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I bet taking in Sakura could really benefit the residents, if not your great gran. When I was in a psych ward my parents were allowed to bring rabbits to visit me and it made a huge difference, I can see the same theory applying here. How do you reckon she would react to everyone worshipping her?

It's hard watching those you love turn into someone you don't know, but at least she is keeping traits of her old self, even if they are not the most desirable. I had to laugh at what she said, that's quite sweet really. Bless her.

It's good she is near you and easy to visit even if it is hard for you:)
Just popping in some pics I took of my great grandma (Edith) I took this afternoon.

Here she is with my grandma


The back of my grandma's toy-boy husband :p


One of the nice decks, the building sort of twists and turns and wraps around decking and a large pond


They are all chock with glorious flowers and so pretty.

I didn't take Sakura, as she's moulting, grandma felt that it might cause allergies with some of the people there.

[align=center]Almost forgot to add!

[align=left]I'm going to the rabbitry where Sakura was bred on Saturday, she's going too, we are going to see if she can possibly find a friend. It will at least do her some good to meet with some other rabbits. Some of the boys are neutered and some aren't, none of the girls are spayed but that wont matter as if I choose one I'll have it done.

She has brothers and sisters there, half brothers, her dad and all sorts of relatives. This lady also breeds blue eyed white dwarf bunnies, and harlequin lops!
[/align] [/align]
I know I've been posting in here waaaay too much lately, but I've just been to the petstore. I HATE this place :(, look how sad and desperate for some human affection this kitten was. The kittens live in these huge, pretty much bare tanksw. They were only young, most still had blue eyes.






The rabbits were no better either, the girls on one side and the boys on the other was good to see (I checked), but on the girl side one larger rabbit was terrorising a tiny black bunny and the poor thing was so scared it was climbing the bars and hanging there to escape. I got a worker there to take the black rabbit out, but I confess I did try to steal it, she caught me holding it.

This was the bunny biting and chasing the other


It had just bitten this guinea pig here


This was the happier side, the male rabbits:




Excuse me, someone seems to have put my foster Roger forsale in that petshop (black bun). Can I have him back please :biggrin2:

I just noticed you said the breeder has BEWs, so you may find a Badgeralike. Eeeeeeeeeeeeee how exciting!

Those are lovely pictures of when you went to see your great grandma. It looks like a really lovely place :)
I love the pic of your Great Grandmother and Grandmother, that is a great picture!:D

I also love the pics of Miss Sakura!:)

The ones at the shelter are great, those kitties are so cute, I love tiger kitties, aww.:(
Your great-grandma is smiling! It must have been a good day :)

I know how frustrating memory-loss can be. No one in my family has gone through it, but I had to work on the memory-care floor of a nursing home for my nursing assistant clinical testing. I was physically assaulted by a 102 year old woman who told me that I was bathing her in carbonic acid (while screaming). It was hard to watch the families come and go and the residents not knowing who they were.

I understand how hard it must be to feel that :hug:

A lot of the people on that floor LOVED animals! Stuffed toys were a hit. The ones with compulsions (hand tapping, arm swinging, etc.) were given stuffed toys and they would carry these things around and pet them. It made them a lot happier (and some of the stuffed toys had their "fur" worn off in areas from being over-petted).
kherrmann3 wrote:
Your great-grandma is smiling! It must have been a good day :)
Her "What are you pointing at me now you daft girl, where are you going? Sit down. Go away!"
Me: "For goodness sake SMILE great grandma, it's a camera not a gun! SMILE!"

Oh... :?
Well, at least you have a picture of her smiling :)

I have very few memories of my great-grandma and I have none of my great-grandpa. You are very lucky to know her :) I was five or six when they passed. They were in their 90's. My grandpa is old enough to be my great grandpa... he's 87 (and just got his driver's license renewed :shock:).

Also, Happy Hatching Day! It's a day late :p But better late than never! :hug:
I wrote way more in that post! It munched it! :shock: Sorry :?, made me look like I was being a sarcastic downer, I wasn't trying to :p.

She was actually pretty nice yesterday so that was good :D, thanks for your comments, this is the first time I've had to deal with an elderly relative and it's all new and a bit frighting for me.

She is 87 herself, like your grandpa, but I'm very glad she doedn't drive lol! She can't even walk :shock:. Her muscles wasted away from lack of exercise in her old age.

Oh wow I can't imagine my grandparents being that old, I am lucky in that respect :). I'm 26, my mum is 43, my grandma is 63 and my great grandma is 87. She is the only great grandparent I have left though.

It seems funny because my partner Mathew, his parents are only a few years younger than my grandparents, I tease them about that sometimes.

