Schleich Collectors

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TinysMom wrote:

I almost bought this one a while ago when I was at an art store. Was looking at the Schleichs they had and then turned the corner to discover they had shelves full of Safaris as well. :D It looked just as good on the shelf as it does in the pics. But for now I'm focusing (mostly) on farm animals. But isn't she beautiful??
Bassetluv wrote:
I almost bought this one a while ago when I was at an art store. Was looking at the Schleichs they had and then turned the corner to discover they had shelves full of Safaris as well. :D It looked just as good on the shelf as it does in the pics. But for now I'm focusing (mostly) on farm animals. But isn't she beautiful??
I think she's a Papo and not a Safari....

I'm glad it looked as good in person as it did in pictures. I'm not big into wildlife but I love "mama and baby" type things. I can so hardly wait to get my order.

I almost didn't get the kittens - I kept going back and forth on them. As you probably noticed - most of mine were in odd positions - not just standing or sitting. I'm sort of excited about waiting to get them. (I was also pleased with the prices).

I don't know why I don't care for the Safari....if it is the paint job or what. I just have no desire to add them - at least I haven't really seen any that I want. The Papo? I see about another half dozen or so....maybe more.

Ok - now back to Schleich ... and my date.

Horses - No debate here....the Shire mare. Second would be the gray riding pony that was discontinued. I love the color of the mare and the heft of her. But that is an easy choice for me.

Dogs - Hard hard choice. I love the Bernese dogs - but I also love the St. Bernard. Still yet - my eyes keep going to the border collie and the German shepherd collie - probably because of Millie and Sasha - our pups. So I guess I'm going to say its a tie between the St. Bernard and sitting Bernese for favorite dog....and German Shepherd puppy for the puppies.

Cats - I think the black and white sitting cat. I love the grayish walking one that has a goofy face...but I love the sitting black and white cat - it looks realistic.

Baby animals - IMPOSSIBLE to pick a favorite - so I'll claim a three way panda, lion cubs and tiger cub

Farm animals - This really goes in the baby animals but I knew a four way tie might not go.....the black and pink piglet - forget its name....but yeah....I smile when I see it

Wild animals - Standing meerkat

"Something different" - baby bear with bottle

As an interesting note - I thought I liked the husky puppies when I first got them (they're ok)...but now that I see them on the shelf with the rest of the dogs...they don't look as good. They look more "fake" to me whereby the other puppies and dogs look more true to life. I'll try to get a picture of them with some others later and show y'all what I mean. I'm not sure if I want the husky adults - I'll have to see them in person in order to decide - they're definitely not going to be on my list to buy online or trade for. I'm just not overly excited about them.

Now for a question....

For those who have some on order - what is the one item or set you're looking forward to the most? (Ok - I'll accept two items)

For those who don't have any on order - what is the one item or set (and I'll accept two here) that you're looking forward the most to getting?

Of my orders - the set I'm looking forward to getting the most is the Knabstrupper set with mama and nursing foal. The singleton I'm most looking forward to is the heavy horse I think.

Ok - I have some more questions for y'all....

Do you plan to get every animal in certain collections (dogs/horses/farm animals, etc) - or do you plan to pick and choose? (In other words - someday will you look at them and go, "I have the COMPLETE set" ...(till they add more).

Are you adding discontinued items to your collection?

How will you know when it is time to stop adding to your collection? Will you stop adding when you fill a certain amount of space? Make more space?

How are you keeping track of your collection so you don't get duplicates? I know Ali uses Excel for a spreadsheet.

Are you going to be asking your family/friends for Schleich for gifts? If so - certain items? Or money for Schleich?

How are you budgeting for your purchases (if you're budgeting for them)? I liked the way Snowy said, "I spent as much as if I'd worked X so I'll pick up some extra hours.." and that got me thinking...

How much do you plan to do your buying online vs. local?

Just some thoughts to get some discussion going....

Here are my answers...

I am not buying every animal in the various collections. I don't like some of them. For instance - I'm finding I'm not a big fan of the smaller (leaner?) horses. I keep looking at the black rearing horse in the feed store - but honestly - it doesn't do much for me. I also don't know much about horses - so "X horse" vs. "Y horse" doesn't do much for me. So I'm mainly going for looks with the horses...what calls out to me. I do regret I bought the Shetland foal - maybe when I have the pony to go with it - I'll like it better. For dogs - I want a good number of them - but not all of them. Same with cats. I'm still trying to decide about the wild animals...I do love the cat family - so I may collect those but I don't want the elephants, etc. The baby animals? MY WEAKNESS. So I guess what I'm saying is...I'm gonna pick and choose.

