Scone MacBunny - 2009

Rabbits Online Forum

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Scone had a traumatic weekend – I rented a carpet cleaner and washed the carpet in my bedroom, which meant that not only did he lose his favorite Saturday sleeping spot under my bed, but the rest of the house was full of furniture at unfamiliar places and angles. It wasn’t until late in the evening that the floor dried enough for me to remove the gate from the bedroom door and put all the furniture back.

Scone wasn’t sure what to make of this upheaval in his world. He just knew Dad was responsible.

Scone’s never been one for tearing up the carpet, but for some unknown reason he decided to take out his frustrations on a corner of the living room where an ottoman usually sits. After I discovered it, I put an old magazine over the spot and put the ottoman back to weight it down. Scone was not amused:


Unable to dig his way entirely through the magazine, he decided to try the top of the ottoman.


Maybe that reminded him of when he used to jump up on the ottoman and use it for a springboard to get on top of the dining room counters – until I blocked it off.

“Rats, it’s still blocked!”


Scone did some more exploring to make sure the rest of his world was undisturbed.


“Maybe there’s something interesting through this crack – I can smell cut grass…”


“Dad’s opened the door – there’s outside behind that door…”


“I don’t know… it’s scary…”


“…and much too bright!”


“That’s enough. I’ll just watch from back here, shall I?”


poor scone! his face says it all! must be 'upset your rex weekend' as mine are fuming - hubby mowed the lawn and failed to put the cuttings into a mound for them to play on. didnt help that he didnt put the fence that keeps the dogs off their lawn back in the same position:rollseyes
Does Scone ever go outside? He looked so curious of the door, but I don't know if I've ever seen any "outdoors" pictures of him exploring. Either way, he still rules the house, why annex the yard to his kingdom? ;)
kherrmann3 wrote:
Does Scone ever go outside?
No, he doesn't. I've had him out on the lawn once or twice, but Scone really doesn't like it outside.

When he was a little kit my son and I put his cage out on the porch to get some sunshine and fresh air, and he was terrorized by the birds on the feeders overhead. Ever since, he's never gone any further voluntarily than the edge of the door - he looks out, and then runs back inside where it's dark and safe.
I love Scone's little tail ad white belly. That back shot is adorable. He sure has some funny expressions!
With all the discussion of photography on the forum, I couldn’t resist getting out the camera and taking some pictures of Scone for mid-August.

“This is my best profile”

“OK, Dad – ready to start?”

Tonight’s evening’s snack is kale – always a favorite.



Funny face…

Exploring his living room domain –
“Gotta make sure nothing’s changed when I wasn’t looking!”

“There’s so much work in keeping your human groomed, especially in summer when their clothing gets shorter and exposes more fur!”


Relaxing bun:


This would have be the best "Bunny High School (nerdy freshman)" picture if there ever was one! Scone is one of the most addicting bunnies on the forum! So much personality in one small bunny. :)