It seems odd that I don't really have any male grandparents - I mean, I do - but they've all estranged themselves from me and my family :?. My dads' dad I have only ever met once, he was awefull, and I don't talk to my grandad (the ex hubby of my grandma in the pic I posted) because he molested me when I was little. I don't even talk to my dad at all. I guess men in our family aren't very good with offspring :p.
Wow! Your family is so young! I'm 21 (my half-sisters are 26 and 29), my mum is 54 (as of Monday), my dad is 55, and my grandparents are in their late 70's. My dad's dad is 87. I have an aunt that is 66. :? I am the youngest of all the cousins (on both sides). All of my cousins on my dad's side are in their 30's.

I have an OLD family. Will's family is like that, too. His parent's are the same age as mine. His other siblings are 29, 27, 23, 18 and 15. Will is 21 :p

You are lucky to know your grandma when she's younger. As long as I can remember, mine has walked with a cane and has had at least one false joint :p
I've always been super-close to my grandma, more so as an adult. And hey she has false bits too lol! She's had crippling arthritus since she was 18, her hands and legs are expecially bad. She's had a knee replaced, joints in one had and some growths in other joints removed. her hand that hasn't been fixed is bad :?, her fingers are at an extreme angle to her palm.

You think she's young, her husband only turned 40 this year ;).

My mum had me as a teenager so I guess that makes us all closer in age, and I'm the eldest of two.

I need to call this blog "Michelle - gassbagging, general dullness and gossiper!" as I am starting to forget this is a rabbit thing haha!
You're the one with opposable thumbs and fingers, you can type whatever you want! It's your blog, too!

Whenever you feel sad, go hug Sakura! :D Nothing makes someone feel better than hugging a bunny (unless they're shedding, then it's just dangerous... or at least really, really itchy). :p
Thanks to Tracey and Becca and Sophie for putting up with me when I couldn't sleep last night :hug:. You guys are really kind :innocent.

Today is *play horror music* NAIL CLIPPING DAY ~and~ scent gland cleaning day. One thing about Sakura is she hates to be upsidedown and really freaks out so I'm bound to have a struggle on my hand. Lucky she's fairly small so I can hold her with one and and have the other free to do the grooming.

kherrmann yup she is shedding, but it's more my nose that's itching than anything :headsmack. I've got a furminator but it doesn't seem to pick up her short fur. Works wonders on the Hairy Beast that is The Cat though.
(Pst, my name is Tracy :p), and you don't need to thank me. Twas nice to have a chat with you. You doing any better this morning?

I think you're going to have a marvellously fun day wiht Sakura :p Is this making her all presentable for a date?

I knew it bah! I was tossing up in my head whether it was Tracey or Tracy and was going to ask, but took a guess instead :p, doh! Trust me to get the wrong spelling huh, hehe :D. Mat gets his name spelt wrong all the time too, he's a Mathew rather than a Matthew. Normally I would have searched through your threads to find where you'd written your name but I thought I'd just guess.

I had a Tracy as a friend when I was a little kid and people who weren't her friend called her Tracky, and said there "wasn't a trace of her", all sorts of stupid stuff, because she didn't have an e in her name.

I'm good, just sleepy, thank you for asking. I hope you're having a good day and got that humongous bunny family fed before they thumped the house down :cool:. Half of me envies you for having so many animals around, the other half is glad it's you and not me ;). Are the inside buns back in your room now? What was the plumber fixing anyway?

Yep trying to get her all smelling and looking good for her speed dating session tomorrow :D. Do you have to clean your buns scent glands very often? Hers are always smelly :?.

There's lots of stuff about Scotland on the tellie today and meant to be our Scotland day here, a news presenter is playing the bagpipes and it's dreadful :shock:.

I might go have a snooze :sleep:, before I try and tackle the monsters claws and glands. I hate sleeping during the day because it makes me feel guilty when other people are out at work but I'm gonna be moody and end up snapping someones head off if I don't.

Yeh, I had a 'friend' who called me 'tracky'. Most of the time I was Rabbit though because my surname is Hutchings and until I had my brace I had horrid front teeth. Mean bullies they were too.:grumpy:

My buns are back in my room as of this morning, and very relieved about it. The plumber was giving us a new boiler, and doing something with our heating system, so big work. But now we are past that and just have to sort out the chaos, lol.

I'm glad you're doing ok today. Hopefully preening Sakura will be fun and easy for you, and having a sleep will hope you catch up with yourself a bit.

I very rarely do my buns scent glands, only when I have to, sounds like Sakura really wants everybun to know you and everything around you, belong to her, lol.

I hope you have a good day today :)
NZminilops wrote:
Do you have to clean your buns scent glands very often? Hers are always smelly :?.
Maybe it's a Nethie thing. Toby's are always icky. I haven't been brave enough to venture there to clean them out lately.
... I'm afraid :tears2:
Great pictures!!

No need to thank me (for talking to you when you couldn't sleep) it was fun! I was bored and ill so it took my mind off it - so thank you :D

Good Luck for the nail clipping and scent gland cleaning :p

Becccaaa -x

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