Rory, Skyler and Phoebe Mae

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Argh, I meant to reply to this the other day but then I was ill and didn't get round to it, sorry!

How is Tallulah now? It most probably could have been from the antibiotics that she was feeling a bit gurgly and pooey?

How are you doing as well? Have your chest pains gone?

Also, did Rory enjoy his birthday yesterday?! :)

Jen xx
Hi Montana and Jen! Tallulah and I are both feeling better now, thanks for your concern! Her bloated tummy was better by the next morning and while my chest hurt all night, it started getting better the next day. We spent that night with Tallulah lying on my chest being petted. I think it helped both of us feel a bit better! I'm inclined to think the chest pain was muscle related, because it hurt most when I did something like twist around. Funny that it's always that area that hurts though. The night before, Rory had been launching himself from my chest to the stairs, so maybe that's why it hurt- his feet have some power behind them!

I think Tallulah's nose is clearing up now! Hooray! It hadn't been running much in the past couple weeks (until we got to the vet office, that is), but I get the feeling things are getting better with her. It's nice too because she really likes her medicine, I just put the syringe in front of her mouth and she happily laps it up. I haven't had any new mite bites in a couple days, too! She's been using her litter box well, EXCEPT I caught her lifting her tail to pee right by Rory's cage. Same spot she peed a week ago. I picked her up and got her to the litter box, can't help but think she's begun to mark though! That night, she pooped a whopping 78 times on the living room floor when she was out playing (how did it all fit in her?) and they were all either around his cage, or around the litter box that they both use on the other side of the room. She hasn't peed on Paul or I in about a month and of those 78 poops, only 1 was on the couch, where she spent a fair amount of her time. This makes me think she has more control over her body now, and chooses where she goes (and happily doesn't want to go on the couch or us!). Also, she seems bigger! I'm happy to say that the vet did NOT think she was underweight or too small for her age- she didn't think she was big for her age, but not too small. And she's growing! She still seems little, but more like how an 8 year old child is little compared to an adult, not like how a 4 year old is little. Way to go, Little Bun!

Also, Rory's birthday was yesterday! 1 whole entire year old. I wish time would slow down because next he's going to be 2, then 3 then middle aged at 4 then before I know it, he'll be 8 years old and an old bunny. I want him to be around for a long time! In the year before Cinnabun died, I was always very aware of his age and afraid of the day he would go. Rory is only barely 1 though, so thankfully I have lots of time with him (I hope!). I was relieved when the vet said he was only about 6 months old, I wanted a younger bunny not because I wanted a cute little baby (Rory looked full grown to me and that was fine with me), but because I wanted as much time with him as possible.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to my boy! We had a fun day and it was kind of like everyone was celebrating since it was Saint Patrick's Day. We didn't get him a full size cake because Paul's birthday was a week ago, mine a week before that and Valentine's Day a little before then, so we're a little full of cake. Instead, we got him one of those marshmallow Snowball snack cakes with pink coconut! It was very cute and something smaller that Paul and I could enjoy. During his party, Rory did get a couple little nibbles of the marshmallow coconut part, but not very much- not exactly bunny food! He really liked it though and I don't think once a year is going to hurt him. His "cake" though was a couple carrot slices, a couple small pieces of cantaoupe, a grape, 3 Craisins and 4 of his little round crunchy store bought treats. He liked it a lot and got drips all over the couch from carrying the cantaloupe around!

Here are the pictures of his party. We had fun! I hope next year, he, Tallulah and Maddox Monroe are buddies and all 3 can party together! And I made his little hat myself, he didn't seem to mind!




Full bunny after the food was gone!



Jen asked about how Maddox is getting here. We decided to just bite the bullet and have him sent straight here instead of having a break in California with Rosie. The consensus seemed to be that it would be less stressful for him to just come straight here. The trip will be a long one, but several forum members have sent their bunnies the same way he will be coming (Continental's QuickPak program, they personally escort the pets in special vehicles to and from the plane, put them in a special room at the airport during layovers and they're in a little climate controlled and quiet room on the plane away from the luggage) and think it would be less stressful for him to just do the whole trip at once. I'm going to buy him the biggest carrier the airline will allow, a litter box, a pet bed and toys, and he'll have food, water and hay. Jesse thinks he'll do well and that the fact he'll be about 16 weeks old is good because he'll be young (but not too young) and accustomed to new things happening.

