Rory, Skyler and Phoebe Mae

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I'm glad you guys liked the picture! Paul showed it around to people at work and they all liked it too. I considered putting a bow or something on her :biggrin2: Also, you should see Rory on the scale, I have to put him in the bowl the same way :laugh:

I'm up right now because Rory woke me by repeatedly picking up the edge of his litter box and dropping it VERY LOUDLY over and over again! I didn't know what the sound was, but imagined he might be having a seizure with his feet kicking the litter box. He's fine though! :innocent

As I was falling asleep, I thought of another potential name for the new bunno! Meriwether Monroe. I think it's incredibly cute and so very cheerful sounding. I like names that are reminiscent of the bunny names from Watership Down and to me it definitely sounds like it. Plus, Meriwether Lewis was a great explorer who traveled MANY miles, just like Mr. Monroe will be! I also really like Marjoram.

Well, I'm going back to bed now, but I'll take pics of Rory on the scale tomorrow! Hope everyone has a good day.
:shock:HOW FREAKIN CUTE IS SHE!!!! :faint::shock2:

Shiloh, I am sooo in love with Lula it is not even funny! She looks like she is gaining some weight there. I am loving the pics. Can't wait to see Rory on the scale.:bunnydance:
Woohoo! I couldn't see what Thumpers_Mom wrote and I thought maybe if I typed a response, it would show up and it did! How weird.

Today is a busy day! Tallulah is out running around and the timer for Paul's birthday cake just dinged! The sushi roll cake I planned back in December shall become a reality today :biggrin2:


I absolutely adore your buns, and you take amazing pictures!

What camera do you use? Mine's great if there's enough light, but mostly just goes blurry indoors without a flash..
Hi there! I'm glad you like the pictures! :) The last few pictures (the ones starting with Rory in the purple blanket) were taken with my Fuji Finepix F11. I think it takes lovely pictures! All the photos were taken indoors with not the best lighting and no flash. It's pretty darn good at picking up light in the room! The F11 is actually the European model, I bought it off eBay because after much research and testing (I bought a Canon and a Fuji F10, tried both out for a few days and then returned them). My camera before was a big old Olympus, and it took WONDERFUL macro photos and absolutely gorgeous photos outdoors, but it wasn't very good indoors. My Fuji is nowhere near as good with macro and the pictures aren't quite as pretty outside, but still really nice looking.

The pictures taken before the one of Rory in the purple blanket were taken with my boyfriend's Canon PowerShot A540. It takes fairly nice pictures, especially with lots of light, but isn't so good with lower light photos. I can take a picture of the same thing with both our cameras, and they turn out a lot better with mine. His is still a good camera though. The ones taken in Washington of Tallulah were with my mom's Olympus. I don't know which model it is, but it was the one made right after my lovely Olympus, which is I believe a C-4000 Z. It takes terrible indoor photos, even with normal lighting! All those blurry ones of Tallulah were with all the lights and lamps in the room on! It does pretty well with flash though.

Wow, that was long! :)
Shiloh, I think Rory needs to be weighed now!!I'm waitin' on those Rory in the scales pics!! :p


(Maybe wash the cake mix out first though LOL!)
Yay, the cake is finished! It doesn't look perfect, but pretty cute! I had fun making it :biggrin2:

I present to you, Paul's sushi cake:



I wanted to buy some giant wooden knitting needles to put next to it like chop sticks. The rice is Tic Tacs, the carrots are Starbursts, the cucumber is watermelon Airhead, the fish eggs are red Jujubes, and the avocado and salmon are pieces of chocolate cake with frosting on them.

And here's a picture from earlier today, showing poor dear Tallulah pining away for Rory and him rejecting her affections (she looks big just because she's closer to the camera):


And the long awaited Rory on Scale pics! I laughed. A lot:




I hope you enjoyed! :dude:

OMG!!! Loooooook at Roooorrryyyyyyyy!!! His tail looks so long lol!


I seriously can't see us doing that with any of our buns- they wouldn't talk to us for days, and they'd jump right out and scratch the hell out of us! How do you get them to stay in there without a struggle?!!

And that cake looks GREAT aswell- I hope Paul enjoyed it?! :)

:rabbithopJen xx
Awww, lookey Lula feet! :inlove:

Rory is just freaking adorable. :bunnyheartHis tail looks so long! I can't believe he stayed.:laugh:You know, Thumps wouldn't have any of it! :foreheadsmack:

You know Shiloh, you are so creative. I LOVE that cake. I think you have inspired me to do something special for my boys bdays.

