Scone MacBunny - 2009

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Wonderful pictures Mike!!! I would just love to get a DSLR camera... which I could afford *probably*. It's all those lenses tho that would break me lol. Scone is looking dashing as ever... and glad to read that he's making a hit with the scouts too... that's just awesome!!!
kherrmann3 wrote:
Does Scone only eat kale? That's all I've ever seen him eat in pictures, veggie-wise... He must sure like it! :)
It is the world's best snack, in Scone's opinion.

He gets Spring Mix for breakfast. In the evenings, I give him either kale or lettuce or parsley. He also enjoys bok choy and dandelion greens and carrot tops. It's just coincidence that the last few times I've had the camera out, it was kale.




I feel bad that I haven't kept up on Scone's blog... You have captured such great pictures of him and his expressions. I have missed out on so many of them, that I might have to go back a page and take another look. It's too difficult to pick out one or two favorite pics, so I will just have to say that I have enjoyed looking at all of them!! Awe... the many faces of Scone... just too cute!!! :D

It's been quite a while since I had time to work on Scone's blog. It's been a busy fall, what with Scouting season starting up again...

Scone's been kind of on-again off-again sick over the last week or so. Last Wednesday he didn't eat, but I was able to coax him into a little snack and by the next day he was eating again. He's been kind of "down", though, and this Wednesday when I came home he hadn't eaten anything from the morning's breakfast. I got him to take a baby carrot and coaxed him into eating some kale, and in the morning yesterday he nibbled some hay and ate a leaf or two from his morning salad. When I got home last night, though, the rest of his salad and almost all of his pellets were still in his bowls and he was just lying down hunched up in his cage.

I took him to the Cornell clinic right away, and spent a few hours there with him. He perked up a little, and I was able to talk him into drinking a little water, but he wouldn't eat anything, not even kale. The intern and doctor examined him and said he had some gut sounds, but not much. They wanted to keep him overnight for observation and have the exotics specialists look at him this morning. I had a voice mail at the office this morning saying he seemed be doing OK, but they were going to do a blood workup and oral exam soon, and maybe take an x-ray.

It's my mother's 85th birthday Sunday, and I have to be down on LI with her. I was planning to leave Scone alone for the day, but now I don't know. Unfortunately, all of my friends who might otherwise look in on him are going out of town this weekend, too, and my son and his wife live in North Carolina now. I don't want to put Scone through the stress of a two-hour airplane flight or a six-hour drive each way, but I don't want him to feel abandoned, either... Fingers crossed...

Finally, Cornell called. Scone's eating, drinking and pooping up a storm, to quote the student in Exotics. His bloodwork was generally OK, but showed slightly abnormal kidney enzymes. The vet said that could be due to dehydration, from not drinking much for the previous few days - he was dehydrated when he was brought in. They want me to bring him back in two weeks for another workup, just to make sure the blood tests were due to dehydration and not a basic problem.

I picked Scone up this afternoon, and made an appointment to bring him back in for a recheck in two weeks. I got a kick out of the last line on the instruction sheet they sent him home with - "Scone was a fantastic patient and a gorgeous boy!"

As soon as I got in the door with his carry cage he sat right up, his eyes got big, and his ears went up. His nose started twitching a mile a minute - "I know this smell! I'm home!!!" I let him out of the cage, and he ran right into my bedroom and under the bed, his safe place.

Within half an hour he was back out, having a snack in his cage.


"Got a treat for a good bunny, Dad? It's been that sort of day..."

After his snack, he came out of the cage and checked everything out. Then he melted into a fur puddle in his director's chair. All's well in one bun's world...


Oh, Mike, he is simply adorable. I'm so glad he is all better now. He looks delighted to be home and comfy again. He has his own director's chair? How fitting ;)
Elf Mommy wrote:
I hope his health continues to improve. Scone is definitely one of my favorite mini-rexes.

Hope scouting is going well, too!
I wouldn't let Poe hear you say that, lol! Scone is definately a very handsome, photogenic boy.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Elf Mommy wrote:
I put my fingers in his ears when I typed it. :lalalala:
That had to be some trick!:?
It's actually quite simple. You just insert the 1st and 2nd fingers of one handin the bunny ears and type with the other hand. It's easy with with mini-rex since they are uppy-earred buns.
It's too bad I didn't live in your area. I never go anywhere, and would be happy to I mean bunny-sit for Scone anytime you needed to go out of town. Glad to hear he is feeling a bit better. Keep us posted on the next set of results in two weeks.

Scone's been right back to normal these last few days - it's as if he had never been under the weather at all. I walked past his cage with a bag of baby-cut carrots this afternoon, and as soon as I sat down he was in my lap waiting for his share.

He definitely likes the director's chair. I gave a talk on "Weird and Wonderful Patents" at the Perry Rotary Club about four years ago, and they gave me the chair (it says "Washington County Bank" on the back). I'd no sooner set it up in the living room than Scone jumped up in and declared it his. There's a rabbit-sized depression in the seat at this point.

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