Rory, Skyler and Phoebe Mae

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Okay, so the quest for Monroe's new first name continues. None of them pop out at me- some of them I like (Meriwether, Malachy, Maddox, Myles, Micah), but none seem quite right. So last night I was just trying to think of any name that seemed to fit him, and I came up with Arie. Pronounced ARR-ee. I think it's really cute, but a couple problems. First, it sounds rather close to Rory... Also, it doesn't start with an M like I was wanting. I could get around that by naming him Marin (MARE-in) and calling him Arie as a nickname. I mean, Rory's full name is Rhiordan but I don't call him that all the time. Marin Monroe is pretty cute and almost sounds like Marilyn! Also, Marinkaefer means ladybug in German, which is adorable. I guess it sounds kind of girly, but hey, he's a bunny. And Maeryn was the suggested male spelling on the baby name web site I was looking at, which is much girlier! And I know Marin County is a county in California, and I feel like a total dork saying this, but how is that county's name pronounced? MARE-in or MARR-in?

What do you guys think? Is Marin a nice name? Are Rory and Arie too similar?
I've been so tied up with other things, I haven't been on your blog in AGES! I can't believe it!

How is that beautiful boy of mine?! He's so cute I can't stand it! Tallulah cracks me up! she wants her man!

This photo made me just melt! It really is something that could be submitted for a card or something!


Hey Shiloh, Data is sooooo cute! Such nice markings, too.
Rocky was treated with 4 doses of Revolution, spaced two weeks apart. Tallulah is so darn cute, I don't know how you can stand it! Well, maybe I do, Newt's pretty darn cute, too.

Shiloh, I must admit, you have the cutest fur family!!! :biggrin2: How Rory doing? Has he tried to lunge at you again?

I just love your pics. Can't wait till Monroe makes his way to exciting! :yahoo:
Love the new pics Shiloh! I'd forgotten how hamsters hold their food when they eat it, it's so cute!!

More pics, more pics!! :D

And I like the name Marin, for Monroe, it's cute! :)
Miss Mae and I are back from the vet! We were with the vet for a good hour, goodness. I got the good vet this time and she's very thorough and happy to answer questions. Poor Tallulah was a mess- she does NOT like going to the vet! Her nose was running yellow and her eyes were watering like crazy from the stress. And when I went to the desk to get a pen, I turned around to see that the office cat had run through the cat door and was right in front of the door to her cage staring at her! She didn't actually seem to be scared by the kitty and the cat wasn't acting mean, but I shooed it away. It was kind of sweet though that Tallulah was much calmer when I held her and talked to her. She was grinding her teeth some of the time though because she was so upset :(

Well, it looks like all our suspicions were correct! Tallulah does indeed have mites. The vet did a skin scraping and then actually called me into the back room to look at them under the microscope! EW. There were two in that tiny sample. So all the itchy bumps I've been getting are Tallulah's mites chowing down on me. The vet prescribed Revolution for her and Rory, she put the goo behind Tallulah's head there at the office and gave me some to put on Rory. The medicine is good for a full month, so they shouldn't need any more! We were planning to bring Monroe home on April 13th, exactly a month from now, but depending on what the vet says at her 2 week check up, we might need to bump it back to make sure there are no more mites. The good thing is that they die within a day or two of not having a bunny to eat. My bites should go away soon too because this kind of mites feeds on bunnies, not people- I just keep re-infesting myself when I hold Tallulah and Rory. Rory has no symptoms, but he needs to be treated too. Thankfully, this kind of mite doesn't go after rats, hamsters and birds so they don't need treatment.

Tallulah also got some Enroflaxicin, an antibiotic, to treat her runny nose. The vet said she has an upper respiratory infection. My poor girl... I'm really glad to finally get her treated though! If we had had this vet a month ago when I took her in last, her mites would be gone and her respiratory infection would be gone too. Once her mites and infection are gone, she should start growing more and not have a runny nose and she should be able to stomach her food better. It makes me cry to think my poor girl has been suffering like this for so long. The antibiotic should start showing results in 4 days and she'll take it once a day for 14 days. And like I said before, the vet scheduled a follow up exam in two weeks.