Give the cute bunners lots of :hug1for me!
I'm glad you guys liked the pictures! :biggrin2: You know, Cinnabun would have let me put him on the scale with no problem, either. And he was pretty darn hard to handle when we got him. He calmed down with lots of patience and attention, but it took a while. Maybe I'm just lucky and got bunners that are laid back and don't mind being handled like that? Based on the pictures Jesse has sent of Monroe (by the way, we're leaning towards Meriwether for his first name, possibly Mattie or Mathie as a nickname), I get the feeling he'd be okay with going on the scale, too. She has a couple of pictures of him sitting like that cupped in her hands and him lying on his back in her arms.

Something sad happened last night :( Since Rory's been acting less aggressively towards Tallulah, I thought I'd sit on the floor with her on my lap while Rory was out. We've done this before, but with me holding Tallulah up by my chest. He immediately came over to investigate. He didn't try to sniff her and wasn't acting aggressive. We just sat there for a couple minutes while I petted them both and told Rory what a good boy he is. Then, out of nowhere, he lunged at her! With one hand I was dragging her up my chest away from him, but he still bit her back. When he latched onto her, I told him "NO!" and with the other hand pushed him back. Quite gently of course, I wasn't mad at him, I was doing it to get him away from her and so he'd let go. He let go, growled, and lunged again, except this time I think he was going to bite ME! I put my hand on his side/back to stop him from getting closer (gently again, I would never hit him), said "NO!" and he did.

Then I got up and retreated with Tallulah to the couch. She didn't seem to be in pain and we couldn't find a wound, but a giant cotton ball sized ball of fluff fell out of her fur. Poor girl! I also felt really guilty about Rory, I know I didn't hurt him and I did not push him forcefully at all. I would have done the exact same thing if I'd been holding him and a bigger bunny tried to lunge at him. It was my instinct to protect Tallulah since she was the one under attack. I don't love her more than him, and I hope he doesn't think that! A few minutes later, I put Tallulah back in her cage, found Rory, petted him for a little bit and then picked him up and held him like a baby for a while, talking to him and petting him and kissing him. So he seems to have forgiven me at least, what do you think? :(

I had a really bad and weird dream last night, too. I dreamed I was looking out my kitchen window and saw Big Foot prints in the snow! Then I went to go make sure the front door was locked, looked out the window near the door and Big Foot was staring in at me. He busted in the window and climbed into the apartment. I thought he was going to kill me, but he told me he wasn't (he was VERY eloquent!), he knew I had three bunnies (Monroe was home) and he was going to eat THEM! And then sexually assault me. I told him I would NOT allow him to eat my rabbits and he must leave right now. We argued for a while and I tried repeatedly to call 911, but they kept putting me on hold and were no help. I decided I had to leave and find someone to help me get the police. I begged him not to eat the bunnies, but he told me he was going to and asked me which one he should eat first. I couldn't pick between my bunnies, but I asked him (and this sounds horrible, but dreams are really weird) if he would eat the rats first, thinking I would have more time to get back with the cops and save the bunnies. With that, I ran from the house and passed lots of people and screamed for them to help me. They all ignored me or thought I was drunk (?). I was very distraught and eventually ran to the police station, where the people were moving soooo slowly and didn't seem to care. I insisted they had to come right away, Big Foot broke into my house and was eating my pets. The fact that Big Foot was in my house didn't surprise them, but they said they couldn't go to my house because they didn't have any record of it existing. Oh and my house was built by Hitler. Disregarding the Hitler part, I told them I knew how to get to my house and it was close by and if they'd just follow me... They wouldn't. Then I woke up crying because my ratties were probably dead by then and Big Foot might have already eaten the bunnies. What a weird and disturbing dream! I'm so glad the ratties and bunnies are okay!
Oh gosh Shiloh! What a dream!

Nightmares are horrible, I always find that they stick in your head all day. In fact, if I wake up halfway through a terrifying dream like that, I have to 'day dream' the happy ending for it, so with your dream I'd have to daydream that you got back to the house and Big Foot had a change of heart and couldnt' eat the bunnies or the ratties, because he had seen Paul's delicious looking Sushi cake and had eaten all of that instead. And then Rory had growled and lunged at him, and he'd taken off down the road or something?!

The other night I had a nightmare that I bombed the entire centre of Bristol and woke up SCREAMING the house down- Steve had to shake me awake! :(

As for Rory and Tallulah- don't feel bad! You did right- protecting Tallulah from harm, and I'm sure that lightly pushing Rory away when he was on the floor anyway wouldn't have hurt him, I'd probably have done the same thing myself! And it may not be the best start to bonding, but that doesn't mean that it can't still end well.

