Sabrina's House~~The Rescue

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Hi Everyone,

For those of you that have been following our will remember a squirrel that is fast asleep under a blanket. That was named because this was one sick squirrel when admitted. I finally found a picture made after months of rehab....and just a day or so before release. One of the best squirrels we have ever had. Fought so hard to live...and Issue won the battle. Was released with a fellow rehabber that has a protected area for special squirrels. They still run free but are protected and cared for.


Oh boy! I had chickens in my house one winter! The school decided to get an incubator of eggs from Purdue University for the kids to watch hatch and all..... FIFTY EGGS..... and when they hatched the teachers found out we had to find homes! I got 4 thanks to being volunteered by my son.

I came home and had chickens roosting on my diningroom chairs one day. :shock:
wow bunnies and squirrels are one thing but you are so brave taking in chickens!! my mum had chickens and they used to chase and bite me i wbic of them now!!

Poor Scoots what a wonderful bun i can't wait to see more pics:)

And Issue is gorgeous:)
Chickens in the house....I bet that was fun. Tidy is not one of their virtues by any means. These guys had been abandoned inside city limits...which it is illegal to have farm animals inside the city here. They were very hungry and dehydrated. We are feeding them scratch and they are drinking water but we are limiting their food intake to allow their systems to adapt to having food again. As soon as they get back to normal, they are headed to live with some friends that have other chickens. They are really kinds cool to have around. They are talking back to me when I speak to them.

I love chickens!!!! When I was in 4th grade I lived in Puerto Rico for 6mnths. We had chickens....we were so homesick we named them after the states when we ran out of those we named them after major cities.:p
Hi All,

We need healing vibes sent to a pair of buns that were admitted as emergencies tonight. Both are is a rex and the other is a fuzzy lop. Both are paralyzed. The people that had them are very experienced rabbit people and were getting them ready for the State Fair. Someone had shown these people how to burrito a bun but they didn't secure that back flap and I think maybe the towel they used was too small...and it appears the buns kicked and popped their back. The rex is totally paralyzed at this point. No sensation at all in the hind quarter. But he is enjoying the alfalfa hay we have and is also eating pellets. The fuzzy lop does have some sensation in his rear quarter but appears to be in some degree of pain. Both rabbits were surrendered voluntarily. I have already starting treating using a somewhat controversial protocol using steriods. The steroids can be good and bad. The idea is to suppress the immune system so the body doesn't start attacking itself in an effort to heal the damage. But by doing this treatment, the depressed immune system can also allow opportunistic bacteria to raise it's head and may cause some infections. We are also putting them in a cooler area of the house to slow things down a little as far as metabolism.

The next 72 hours are going to be critical if these guys are going to regain mobility. I would say their chances of hopping again are quite slim.....especially the rex. I am hoping the spinal cord is not damaged and can recover by reducing the inflammation. We are going to go at this one full speed ahead and treat as aggressively as possible.And I am going to try to get one of my vetsto donate some x-rays if they have anything left in their charity accounts....I have spent a lot of their charity accounts for them this year.This appears to be our most challenging rescue yet.....I just hope we can help these little guys.

ra7751 wrote:
Chickens in the house....I bet that was fun. Tidy is not one of their virtues by any means. These guys had been abandoned inside city limits...which it is illegal to have farm animals inside the city here. They were very hungry and dehydrated. We are feeding them scratch and they are drinking water but we are limiting their food intake to allow their systems to adapt to having food again. As soon as they get back to normal, they are headed to live with some friends that have other chickens. They are really kinds cool to have around. They are talking back to me when I speak to them.


Lucky for me - one of my outlaws worked in a box factory and made me really TALL boxes until they got to where they could get out of those - the day I found them roosting in my diningroom- it worked. That was in March I believe and they went to a farm.

They stink! I had to clean them all the time.

I love when they talk back! It's such a soft, and comforting sound almost..... It's so funny! Poor things! People are awful!

Update on the paralyzed buns....

The rex ate well last night. Still showing major deficiencies in the hind quarter. However, he is grooming his rear legs. He does not appear to be in pain...or even really bothered by his situation.

The other rabbit appears now to be a Jersey Wooley. Last night, probably due to stress and pain, he wasa lop. This morning, he is a very fuzzy upear. He is sitting in an almost normal position this morning and is moving his legs....I view that as a positive. He is eating. He presented his head to be petted. Does not appear to be nearly as stressed as last night. I would estimate his rear motor skills at about 50%.

Will try to get some pics tonight. Keep these guys in your thoughts. Will be contacting my vet today to further discuss additional diagnosis such as x-rays and to set up a treatment protocol. I hope the fact that I started treatment so early in the event will have a positive impact on the results....just trying to stay positive about this.

Those poor bunnies. I always worry when I clip nails that they are going to squirm and hurt themselves. I really shouldn't try and clip solo.

Their progress sounds promising. I hope these guys can be helped.
Randy, from what you mention I have a question:

Do bunny's ears drop or droop if they are ill or something? try toanswer the question about ears....something we are trained to look for with wildlife is body posturing. I have been doing this so long it seems that the animals "talk" to me....I'm probably crazy. But many rabbits do things when they are sick that will catch your attention. Gut pain usually results in a hunkered down and compacted posture usually with eyes partially shut and ears back and cold.. When Yoda...our little angel that was so sick....his lop ears would actually fold back against his body. Extreme a traumatic injury such as a bite or broken bone....ususally results in up ears and wide open eyes....panic. I don't know if all of this means anything...but posturing usually leads me to a problem. I really don't know how to explain's just a feeling I get.

Having one bunny get hurt is bad enough, but two at the same time.

Hope for positive things and that the vet is generous enough to give them the proper treatment.
Hi All,

Thought I would post some pics of our rabbits that were admitted this past week with spinal trauma. The Jersey Wooley is showing some nice improvement. He can posture normally for a short period of time and can move his rear legs when he tries to hop. The Rex isn't doing as well and I am not optimistic for him regaining use of his rear legs. Something is going on with them since he is grooming them...but he is also chewing on his toes and has started to bleed. We just cleaned them up and I will be bandaging those rear feet. If all goes well, we should be getting some x-rays tomorrrow evening and that will tell me if we have any possibility of a good resolution with these guys. Keep them in your thoughts. They are very cooperative and seem to know we are trying to help.



We have his toes all cleaned up and bandaged now and he is making no attempt at chewing the area...for now anyway. I am a little nervous about what the x-rays are going to show. Hopefully will know tomorrow evening.

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