Sabrina's House~~The Rescue

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Hi All,

This very handsome young man is Joseph. He was originally rescued by some good friends of ours that are breeders. This rabbit was at another breeder and they were going to allow him to die. Why? If you look closely, he has head tilt (wry neck). It was caused by an ongoing infection secondary to an infestation of ear mites. Had the mites been properly treated, there would most likely have been no infection. Our friends asked us to take him as the tilt worsened. We have it corrected about 80% but I don't think it will get any better. It doesn't seem to cause Joseph any real issues at all and he can run and play with the best of them. The good thing is that the infection didn't seem to leave him with any hearing impairment. He is a very laid back young man that just likes to go with the flow.


Here is another one of our residents. This young lady has been thru a lot. Her name is Katrina. She survived the catastrophic hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast area. She is named in honor of the victims...human and animal...that suffered thru Hurricane Katrina a couple of years ago. She is one of two buns we have that were evacuated from the Gulf Coast after the storm. Along with Mo, she arrived safely but very stressed out. It took quite a bit of time for her to trust us but she has really blossomed into a very beautiful Southern Belle...and she is very prim and proper.She is nothing short of a perfect lady at all times.She is absolutely perfect with her litter box and eagerly anticipates being petted. She has the most perfect dark gray rex fur. She comes to us from Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue in Louisiana. This is the very first picture we had of her before she ever started the trip north and east.


We are doing the JoJo-Katrina bond slowly. JoJo still thinks he is a stud...and Katrina isn't very interested in that kind of activity(smart I think it will work. JoJo is doing great. The abscess appears to be totally healed. He is off all the drugs for the first time since he arrived. The only complication we had, and it was minor, was some small skin abscesses from all the injections. That is the first time we have had that...but we also shot him much more than others too. We will probably do another set of x-rays in a few weeks to see exactly how things are going. He is such a clown....with those long ears and that inquisitive face. He is a great bunny.


What an awesome photo of Danny. I remember your picture of the goopy eye...ugh! He's a wonderful success story. We think of him often here. Something about his situation just always tugged at my and Gary's heart. Glad to know he's got a gal to look after and love him.

Yesterday was an exciting day here...our Sabrina's House calendar arrived in the mail! It's great! Having Yoda wind up the year as the December picture seems so fitting.

Hope all is well with you.

Give special snuggles to Scoots for us!

-Mary Ellen

-How is the squirrel w/ the head trauma?
Mary Ellen...Danny has a way with people...everyone that meets him just loves him. One of our friends that is a vet student justadores him and holds him everytime she gets to see him. He sits on her shoulder like he is king of the world. It was also good that she got to see us develop the drug protocols to treat his very nasty eye infection.

Scoots is doing great. She has grown into a very large bunny and just as sweet as she can be. And despite all her problems, she is a very docile and loving rabbit. Her favorite time of the day is meal time....and she is not a picky eater at all. We are so happy she came here.

And the squirrel with the head trauma is doing well....he is all boy and all maturing squirrel. His preferred place is to be crawling all over me. He is in that very playful stage right now but it is only a matter of time before he decides he wants to be a squirrel. He is eating almost totally on his own now...a little ahead of schedule. He should be ready for release sometime in mid-December.
WOW! my heart just did a flip when I saw Katrina. She is just so beautiful. I wish so much I had a place for more rabbits - she is definitely special! I'm very happy she's with you and doing so well along with the others.

Please give her a nose rub from me....
Hi Everyone,

Please send healing vibes to this little guy. He was admitted just a few minutes ago. It is a juvenile Eastern Screech Owl in red morph. He only weighs 132g. He flew into the path of a car. My initial exam shows possible internal injuries, an injured wing and most likely a head injury. He has some neurological issues right now. I have just treated him for shock and put him on some pain meds. He will relax here tonight and be transferred to the wildlife hospital tomorrow morning if all goes well. But this little guy is in trouble and his prognosis is not good. We will do everything we can for him....but keep him in your thoughts.


Oh ouch! Poor little guy. I hope he pulls through. Teeny owls are so cute!

So Randy, where do animals like that go if they heal but can't go back to the wild? I know the wildlife center in Green Bay has a small zoo-type place open to the public and they do education stuff. One of their permanent residents is this poor cougar someone declawed and kept as a pet.:shock:
Hi All,

I think the squirrels are trying to displace rabbits as the most prolific breeder in the wild. We now have several gray squirrels for what appears to be third litters this year. Unprecedented. But the Southern Flying Squirrels don't want to be left out. And here is a group of 4 flyersthat just came in yesterday. The smallest weighs 13g...the largest is 16g. They have quite a fight ahead of them....wish them well.


This wonderful elderly gentleman is Dusty. He was found sitting in the middle of a street in a neighboring town. The people that found him have little...but went searching for help for Dusty....they knew he was in trouble. At the time, a friend of ours was working at the local Petsmart and overheard the people asking if they knew any vet that could help him. So she called us and put us in contact with the people and within an hour, Dusty was with us. He was emaciated and so dehydrated that he bent a 19g needle. But we knew immediately that Dusty was a very sick rabbit. One of his testicles was the size of a golf ball and very angry. We knew he had testicular cancer and knew that time was not on his side. We designed the most aggressive drug and husbandry protocols we had worked up until that time to get him ready for surgery. In consulting with our vet, we decided that Dusty could wait no longer and underwent an emergency neuter five days after he arrived here. He was so weak that we feared that he would not survive...but he did. He is cancer free now....and enjoying being here. He is a wonderful rabbit that just gravitates to attention...and eats it up. Dusty will spend the rest of his life living here with us.



Dusty is so very handsome.

What happened with the screech owl? Did it go to the Raptor Center or elsewhere? I am hoping that all went well there.

Owl question: would it be unusual to see owls "hunting" over cornfields during the early light morning hours? There is an owl that I have seen for days on my way to work. He sits atop some wires/poles on the side of a road that is surrounded by recently cut corn fields. I presume he is hunting the mice that abound there...but I've never seen an owl seeking prey in the light of morning. I am keeping an eye out for him each day, as I'm concerned that this habit might be a sign that he's in some type of distress. Should I be worried?

Bunny snuggles to Scoots, Danny, Miracle, and all! Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful Thanksgiving.

-Mary Ellen
This is Penelope.....our "nut case" rabbit. This is her position for extended pets on her head. She will sit for hours if you will only pet her head. And she is our biggest hay eater. She has never met a hay she didn't like....and isn't at all picky about any other meal either. She is very demanding and can throw a tantrum when she is not pleased. But she is a great rabbit.


Oh my gosh I am in LOVE! I want her!! But don't tell my husband, I may get divorced for just thinking about another rabbit. Teehee

I would love to know how the squirrls are doing? They look (and I guess they are) so tiny and helpless.
Hi All,

Haven't posted any pics in a while but thought you might like to see some of the critters that have been coming thru. This is a cottontail that had been attacked by a cat. Just ayear or soago this type of attack would have meant certain death for a cottontail....or a squirrel or small bird too due to the infections passed by a cat bite. Even a nick of a tooth can cause a life threatening infection. And sometimes it is quite hard to see a cat bite since their teeth are so pointed. But we have learned a lot about controlling these infections.This is one of the first group this year that received a modified diet in an effort to manage that all important wean conversion in the gut. This cottontail was successfully released with a larger group.

This is just a request....if you find injured wildlife, especially cat bites, the best thing you can do for that animal is to get it to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible so proper antibiotics can be administered.