As for meeting him at the airport, I think Paul and I are going to drive down to Anchorage to get him and spend a couple days with his family. The best weekend for his parents is that of April 20th since his dad will have the time off. Maddox will be arriving at 11 pm on Sunday night and we'll be driving home on Wednesday a couple days later. Paul's mom offered last night to pick him up at the airport and bring him up to Fairbanks the next day and then they'll stay here for a few days like they do every April, but I don't think we want to do that. While I really appreciate the offer, it seems like too many things could go wrong- if his flight is delayed, they might have to hang around at the airport for a couple of hours and I don't want them to have to do that. And heaven forbid, for some reason they just leave without him because he didn't arrive on time! His Mom is worried about Paul missing 2 days of work by going to Anchorage, but Paul is working a lot (lots of over time) and making a really good amount of money for a 22 year old. He wants a little vacation in Anchorage and. So I think we should just go down there.
I think I have a new favorite Rory picture :inlove:


He was lying on the back of the couch (one of both bunnies favorite places to be) while I was petting him.

That's such a cute pic! I love Rory so much, I must figure out a way to bunnynap him! :pHis head looks like it's sooo soft to pet aswell!

And that's great news about Monroe! I think you're probably right to do it all in one go, rather than draw it out for a few days, and it sounds like the company take good care of bunnies, so I'm sure he'll be ok! Plus he'll be in extra good hands when he gets to you as well! :biggrin2:
Oh my gosh... So, the past couple days Tallulah will NOT leave me alone. She wants to sit on me or next to me almost all the time and wants to be petted all the time. Even if I stop petting her, she'll sit there. If I remove her to the floor, she either jumps back up on the couch, or runs around to the stairs so she can hop up them, run along the back of the futon which is up against the stairs, then slide down onto me. Tonight she started giving kisses for the first time and kept licking my hands and clothes Needless to say, it's pretty cute and I feel special that such a sweet little bun deigns me worthy of her affections :biggrin2:

However, she still poops with abandon (not as bad when she's on the futon as when she's on the floor, thankfully) and when I opened my lap top a few minutes ago, I found one of her turds squashed flat like a dried flower in a press. I have no idea how it got there. Then when I got up, I realized that she had pooped on the futon and I'd sat on it and ground it into the cover as well as my pants. Between the two "events", we were rather horrified and laughing like crazy. At least her poop is very dry and we can wash the futon cover/clean the lap top!
Awwwwwwwww!!!! SO cute!

Well, if all Tallulah's affections are ever too much to take, send her to meeeeeeeeee! I've said that before haven't I?


She's just so cute!!! How is her nose doing now, and her mites?

:laugh:Lula turds!! Boy do I know that all to well. Thumper is still a master pooer (and pee master :banghead)on my couch!:foreheadsmack:

I can only imagine how cute litte Tallula's antics are. She sounds like so much fun and boy is she just unbelievable adorable!:bunnyheart
I love my Baby Mae so much! At the moment she's curled up under my chin. Such a sweet baby. I don't think I'll be getting tired of her affections anytime soon, but you two are more than welcome to come and visit us! You just have to bring along your bunnies :biggrin2:

Tallulah and Rory are doing well! The yellow staining around Tallulah's nose is fading and her nose barely ever runs, and as of today she weighs 1 3/4 pound! She has gained half a pound in 3 weeks, way to go little bun! Rory's doing well too, he's such a perfect size to squeeeeeze and he's just a great guy. Rory got a big piece of carrot today, Tallulah got a teeny tiny piece because of Easter (the ratties and hammy got some too). They had a very busy night last night delivering all those candies and eggs, so they get a special treat!

Here are some pictures of Miss Lu over the past few days.

"Wake up, Paulieee!"


This is what she looks like when she sits next to me and gets her ears petted lots:


"I can has wuvs?"



"Can I sit on your lap?"

"I looove you! Lick lick lick!"

Sorry no Rory pictures, I do have a couple that I need to upload, I'll post them tomorrow night!
Just a quick update before I head to bed! Tallulah has her follow up vet visit tomorrow at 8:30 am and today was her last day of antibiotics. The test of whether or not they've worked will be if she starts tearing up and has a runny nose at the vet office! I'm glad we have an appointment because she had some rather sticky poops today and her tummy felt fuller than usual. Also, Rory is starting to shed again I think, last time it started with his ears and his ears are losing fur like crazy. I think they'll be bald soon! And with little Maddox, we have the weekend settled for when he's coming home, just have to figure out if it will be Saturday or Sunday! Should find that out tomorrow (it depends on Paul trading work with someone else). We should be picking him up in Anchorage on April 19 or 20, he will be 16 weeks old. I can't wait to meet him! And last of all, at Sam's Club today they had stove pellets again and we bought 6 40 pound bags for $5 each, or $30 for 240 pounds! Hooray for cheap bunny litter, especially since soon there will be three little poopers to clean up after :biggrin2:
Miss Mae and I are back from the vet! She got all snotty and her eyes were running again, but the vet is inclined to think that's just her reaction to stress because she hasn't had either of those symptoms at home in quite some time, and the yellow staining around her nose is also fading. Poor girl was also grinding her teeth.

