). Please let me know if I can buy it from you or if NY HRS is going to print and sell it for fundraising. I want them either way... Scone is just so full of personality. I would love to see him in a book. :hearts:
I don't know when or how much the HRS will be selling them for. I had been selling them lately for $8 each. Whatever's left over after printing costs and postage, I'll donate to HRS, so it would be a wash either way.

If you want copies, PM me with your address and I'll mail them out. Send a check when you get them.

Scone doesn't get royalties, but he does get to nibble each book. He seems satisfied with the arrangement.
Mike, I am pretty sure the Scone books are in my mailbox today but I got home so late that I didn't check. Got home from the Yankees game :) yay!
Scone's been in kind of an odd mood since last Thursday or thereabouts, very variable from day to day. He isn't eating well, always, but he is eating. Some mornings he doesn't want to leave my bedroom, but if I bring him a stalk of kale or a leaf of lettuce he'll eat it.

On Friday he hadn't eaten much at all, so when I went to bed I brought him a fresh stalk of kale and put down a bowl of water so he'd have something to drink without having to hop into the living room and his cage. He drank some water and ate the kale while I read in bed. Maybe all he wanted was Room Service, I don't know.

He's been slowly improving in fits and starts. Today he wouldn't come out for his breakfast again, but he ate a stalk of kale under my bed, and when I came home he was waiting in his cage, all of his breakfast eaten. Tonight he's almost back to normal - fingers crossed!

A few photos tonight, Scone sitting under my computer desk (where Dad is, bunny must be...).




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