Schleich Collectors

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JadeIcing I would like to thank you for another addiction I am such a pushover I see these cute things and I am like I NEED that. At first I was like oh thats cute and then the more of them I saw I was like let me just check what they have on ebay.....I got the little lop rabbit and then I thought she needed a friend so I got the rat! LOL I told my husband and he rolled his eyes like I was nuts. He's probably thinking he's going to unhook the computer or as long as they aren't alive its ok! LOL Either way I am now jealous of your collection!! Oh, and next on my list is hedgehog and more buns of course!
Wow Alicia, look at all those animals! I don't know how many I have, probably about 100? I've been a good girl and haven't bought any this year I don't think. I'm really needing to save money because I'm only working 20-25 hours a week since I'm going to school, and I owe Paul some money. This summer I'm only going to be working 16 hours a week because I'll be taking summer classes (hard math classes that need as much time devoted to them as possible) but I still have to pay rent and everything, AND our rent is about to go up because we're moving. So yeah, not too much money for little animals :(

Guess what! Rory loves Schleich too. When he's out of his cage, he runs over to the table they're on, hops onto a box, then stretches as tall as he can so he can nab animals off the table. I've found them in his cage, litter box, around the room and just seen him carrying them around. He doesn't chew on them and seems to prefer the wolves and dogs. I imagine him saying "HA HA SUCKAS! Who's the big bad predator NOW?!". I'm afraid he'll chew on one and get sick or swallow something so I moved the box he was hopping on, but he still tries to reach up there to grab them.
I took a break but have picked some that were clearence and when we had some extra fun money I bought a bunch. Now break time other than my monthly card thingy to the toy shop.
TinysMom wrote:
Here is a neat link that shows a lot of discontinued Schleich....they aren't available...but still neat..

Found him here.

:nerves1Now I need even more discontinued ones!
Angus Calf 13270 *
Angus Cow 13269 *
Guinea Pig 14402 *
Hanoverian Mare 13227
Holstein Mare 13262 *
Lipizaner Horse 13252
Giraffe Female 14161
Gorilla Female 14197
Chimpanzee Baby with T-Shirt 14455
Fox 14212
German Shepherd (Sitting) 16334 *
Lion Cub Playing 14038 *
Lion Cub Playing 14330 *
Lioness 14184 *
Elephant Calf with Ball 14457 *

Other retired I just want...

Airdale Terrier 16336
Beagle 16332
Chestnut Mare 13253
Elephant Calf with Ball 14457
Farm Dog 13265
Fawn with Butterfly 14458
Fjord Horse 13250
Fox Terrier 16338
Giant Schnauzer 16337
Great Dane 16320
Kid with Bell 14454
Kitten with Ball of Wool 14456
Morgan Stallion 13235
Orang-Utan Male 14315
Spotted Hyena 14347
Trakhener Mare 13261



70202 Pegasus
70201 Unicorn
70033 Dragon
70401 Falaroy
70400 Feya
70402 Sera
70410 Oleana
70408 Tulon
70412 Jaro
70413 Bilara
70404 Nuray
70406 Surah
70405 Turag

Wild Animals

Lion cub, lying - 14376
White-Tailed Buck - 14253 * Can't find that is not damaged.
14343 Indian Elephant Calf
14144 Indian Elephant
14199 Giant Panda


Fleckveieh Cow Standing - 13134
Fleckvieh Cow Grazing - 13133
Fleckvieh Bull - 13138
Ram - 13266
13610 Charolais Cow
13601 Mini Nanny Goat
13127 Rooster colourful
13125 Hen white
13124 Rooster white
13128 Hen brown
13131 Rooster colourful crowing
13130 Duck


Prezewalski's Horse - 13620
Arabian Stallion - 13629


West Highland Terrier - 16315
Cat - 14411
14409 Budgy blue


14404 Tortoise
14406 Mouse

Wild Life
14343 Indian Elephant Calf
14344 Indian Elephant female
14144 Indian Elephant
14322 African Elephant Calf
14341 African Elephant male
14342 African Elephant female
14378 Crocodile
14306 Orang-Utan female
14307 Orang-Utan, young
14304 Giant Turtle
14174 Kangaroo
14325 Ostrich
14169 Seal Pup
14171 Seal
14365 Sea lion
14358 Polar Bear Cub
14357 Polar Bear, female
14355 Dromedary Mare
14356 Dromedary Foal
14301 Llama
14348 Two-humped Camel
14349 American Bison