You are a FANTASTIC bunny mum- don't ever think otherwise!


Jen xx
Aw, I like that ending! Rory and the cake save the day! :biggrin2: Thanks for being so supportive, Jen!

Also, Rory's tail does look long, doesn't it? You should go check out your bunnies' tails and see how long they are! His tail looks normal length when he's just sitting there. I think he has an adorable tail, the top side is white with spots! Too cute. Cinny's tail was white on the bottom and brown on the top. Tallulah's tail is still very cartilage-y so is very fluffy and bendy, not that I go around bending her tail. Bunny tails are the best!
:hug:fighting happens and so do bad dreams. Just remember that it was a dream!

As for Rory lunging, have you been pushing his head down with your hand? I do that with Wash when he's aggressive just to remind him who the boss bunny is and he'll usually chill and stop bitting or get miffed and run away.
Katie, that's the only time Rory's lunged at me... He might have been going at Tallulah again, but I think he was mad at me for keeping him away from her. After he growled and lunged and I "pushed" him away (which sounds so violent, I just stopped him from coming closer, I didn't push him back), he didn't come back or try to bite me. When he bit me the other day, I did tell him "NO!" and gently but firmly pressed his head down for a few seconds- at first he struggled to move his head, but I kept my hand there until he hadn't tried to move for a couple seconds. He's a sweet boy really and I was surprised when he bit the other day, it's the first time he'd bitten me... He bit Paul once in November I think, but we think it was an accident since he was in a phase of digging/chewing clothes and he just walked over to Paul and bit him through his shirt. When Rory bit me, I had been petting him and he was all relaxed and licking the futon like crazy, and I put my hand near his mouth to see if he wanted to lick me instead. He tooth licked me!!

He's been acting great today. Tallulah has a little poopy butt again, probably because I'm still switching her food. Have to go soooo slowly with her! Hopefully she'll be all better tomorrow :) Also, tonight I went to Joann Fabrics with my gift card! I've been wanting to make the bunnos a scrap book but didn't want to spend my own money on it, so I asked for a gift card for Christmas! I got a lot of really cool stuff, I took pictures and will post them in a little bit along with pictures of Paul with the cake :biggrin2:
RAAARGH! :pullhair:

Okay, I feel a bit better now. I spent 7 hours today uploading pictures to Sam's Club's photo center. I only uploaded about 160, too, but I had to do it 3-6 at a time, the web site kept losing them and shuffling around and generally being incredibly frustrating. Thank goodness it's over! And of course, it wouldn't tell me until after I had placed my order how many of each size photo was ordered, and I know it must have screwed up because I ordered more wallet sized prints than it says. It doesn't tell me which photos I'll be getting wallet sized though, so I can't go add on the others. Sigh. At least tomorrow after my EMT class, the pictures should be ready and I can go get them and get started on my bunny scrapbook! This upcoming week is Spring Break, so I'll have lots of time! All the pictures but 2 were bunny photos. I ordered an extra of a few pictures to mail to my host family in Austria! They heard all about Cinnabun, cried when I e-mailed them that he died (I e-mailed them with his body still laying in my arms) and then got a bunny of their own because they were completely charmed by stories about Cinny.

Here are a couple pictures of the buns from tonight that I think are really cute, Paul with his cake and photos of my scrapbooking supplies!








I got a very nice cloth covered scrapbook with 10 pages, a pack of 10 extra pages (I'll need more but they were out), a bundle of 180 very cute assorted scrapbooking papers, an assortment of other papers that were too cute to pass up, a kit to make Rory's Christmas pages, some adhesive picture squares, 2 packs of letter stickers (my bunnies have a lot of R's in their names so I needed more than 1), and several very cute stickers and handmade applique type things. Most of the stuff was on sale, the total was $45! Hooray for gift cards, thank you Aunt Christie!! :woohoo

Also, Miss Mae doesn't have poopy butt tonight! Way to go, little shmooberry!

It's off to bed for me, I have to get up for my 10 hour EMT class tomorrow in less than 6 hours... Hope everyone has a good Saturday!
Rory looks like he's posing in the second picture of you weighing him! Haha he's soo cute. Poor Tallulah, she looks lonely...Rory you need to be nice to your sister!

