Bassetluv wrote:
I almost bought this one a while ago when I was at an art store. Was looking at the Schleichs they had and then turned the corner to discover they had shelves full of Safaris as well.

It looked just as good on the shelf as it does in the pics. But for now I'm focusing (mostly) on farm animals. But isn't she beautiful??
I think she's a Papo and not a Safari....
I'm glad it looked as good in person as it did in pictures. I'm not big into wildlife but I love "mama and baby" type things. I can so hardly wait to get my order.
I almost didn't get the kittens - I kept going back and forth on them. As you probably noticed - most of mine were in odd positions - not just standing or sitting. I'm sort of excited about waiting to get them. (I was also pleased with the prices).
I don't know why I don't care for the Safari....if it is the paint job or what. I just have no desire to add them - at least I haven't really seen any that I want. The Papo? I see about another half dozen or so....maybe more.
Ok - now back to Schleich ... and my date.
Horses - No debate here....the Shire mare. Second would be the gray riding pony that was discontinued. I love the color of the mare and the heft of her. But that is an easy choice for me.
Dogs - Hard hard choice. I love the Bernese dogs - but I also love the St. Bernard. Still yet - my eyes keep going to the border collie and the German shepherd collie - probably because of Millie and Sasha - our pups. So I guess I'm going to say its a tie between the St. Bernard and sitting Bernese for favorite dog....and German Shepherd puppy for the puppies.
Cats - I think the black and white sitting cat. I love the grayish walking one that has a goofy face...but I love the sitting black and white cat - it looks realistic.
Baby animals - IMPOSSIBLE to pick a favorite - so I'll claim a three way panda, lion cubs and tiger cub
Farm animals - This really goes in the baby animals but I knew a four way tie might not go.....the black and pink piglet - forget its name....but yeah....I smile when I see it
Wild animals - Standing meerkat
"Something different" - baby bear with bottle
As an interesting note - I thought I liked the husky puppies when I first got them (they're ok)...but now that I see them on the shelf with the rest of the dogs...they don't look as good. They look more "fake" to me whereby the other puppies and dogs look more true to life. I'll try to get a picture of them with some others later and show y'all what I mean. I'm not sure if I want the husky adults - I'll have to see them in person in order to decide - they're definitely not going to be on my list to buy online or trade for. I'm just not overly excited about them.
Now for a question....
For those who have some on order - what is the one item or set you're looking forward to the most? (Ok - I'll accept two items)
For those who don't have any on order - what is the one item or set (and I'll accept two here) that you're looking forward the most to getting?
Of my orders - the set I'm looking forward to getting the most is the Knabstrupper set with mama and nursing foal. The singleton I'm most looking forward to is the heavy horse I think.