Tallulah is so happy to be home! She amazed me by not peeing until she got to her litter box, what a good girl! After peeing, she immediately checked her food bowl. Typical :)

On a different note, I found one of my ratty girls dead last night :cry4:It's Peppermint Rattie, my favorite of the three ladies. She was a super sweet girl and looked perfectly healthy before she died. Now Stevie is the only girl left. I'm glad I got Colby last August because now Stevie won't have to be alone, she seems sad without her sis. Stevie is the dominant one and is subdued today. I don't think she's sick, just misses her cuddle buddy, even if she and Minty used to get into tiffs a lot. I took more pictures of the ratties and even a video on Saturday, which I'm so glad for. Here are some of the last pictures of Peppermint:








It seems like just a couple weeks ago that Peppermint was a little baby, stuffing herself with so much food that I was concerned she was overeating. She and Cranberry and Stevie used to all be able to lie down in their food bowl together. I'm going to focus on really enjoying my remaining time with Stevie and Colby Jack now, I'm going to always be afraid to find one of them dead since Cranberry and Peppermint both died very suddenly and appeared healthy before.

Oh no! I'm so sorry that it wasn't better news at the vets! But still, you had it right all along, so you are a great bunny mum for that. And Tallulah hasn't suffered too much, she's got the treatment she needs now and that's what's important! The vet before should havetaken it more seriously... :(She'll be fit and healthy again before you know it, I'm sure... :hug:

It's funny how they love you at the vets isn't it? My buns are the same- when we took Snowy in for a post-op checkup recently, after the vet had listened to her heart, she LEAPT into my arms and snuggled into me, as if to say 'Mummmmmyyyyyy! Don't let them hurt me!!' I guess it shows that Tallulah really does trust you in her life to keep her safe and protect her, so when she was with you, she felt calmer :)

And I said it in the other thread, but I'm so sorry to hear about Peppermint :(I hope you're doing ok... :hug:

Jen xx
Awww I love your hamster and your ratties. They are all so cute! And I love the name Marin! It's so very cool. Lets just switch lives so I can have all your adorable animals~ :D

I'm so glad Tallulah has medicine and will be normal soon! And I'm so sorry to hear about your ratty girl. :( RIP sweetie
Tallulah is sooo funny! She recovered quickly from the trauma of going to the vet's office, and this evening I found out that I apparently have much more authority than Paul. Tallulah really likes going in the kitchen and trying to eat things off the floor (she finds stuff even if I sweep and since her tummy is so sensitive, that's not good). We barricaded the kitchen, but there's a gap a couple inches wide that she can squeeze through if she wants to. All I have to do is go stand by the entrance to the kitchen and say, "Tallulah Maesie, what are you doing?" or just go into the kitchen and she scrambles across the floor and squeezes back though the gap as fast as she can. Paul's in the kitchen baking cookies and he has to actually pick her up and put her in the living room to make her leave! Silly little girl. I certainly don't yell at her or even really say it sternly, she just high tails it out of there because I guess she knows she's not supposed to be there.

I'm glad you guys like my pets! Data is such a sweet little ham, he's very tiny- about the size of a big mouse! He really likes people too, which is nice. I'm going to post bios about Colby Jack and Stevie the ratties, and Luca and Arthur the cockatiels sometime soon.

Tonight I went to Joann's and picked up stuff for the bunnies' photo shoots! I'll take the pictures tomorrow. Prepare for unbearable cuteness. Even if Tallulah can't win the photo contest because of the rules, I'll enter her because not everyone looks at my blog and I want everyone to enjoy her picture. I hope Rory gets some votes though, I have to admit that I didn't enter him in the Valentine contest because he didn't get many votes in the Christmas one... I thought his picture was adorable and it made me a little sad that not many people liked him, especially since you could vote for more than one bunny but he still received very few votes :( I'm not trying to be a spoil sport or anything.

I'm doing okay after the loss of Peppermint. I was so shocked with Cranberry and Peppermint kind of road on the coattails of Cranberry's passing. We will all miss her lots though and I hope it's a long while until the other two die. I know it sounds crazy, but it seems like my pets are dwindling! Now I just have 2 cockatiels, 2 rats, a hamster and soon to be 3 bunnos. I know that sounds like a lot, but I've lost 2 rats and a hamster in the past 4 months. And in a year, I'll probably just have the 2 cockatiels and the 3 bunnies because Data is a year old, Colby is 10 months old and Stevie is 15 months old. Weird to think about.

Oh and here's a picture of Data that I meant to post the other night, one of Rory and some Tallulahs.


Rory's lying on one of my arms... Laid back bunny! And no, he hasn't lunged again :) I think he was just angry that one time.


Grumpy lookin' Lu, I was just petting her though and my hand was just out of the picture, so she was happy!