Right now I'm focusing on the discontinued animals that I like so I can make sure I get them. I'm kicking myself that I didn't get the fawn with the butterfly when TGF still had it. Oh well...such is life. I'm watching a couple of discontinued items on Ebay right now...debating on one that is cute but isn't a "wow..I must have"...and watching some that end soon that I do love.

I will probably take a break from adding when I reach a certain point when my display is full. I'll get more when I add another shelf or something but I'll probably set some sort of limits.

I haven't yet set up a system to keep track of the animals - but I am hoping to do so today. I'll probably print up a page or two and put it in a page protector and keep it at my desk...and also keep a copy in my wallet for when I'm in the stores.

I am not going to ask my family for Schleich as I like picking out what I get and who I get it from. So far - I've been VERY VERY pleased with my purchases from TGF Toys and from one store on Ebay. I don't know if I'll normally buy from individuals on Ebay but in these cases - the stores were it worked well for me.

I think for budgeting - I'm going to allow myself $X per month. I have two companies that I pick up extra work from frequently - but not enough to count on as regular income. I'll add their pay to the budgeted amount whenever I get it.

I'll mostly buy online as I only have one store near me that sells Schleich and one store that is 70 miles away. HOWEVER, Justin's wife has said she can special order me anything I want from Schleich - so I may put together a nice order and just have her order it for me! I never thought to ask her to do that....but she is sooooo sweet.

So those are my answers...
TinysMom wrote:
As an interesting note - I thought I liked the husky puppies when I first got them (they're ok)...but now that I see them on the shelf with the rest of the dogs...they don't look as good. They look more "fake" to me whereby the other puppies and dogs look more true to life. I'll try to get a picture of them with some others later and show y'all what I mean. I'm not sure if I want the husky adults - I'll have to see them in person in order to decide - they're definitely not going to be on my list to buy online or trade for. I'm just not overly excited about them.
I know what you mean. I still like them because I have a thing for Huskies.
Now for a question....

For those who have some on order - what is the one item or set you're looking forward to the most? (Ok - I'll accept two items)
I only have one! As I told Peg it was shipped yesterday.
For those who don't have any on order - what is the one item or set (and I'll accept two here) that you're looking forward the most to getting?

That is hard. There is a few for me. I LOVE the frisian Mare but am dying for the Shire Mare and Hafling foal (which I can't find.) I love that they are different poses. Feels like it would add something.
Ali - could you take a picture of the husky adults with other adult dogs so I can check it out? I'll try to take a picture of the puppies with other puppies to see if I can explain to others what I mean.

I love huskies as dogs...I think they're great. I just wish they'd done as good of a job w/ the huskies as they did with others..

TinysMom wrote:
Ali - could you take a picture of the husky adults with other adult dogs so I can check it out? I'll try to take a picture of the puppies with other puppies to see if I can explain to others what I mean.

I love huskies as dogs...I think they're great. I just wish they'd done as good of a job w/ the huskies as they did with others..

Will do!

TinysMom wrote:
Bassetluv wrote:
I almost bought this one a while ago when I was at an art store. Was looking at the Schleichs they had and then turned the corner to discover they had shelves full of Safaris as well. :D It looked just as good on the shelf as it does in the pics. But for now I'm focusing (mostly) on farm animals. But isn't she beautiful??
I think she's a Papo and not a Safari....

Oh gosh, I think you're right. You know, I will have to go back to the store at some point because I was sure I saw that one; but maybe it was another model. Now I'm wondering if they carried Papo too. (See, my old age card is showing again.)

(So far as I know ;)) I haven't seen any Papo in person. I find many of the Safari tend to not look as realistic as Schleich, but some of them do appeal to me. Like my border collie (love this guy!)

Do you plan to get every animal in certain collections (dogs/horses/farm animals, etc) - or do you plan to pick and choose? (In other words - someday will you look at them and go, "I have the COMPLETE set" ...(till they add more).

Probably...I've been buying the ones that appeal to me the most, but then find that the more I get, the more I have the urge to complete the entire collection someday.

Are you adding discontinued items to your collection?

Yes, but not intentionally...I have the goat kid with a bell and the Fjord horse on order; both are discontinued.

How will you know when it is time to stop adding to your collection? Will you stop adding when you fill a certain amount of space? Make more space?

