Dusty is so very handsome.
What happened with the screech owl? Did it go to the Raptor Center or elsewhere? I am hoping that all went well there.
Owl question: would it be unusual to see owls "hunting" over cornfields during the early light morning hours? There is an owl that I have seen for days on my way to work. He sits atop some wires/poles on the side of a road that is surrounded by recently cut corn fields. I presume he is hunting the mice that abound there...but I've never seen an owl seeking prey in the light of morning. I am keeping an eye out for him each day, as I'm concerned that this habit might be a sign that he's in some type of distress. Should I be worried?
Bunny snuggles to Scoots, Danny, Miracle, and all! Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful Thanksgiving.
-Mary Ellen