I love Paul's cake by the way! This may sound stupid...but did you guys actually eat all those tic tacs? :shock:

And a scrapbook! That's so cool! That makes me want to copy you...haha.

Honestly, it makes me super sad looking at all your Tallulah pictures for some reason. I wish I had taken a lot of Macey as a baby, I don't know why I never even thought about it...I just wish I could go back sometimes.

Anyways, I'm glad Tallulah is feeling better!
Montana, I'm glad you like the cake! It tastes pretty good too, but ya have to scrape off the Tic Tacs and Jujubes (the Jujubes are terrible, so chewy they feel like they're going to pull out your teeth) :)

Sorry to hear that Tallulah's pictures make you a little sad. It would be nice to go back in time, wouldn't it? I didn't take many pictures of Cinnabun when he was a baby either, I was a 10 year old without a camera and just didn't think to do it. I'm glad I have some! You have lots of pictures of Keiran and grown up Macey, so that's good.

Well, Tallulah has a vet appointment for Thursday at 10 am! I think there's a good chance she has mites, AND that she gave them to me. My itchy bumps started shortly after getting her and she has dry, scaly skin that the vet diagnosed as dry skin without doing a scraping of it. The insides of her ears are looking a bit funny now too, apparently she would have rust colored crust in there, but her ears are that color to begin with so it's hard to tell. If they have moved into her ears, I don't think the infestation is very bad yet which is good. The vet did look in her ears at her last appointment about 3 weeks ago and said they looked great then. She never itches and her fur looks beautiful. Hopefully the vet (I insisted on having my favorite bunny vet) will be able to diagnose it and I can ask her some other questions about Tallulah's health. I suspect she and Rory will need to be treated, and if I have mites (I'm going to the people vet in a bit over a week to find out), Paul and I will both need to be treated. I want to get this all cleared up before my new baby boy bun comes home!

Also, when I was looking at her ears, I found an owie :( I think Rory chomped on her ear through his cage bars :grumpy: It's a little bitty scab at the tip of her ear and it didn't hurt her when I was touching it.

Life is never dull around here :laugh:
Wow, that cake is awesome! I want to do something like that for my bf now.
Who is in that tank behind Paul in the pics, btw?
Rory and Lulu in the scale is hilarious! I have the same type of scale, but mine wouldn't be able to weigh the buns, but it's good for the rats, hamster, hedgehog and for making my fishes gel food.
I'm sorry, but your dream cracked me right up. It was just so outlandish! though it must have been terrible to dream.
I voteMalachy for Munroe's name, also. even if you've settled on Meriwether already!
Good luck with the mites! Hopefully Lulu doesn't even have them. Rocky (hedgehog)had them a few weeks back. The thought gives me the willies!

Hi Diana! The tank is home to my super cute and sweet Campbell's Dwarf hamster, Data. I got him in April 2007. We call him Potato Man a lot of the time (Data... Data Potata... Potato Man). He also has a little wooden house that's partly "below ground", you can see the blue roof. He loves to dig, he's like a mole. Often he'll burrow out from under his house and go through a tunnel all the way to the water bottle, just pop his nose up and drink! It's like watching an ant farm only way cuter. Here are more pictures of the little guy:





I hope Tallulah doesn't have mites, too! What was the treatment for Rocky's mites? I'm glad they don't seem to be bothering her if she does have them. She's such a sweet little bun, follows me all over the place (Paul calls her Madame Underfoot), sometimes runs in circles around me really fast, likes to sit on laps, explore, troll the kitchen floor for crumbs and try to jump over things. The bunnies are both really determined to get to where one of the heat vents are and I had to block it off with a 2 NIC panel barrier. Lula likes to try to jump over it, and more than once I've looked over to see her DANGLING by her front legs from the top NIC panel! Cue me doing a Super Man leap to catch her before she falls. Oh and she also gets REALLY excited when I clean her litter box and tries to get into the trash bag. Last night she dove into the bag and was swimming around in it. I had to brush her off over the trash can. But first, I took a picture! Doesn't she look guilty? No kisses for her the rest of the night!


More pictures of the cutie:




Rory playing with his wood hangy toy! As you can see, lately he's enjoyed hauling his litter box around his cage. Thank goodness he can't tip it over!



As far as naming the new bunny, one name has been dashed from the potential list! Someone else on the forum named their adorable dutch bunny Milo today, so I know I won't call him that. I really liked Milo, too and Milo Monroe sounded nice. Oh well! I wish there were more M names I like. Regardless, I'm super excited for him to get here and I'm hoping to have him fly on Sunday, April 13th!