Money will be the most influential factor. I can always buy shelving to put them on, since they are so small.

How are you keeping track of your collection so you don't get duplicates? I know Ali uses Excel for a spreadsheet.

So far by memory...but my memory sucks at times. I caught myself last week in a store wondering if I already had one of the horses that was on display.

Are you going to be asking your family/friends for Schleich for gifts? If so - certain items? Or money for Schleich?

No. I'd rather order them myself, or - better yet - pick them out at the store myself, than wait for someone to buy me one.

How are you budgeting for your purchases (if you're budgeting for them)? I liked the way Snowy said, "I spent as much as if I'd worked X so I'll pick up some extra hours.." and that got me thinking...

hhmmm...I tend to use my debit card, then when my bank statement comes in I go :shock:

How much do you plan to do your buying online vs. local?

Online for the ones I can't find here. Unless I get lazy and don't feel like running around town searching. ;) Not having a car can be inhibiting.
Holy cannoli! I just was looking on ebay and there's a Schleich Fjord horse going for auction...bidding is still 5 hrs from closing and the price is up to $36.00 for him now! :shock:
Well - I laid down and got up shortly after the Persian kitten I was watching ended....she ended at $25. I wouldn't have gone that high.

The horse you mentioned....went for....$86.

The rearing Morgan I really liked (and was at .99 until I got up from my nap if I remember right) - went for $11.75 just moments ago. When I saw it was that high when I got up from my nap - I went to TGF and ordered it...along with a few other discontinued items ('big cats') that I realized I'd feel really bad if I missed out on them.

The beagle I liked (and have on order) went for $15.30.

The giraffes (which I wasn't really watching) - went for $35 each. Hmm...the feed store had giraffes that I didn't even look at....might be worth checking them out.

The kitten with ball of yarn went for $12.25.

The German shepherd went for $11.75.

oh - the black farm dog I was watching went for $15.01.

I didn't bid/buy any of those in the auctions but I was watching them.

The more I look at those auctions - the more I think I'm going to focus my efforts on the discontinued items that I like. I also printed up a list of discontinued items to take with me when I go to the Tractor supply store in 10 days or so.

I contacted one seller on Ebay - told him that I wanted to buy a few of his retired items (I'm still waiting on my order from him....) but that I couldn't pay till Thursday. (I normally paypal within minutes after buying unless I'm buying several items and want to wait for an invoice for combined shipping). He told me to go ahead and buy them - he'll set them aside for me and then ship them out after he gets the payment next week.

I told myself if I buy any from him - it can only be the discontinued items....

Anyway - I thought I'd share about those retired items and what they went for on Ebay. Some I was watching - some I didn't care about - but I found the final prices interesting...

Peg, good idea to have questions to answer! I've found everyone else's (erm, all 3 of you) answers quite interesting. Here goes:

For those who have some on order - what is the one item or set you're looking forward to the most? (Ok - I'll accept two items)
This one's tough! I'm really looking forward to getting the Morgan Stallion, I've been ogling the rearing stallions and he's retired, so I thought I'd better buy him now. The second Schleich I'm most looking forward to getting is probably the Great Bernese Mountain Dog puppy :biggrin2:

For those who don't have any on order - what is the one item or set (and I'll accept two here) that you're looking forward the most to getting?
Okay, I have some on order, but there are still a lot of them that I'm really looking forward to getting even though I haven't ordered them. I'm hoping to find them locally. I'm excited to someday find the Knabstrupper mare and foal. Also the Macaw, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and several more.

Do you plan to get every animal in certain collections (dogs/horses/farm animals, etc) - or do you plan to pick and choose? (In other words - someday will you look at them and go, "I have the COMPLETE set" ...(till they add more).
I plan to pick and choose, getting whichever ones strike my fancy. At the moment, I have several figures that are just one of a set- like the panda cub but no mama panda and foals without mares or horses without their babies. I suppose I may eventually add on the other animals from a set, like buy the Lipizzaner mare and stallion since I have the foal. But I don't anticipate buying any that I don't really like.

Are you adding discontinued items to your collection?
Yep! I have the discontinued white tiger cub, Icelandic pony, Morgan Stallion, Beagle, Farm dog, baby chimp with shirt, pup with ball, kitten with yarn, goat with bell, toucan, and the fox terrier on their way to me! I already own the Appaloosa stallion, found it here in town.