The scaly skin from her mites is still there, vet says it will probably be 3 more weeks until it heals completely. She did another skin scraping and only saw dead mites under the microscope, woohoo! She also took a stool sample to test her for worms, just in case. I'm glad we had a vet appointment today because yesterday, her tummy started feeling fuller than usual and she felt heavier. Today she weighs 2.1 pounds and just a couple days ago, she weighed 1.75 pounds! Big increase. Her tummy also seemed tender yesterday and today. The vet said her cecum is quite full of cecal poops and that's why she's heavier and her tummy is big. She's eating and pooping up a storm though (mostly normal poops and some wet ones), so as long as she's back to normal in 2 or 3 days everything should be fine. She said it's probably caused by the antibiotics she was on up until yesterday.

I commented to the vet that I haven't seen Tallulah binky since she was about 9 weeks old. She seems cheerful enough, but doesn't binky. I was thinking it's probably because she doesn't feel that great. The vet agrees and thinks getting Maddox will be good for Tallulah so she'll have a friend! Poor girl lay with her body pressed up against Rory's cage for a good two hours yesterday while he ignored her. She definitely seems to want bunny companionship. So hopefully between finally feeling better and having a buddy, we'll get binkies out of her soon!

Later this afternoon I should be getting a call with the results of her test for worms. Let's hope everything's clear! Also, I signed up for Care Credit and now have 90 days to pay her $68 vet bill before any interest is added. I have the cash to pay out of pocket, but money's running rather low since I'm still looking for a job. I turned in 3 more applications the day before yesterday though! Doing Care Credit just seems like a good idea, and since I plan to neuter Maddox a week or so after he gets home, his surgery can go on Care Credit too.

Will update with cute pictures later, and the results of the test!
The vet called back, and Tallulah doesn't have any intestinal parasites! Yay! And here are the pictures I promised, the first four were actually taken on Rory's birthday.

"I did not ask for a hay shower!"




Lookin' smooshed and grumpy:











Tallulah and The Butt:


Poor Tallulah, she lay in front of his cage for a good couple of hours... she looks so sad and love starved...



"Whaddaya mean a cute girl bunny wants my attentions? I just want your attentions!"


I think Tallulah's fed up with Rory not paying attention to her... she poop bombed his cage!


85 poops in the area surrounding his cage, in an hour. Ladies, and gentlemen, I think we have a new personal best. She feels lighter too...
Aww, I'm glad to hear that Tallulah is doing better!

That last pic of her 'poop bombing' is soooo cute! She just looks like 'what? It wasn't me! Well, maybe it was, but he sooo deserved it!' :pAnd it looks like it worked too, is that Rory sniffing through the cage trying to find out what on earth has happened to his 'garden'??!!

I have good news! We have finally established when Maddox Monroe is coming home! He will be flying into Anchorage on Saturday, April 19th. Paul was able to switch shifts with one of his coworkers so he can have Saturday off, and I spoke with my EMT instructor who said it would be okay if I miss that day. We decided on this day because: Paul's dad only has 2 weekends per month when he's not working night shifts so we wanted to be there during one of them, we wanted to go this month both so we can get Maddox sooner and because we need to get Paul's tires changed out from studded to summer (his tires are at his parents' house), Jesse could only bring him to the airport on Saturday, April 19th of that week because she has a bunny show on Sunday... We considered having Tundrakatiebean picking him up at the airport on Saturday night and then us going to get him when we got in town the next day (thank you Katie for offering to help!), but this way should work out the best :) Now all I need to do is make the airline arrangements, order his litter box, carrier and toys to have sent to Jesse (he and his carrier need to be under 9 pounds), and send her a money order to cover the cost of his vet visit and flight.