Forest Animals
14350 American Bison Calf
14248 Red deer
14381 Fawn
14379 Roebuck
14380 Deer
14337 Hedgehog
14367 Squirrel, sitting
14252 Squirrel eating
14333 Wild Boar
14334 Wild Sow
14335 Young Boar, grazing
14336 Young Boar, standing
14247 Eagle Owl
14324 Grizzly Bear Cub
14323 Grizzly Bear female
14326 Black Bear Cub
14316 Black bear
16707 Bald Eagle, spreaded Wings

40190 Waggon
40185 Horse Trailer
42025 4x4 vehicle with driver
42019 Rabbit hutch
40165 Stable
42028 Barn
40164 Horse Stable
40168 Fence with Gate
40186 Pasture fence
42026 Horse equipment,show jumping set
42020 Show jumping set
42027 Horse equipment, racing set
42002 Vaulting Set
40188 Western Riding Set
40187 Dressage Riding Set
42021 Riding set
40189 Dressage Arena
40181 Show Jumping Course
42003 Animal nursery
42006 Fence
42007 Corral
42014 Feeding ground
42005 Waterpump station
42022 Crate set
42004 Truck with driver
30655 African baobab
30656 Mopane
30654 Umbrella acacia
30657 Saquaro
30653 Fir, small
30652 Fir, large
30651 Oak, small
30650 Oak, large
42029 Wicker fence
42031 Well
42030 Stable
40193 Siege Tent
42008 Ox Cart
42018 Tournament Tent,green
42017 Tournament Tent, red
42010 Tournament Tent,blue
42033 Elf house: Shadow rock
42032 Elf house:Summergreen
070601-70606 The Elves story book
42024 Covered wagon
42016 Campfire
42012 Totem Pole

Some have names...To many to name...