How will you know when it is time to stop adding to your collection? Will you stop
adding when you fill a certain amount of space? Make more space?
I don't know! I guess if I lose interest (unlikely) or feel I just have way too many and don't want to seem like a crazy lady.

How are you keeping track of your collection so you don't get duplicates? I know Ali uses Excel for a spreadsheet.
I don't think I'll have a problem with just remembering which ones I have.

Are you going to be asking your family/friends for Schleich for gifts? If so - certain items? Or money for Schleich?
I'll probably mention that I collect them and they can get some for me if they'd like. If they're interested, I'll give them a list of the ones I have so I don't get duplicates. I figure even if they give me one I'm not wild about, it will be special because it was a gift from someone I love who chose it for me.

How are you budgeting for your purchases (if you're budgeting for them)? I liked the way Snowy said, "I spent as much as if I'd worked X so I'll pick up some extra hours.." and that got me thinking...
I think you gave my answer for me :)

How much do you plan to do your buying online vs. local?

I plan on buying local when I can, and just ordering online when one I really want is at risk of being retired or is hard to find and I want to make sure I get it. That being said, I've recently ordered a lot online, all from TGF! Most of them were discontinued ones, some were gifts and a couple were ones that I found so charming that I really want to add them now. A lot of the ones I ordered are actually Safari or Papo, since I can't find those in the stores around here.
Oh and Peg, I think it's funny that you aren't wild about the Morgan Stallion or Shetland Pony foal. Those two are a couple of my favorites! :dude:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh and Peg, I think it's funny that you aren't wild about the Morgan Stallion or Shetland Pony foal. Those two are a couple of my favorites! :dude:
Actually - I was so disappointed to see the rearing Morgan Stallion go to $11.75 from .99 - that I went to TGF and ordered him and some others. I was able to get him for $6.99 if I remember right.

DARN....I just realized something.

He is retired - and our feed store has him. I was thinking that there was a new black rearing stallion along with the white one.

Oh well....that's ok. I needed the excuse to visit TGF anyway.

He is going to give a different look to the herd when he gets here.

Snowy - and others who collect Breyer and Papo and Safari....are you intermingling the different brands or keeping them separate..

And Ali - I admire you for sticking to ONLY Schleich.
There is a difference from the black rearing to the Morgan Stallion rearing. I want the Morgan. I LOVE Morgan Horses.

TinysMom wrote:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh and Peg, I think it's funny that you aren't wild about the Morgan Stallion or Shetland Pony foal. Those two are a couple of my favorites! :dude:
Actually - I was so disappointed to see the rearing Morgan Stallion go to $11.75 from .99 - that I went to TGF and ordered him and some others. I was able to get him for $6.99 if I remember right.

DARN....I just realized something.

He is retired - and our feed store has him. I was thinking that there was a new black rearing stallion along with the white one.

And Ali - I admire you for sticking to ONLY Schleich.
Yes I am sticking to it.
For those who have some on order - what is the one item or set you're looking forward to the most? (Ok - I'll accept two items) I answered this one. :p

For those who don't have any on order - what is the one item or set (and I'll accept two here) that you're looking forward the most to getting? Again answered that one.

Do you plan to get every animal in certain collections (dogs/horses/farm animals, etc) - or do you plan to pick and choose? (In other words - someday will you look at them and go, "I have the COMPLETE set" ...(till they add more). I think I didn't answer this one. Just in case I plan on getting most of them but if it doesn't draw me in I will more than likely pass it up.

Are you adding discontinued items to your collection? Yes as I find them and they call to me. :p

How will you know when it is time to stop adding to your collection? Will you stop Time to stop? I am sure I can make more room!

How are you keeping track of your collection so you don't get duplicates? I know Ali uses Excel for a spreadsheet. Just to let people know it is also a way for me to keep my families informed of which I know...Continued in next question.

Are you going to be asking your family/friends for Schleich for gifts? If so - certain items? Or money for Schleich? YES! Rob (hubby) is getting me some for my birthday/anni (Oct 1) and christmas.

How are you budgeting for your purchases (if you're budgeting for them)? I liked the way Snowy said, "I spent as much as if I'd worked X so I'll pick up some extra hours.." and that got me thinking... I limit myself to X number at a time. Also keep in mind how much money to how many bills.

How much do you plan to do your buying online vs. local? Mostly local. Though I have the feeling I will have to go online for some. Like the Hafling Foal! I CAN'T FIND IT!
Alicia, are you looking for this guy?


He's really cute, got him at the feed store I think last week. If I recall, they had several more...

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