I'm so looking forward to him being here in 3 weeks! Soon I'll start working on his cage. Jesse says he's plumped up a lot in the past couple weeks and is even cuter than he was before, I'm hoping she'll send me some updated pictures and I'll post them here!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
We considered having Tundrakatiebean picking him up at the airport on Saturday night and then us going to get him when we got in town the next day (thank you Katie for offering to help!), but this way should work out the best :)
:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:I can't wait to meet you guys! It's gonna be awesome! How long are y'all staying in town?
Aww... I got an e-mail from the rabbit lady at the local animal shelter and she said they just got 4 10 week old jersey wooly babies in! She wanted to know if we can take one and if I could help look for good homes for them. She said her bunny rescue, Lagomorph Lounge, is getting off the ground and she has several spayed and neutered bunnies available. I had to tell her that our third bunny is coming to us soon and we aren't really prepared for a fourth right now. I'm going to do my best though to try to help find homes for the bunnies! In a couple years when we have a bigger place, we can try to find a buddy for Rory if he doesn't bond with Tallulah and Maddey. I'm sad though turning down bunnies in need of homes, even though I think 3 (or maybe 4) is the max number I want.

And, Katie, I'm looking forward to meeting you too! We will drive down on Saturday, April 19th and leave a few days later on either Tuesday or Wednesday.
I am considering a different name for Maddox Monroe! I came across/thought of Madigan Monroe. It's Irish, usually a surname but not always, and means... "little dog". Not nearly as distinguished as "litte poet king" and "princess", but hey! I think it's pretty darn cute. Kind of makes me think of cardigan sweaters. How sweet are Rory, Tallulah and Madigan together? A trio of Irish buns. Regardless, his nickname will be Maddey so I might stick to calling him Maddey Monroe (which is also Irish, by the way!) until we meet him in person!
You are too funny Shiloh! I know whatever name he ends up with will be a GREAT one. I am sooo excited for you. You meet your Maddey Monroe the same day I meet my Ash!

The boys are sooo excited for the trip and I know the buns will have a great time. Thumps and Peaches are just sooo adorable and GREAT!

Can't wait to see pics of Monroe with Lula and Rory. I hope they all bond. That would be awesome...:biggrin2:
Jackie, are you guys moving to Florida in April or are you going down to visit? I was thinking you're moving, but don't the kids have school until May or June? Or are you enrolling them in their new school right away? When I was little, my family moved a lot but I only had to start at a new school in the middle of the year once. I was pretty nervous, but it was in October and I was in 1st grade so I wasn't exactly used to school yet. I actually ended up making a whole lot of friends really fast because I was the new kid and everyone wanted to be with me. So moving doing the school year can be just fine :) Did you figure out how you're going to transport Thumpy and Peachy? They're so sweet! I think they'll love Florida, will they have a backyard to play in?

As for my bunnies, today I made Maddey's flight arrangements! There was some drama when the airline representative said Maddey couldn't have ANY water during his 22 hour trip, but it turned out that the guy was a little misinformed and he can have water. Phew! It seems ridiculous that an airline wouldn't let an animal have water, but I was worried anyway and thinking maybe we wouldn't be able to get him here. But his flight is all set now, he will be leaving Pittsburgh at 7 am on April 19th, then have a 7 hour layover in Houston, then fly to Seattle and have a one hour stop there (the plane is continuing on to Anchorage so he won't have to get off), then arrive in Anchorage at 11:23 pm. He is going to be so well traveled! I hope he handles the flight well, Jesse thinks he'll be fine and we're doing all we can to make him as comfortable as possible. I'm really excited that I'll be meeting my Maddey boy in 2 weeks! Wow!

In Tallulah news, she weighs 2 pounds! WAY TO GO! She did weigh 2 pounds last week, but she was having some poop problems at the time and now she really does weigh 2 pounds. She feels so much heavier! She's still so adorable and is beginning to lose her baby look some. Oh and she's 5 months and two days old today! Wowie!
Her nose continues to be the teeniest bit damp, the yellow staining is gone and her skin is clearing up from the mites. Is it normal for bunnies to have a slightly moist nose? It doesn't look wet, but if you touch the tip, your finger gets a little wet. She still has some squishier poops every once in a while, but it's not as bad as before.

Rory is doing okay! I've been a little worried because his stomach was making really loud noises whenever he would drink, but he hasn't been doing it as much today. Also, a lot of his poops are WAY crumblier than usual. Not mushy or wet at all, just very crumbly. I fed him some alfalfa hay of Tallulah's because we were running low (the timothy supply has since been replenished!), maybe that's what caused the crumbly poop. He's acting okay, but has been dead bunny flopping more than usual today. I thought DBF was a good thing? Regardless, I'm keeping a close eye on him and will call the vet if the crumbly poop and weird sounds when he drinks continues.

No pictures today, sorry! I need to charge my camera batteries...