Andalusion Stallion - 13607 - Alain
Angus Bull - 13282
Arab Foal - 13276
Arabian Mare - 13630
Arabian Stallion 13248--Aali
Bear Cub with Bottle 14452
Bernese Mountain Dog 16316--Shane
Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy 16344 --Ashley
Bernese Mountain Dog, standing 16339 --Mary
Boar - 13287
Boer He-Goat - 13258
Boer Kid 13260--Davey
Boer She-Goat - 13259
Border Collie 16330--Kirsten
Budgy green 14408
Camargue foal - 13628 - Caden
Camargue Mare - 13609 -- Caitlin
Cat standing 13122-Raven
Cat walking 13286--Tabitha
Cheetah - 14143
Cheetah Cub - 14327
Chimpanzee Cub 14192--Claire
Chimpanzee female 14191--Jessica
Chimpanzee male 14189 Issac
Clydesdale - 13291 -- Aislin
Dalmatian 16319 -Perdita
Dalmatian male 16346--Pongo
Dalmatian puppy 16347--Lucky
Dalmatian puppy, sitting 16348--Penny
Donkey - 13212
Donkey Foal 13268--Louey
Dwarf Kid 13611
Dwarf Lop (Rabbit) 14415 --Cristy
Falabella 13278--Deigo
Ferret - 14418
Fleckvieh Calf 13132 --Nadine
Fox 14338
Frisian Foal - 13622 - Aaliyah
Frisian Mare - 16304
Frog 14407--Herbert
German Shepard female - 16375
German Shepard, Standing - 16333
German Shepherd Puppy 16343Princess
Giraffe Calf 14321 --Lana
Giraffe Female - 14320
Golden Retriever 16335--Holden
Golden Retriever Puppy 16342--Mitzy
Goose 13129--Abigail
Gorilla Baby with Nappy 14451
Guinea Pig 14417--Dell
Hafling Foal, lying - 13292 -- Allegra
Haflinger Mare - 13606
Halfling Horse - 13280 - Ciro
Hamster 14412
Hanoverian Foal 13277--Kieran
Hanoverian Mare, Dressage 13296--Emelia
Hare - 14339 - Elias
Holstein Bull - 13632
Holstein Bull 13143
Holstein Calf -- 13139 -- John
Holstein Calf - 13634
Holstein calf,sucking 13615--Hank
Holstein Cow - 13633 - Daisy
Holstein Cow 13140--Cindy
Holstein Cow Grazing 13141
Holstein Foal -- 13263 - Brigitte
Husky female 16372--Sere
Husky male 16371--Damon
Husky puppy 16373--Sasha
Husky puppy, laying 16374--Misha
Ibex - 14366
Indian Elephant female - 14344
Jack Russel 16331--Eddie
Jaguar 14359--Sheera
Kangaroo 14174
King Penguin 14140--Danny
Knabstrupper foal, sucking 13619--Rey
Knabstrupper Mare 13617--Renata
Koala 14303--Bindy
Labrador Black - 16327
Labrador yellow 16329--Summer
Lamb lying 13284--Elizabeth
Lamb standing 13285--Victoria
Leopard 14360--Sonia
Lion - 14373
Lion cub, playing - 14377
Lion cub, walking 14364--Reeve
Lion Standing 14354--Cristopher
Lioness , lying - 14375
Lioness, walking 14363-Terrie
Lipizzaner Foal 13294--Joaquin
Lipizzaner Mare 13603--Rhianna
Lipizzaner Stallion 13293--Lucas
Meerkat, sitting 14362--Uncle Max
Meerkat, standing 14368--Timon
Mini Billy Goat - 13602
Moose 14310--Bernie
Mustang stallion black, reared up 13624--River
Mustang Stallion white, reared up - 13621
Okapi 14361
Palomino Stallion - 13618
Panda Cub - 14331
Parrot red 14329
Percheron Foal - 13627 - Gabriel
Percheron Mare - 13626
Percheron Stallion - 13623
Pet 14410 (Dog Sitting)--Mitchel
Piglet Eating - 13290
Piglet standing 13289--Danica
Pinto Stallion - 13616
Puppy with Ball 14453--Max
Pygmy Rabbit 14416--Kara Zor EL
Quarter Horse 13251--Arial
Rabbit 14246--Peter
Rabbit black-brown 13137--Wayne
Rabbit black-white 13121--Laura
Rat 14405--Andy
Rodeo Bull 13613--Fagan
Schleich Gorilla (Male) 14196
Schleich Gorilla Cub 14198
Sheep standing 13283--Annie
Shetland Foal 13608--Arabella
Shetland Pony 13297--Bella Aria
Shire foal 13272--Seraphina
Shire Horse 13247--Colin
Shire Mare - 13605
Sow Standing - 13288
St Benard - 16307
St. Bernard Puppy 16345--Tess
Swabian - Hall piglet - 13636
Swabian-Hall Pig - 13612
Swaibian-Hall piglet eating- 13635
Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion 13631--J.C. aka Johnny Cash
Texas longhorn bull 13275
Tiger 14317--Kane
Tiger 14369
Tiger cub white, playing 14385
Tiger cub white, standing 14384
Tiger cub, playing 14372
Tiger cub, standing 14371
Tiger white - 14382
Tigress - 14370
Tigress white - 14383
Tinker Foal 13295--Andrea
Tinker mare 13279--Emmaline
Tinker stallion 13625--Stephan
White swan 13614--Gary
White Tiger Cub - 14353
White Tigeress 14352--Milla
White-tailed doe 14254--Keely
White-Tailed Fawn - 14256
Wolf 14249--Akelia
Young Lion - 14374
Zebra 14148--Hallie
Zebra Foal 14146--Denzel

70403 Eyela
70407 Ophira
70409 Iloris with Leolynn
70411 Menatea

Phoenix 70200

Tipi 42011
42034 Oracle

I found a few toy stores in the area that carry Schleich, so we took a drive. The first one we hit had a ton of the new animals. So, I couldn't resist....









JadeIcing wrote:

I not sure who this one is but have been dying to find him. He runs a bit pricey on ebay.

The donkey is adorable! I think I've seen him for sale on ebay in the past. I too have the black angus bull; bought him from TGF Toys right before they sold out. And he's stunning to see in person. I tried to get the Angus cow a few weeks later but she was gone. :) Oh, and the bunny hutches in your post look even nicer than the online photos I've seen of them!

I also bought a few of the 2009 Schleich when they came out (the quarter horse was one of them), but that's it for me for least for the next while. Job situation is not great right now; our entire program is being cut from the govt and no one knows yet who will actually have a job by the end of the year, and who won't. So non-essential purchases will be on hold until I know more. Makes me glad I bought a few of the new guys when I did. ;)

Ali, I'll have to check out that link to the forum when I get a bit more time...right now The Dog is waiting impatiently for her Sunday trek to the old military base (only place around here she can run off-leash and have a blast), and since it takes almost an hour to get ther on foot, I'd better head out soon.:)

P.S. Isn't it exciting when you discover another store in the area that carries a full line of Schleich? Makes us feel like a kid all over again!
I called Peg I was so giddy. I was shaking! The two stores have a HUGE collection. I also got three copies of the 2009 catalog book thingy. I still need the 2008.