Hooray! I've finally decided on Monroe's first name! He is

[align=center]Maddox Acorn Monroe

[align=left]Funny too because Maddox is the name I originally wanted to give him. It's Welsh and means.... "son of Madoc". So, not that awesome and not Irish, but oh well! His middle name, Acorn, is after one of the Watership Down bunnies, since I love that book. Rory is also named after one of the Watership Down bunnies :biggrin2:

I still really like Meriwether and Marjoram and have decided to save them for future bunnies. When my darling Rory passes fifty years from now, I can get a bunny and name him Marjoram and call him Jory in honor of Rory. The similarity to Rory is what made me hesitant to call Maddox Marjoram, but it would be a very sweet way to honor Rory some day in the future. I also want to name a future bunny Robin and call him/her Binny after Cinny- I had a dream after he died that a friend brought Cinnabun back to me and his name was Binny.

Whew, I'm glad that's taken care of! Now I can start referring to him by his first name:pinkbouce: Do you think it's appropriate to add him to the "my bunnies" part of my profile yet?
Did Tallulah have any symptoms of the mites?

I'm glad you took her in.

I love that pic of Rory laying on his back. :hearts:
Bo, Tallulah had dry, scaly skin on her back that the vet she went to about 3 weeks ago diagnosed as simply dry skin. She hasn't been itching at all. Then when I started getting itchy red bumps, Pamnock thought it might be mites, and I remembered her scaly skin... So, back to the vet we went! Definitely mites :( Her nose has actually not been running much lately which is good, but I was still concerned about it and it sure ran at the vet's office! Poor little girl. I feel guilty for not catching it sooner, but I'm pretty sure her runny nose when I got her WAS due to the change in temperature and humidity. I shouldn't have told the vet we saw a couple weeks ago that that's what the first vet said, because she diagnosed the same thing even though she had yellow mucus! When I saw the yellow mucus, I made an appointment the next day and thought I was getting our regular vet, but got the one who doesn't know much about bunnies instead. I don't want anyone to think I've been neglecting Tallulah's health, I was kind of dumb to believe what the vet said before I guess, but I'm glad I brought her back in.
I know what you mean about feeling like you miss something or whatever.

The reason I asked about the symptoms is I wondered if Bo had mites one time and they found nothing. He's molted ALL year it seems LOL!

Oh Shiloh, I'm sorry about your Peppermint. What a cutie she was. Those are GREAT pics. :hug:

Don't feel bad about "missing" something with Tallulah. You knew something was off, that is the reason you kept going back to the vet. You are a GREAT bunmom and they are all so very lucky to have you loving them. :biggrin2:Hope she get better quickly.

I'm glad it was a one time lunging with Rory. I knew he was just TOO sweet. :bunnyheart

When is Maddox Acorn Monroe coming home? I don't see anything wrong with you adding him. I'm so excited! Can't wait for the day that they are all speutered and together. :dutch:bunny19:brown-bunny
Thanks for the support, guys! It means a lot to me :hug: And we tentatively have April 13th planned for when Maddox will come home! If not the 13th, then probably the 20th. I am one excited person! And Thumper, it's amazing how accurate those three little bunny characters are to my 3!

During the photo shoot, I only got 3 pictures of Tallulah and that is the only one that wasn't blurry. Pretty cute, I think! I'm going to take more of her in a few days. Here are the ones from Rory's photo shoot, I got a bunch and some of them are pretty funny! He was knocking over the chicks a lot, in the pictures where they've fallen over it looks like he went on a rampage.

The one I entered in the photo contest, I added the bird house because I thought it was cute and spring like. I painted it a few months ago:



I think this one's sweet because he reminds me of a baby deer that's lying hidden in the tall grass while it's mother is away:


Rory has chicks on the brain:




ROOOARRGH Bunzilla attacks!


He looks so dignified... and yet, not...


SnowyShiloh wrote:
He was knocking over the chicks a lot, in the pictures where they've fallen over it looks like he went on a rampage.


Shiloh, you very nearly owed me a new keyboard for my laptop, cos when I read that, I spat my Pepsi all over it laughing! Then, I cleared it up, and scrolled down and saw this picture of the little chick knocked off it's feet in the corner!

LOL! :roflmao:

I LOVE those pictures! Rory looks so cute! And I love how you've played on the cuteness of Tallulah in the bowl for her pic!


Plus, congrats on choosing a name for Monroe too! Have you decided how he's arriving yet? Is it via Rosie or direct flight?

Jen xx
I'm glad you guys like the pictures! :biggrin2: We had fun taking them!

Please keep both Tallulah and I in your thoughts- poor Lulu is feeling bloated today. Paul felt her tummy and thinks it feels bigger than usual, too. I gave her a 20 minute tummy massage and she was rather gurgly. She's had some loose stool too. The vet told me to call if she had diarrhea from the antibiotics, but it could be caused by her new pellets that I'm switching her to... I called the vet right after they closed and Dr. Hansen (the one who didn't catch her mites and URI) is the vet on duty tonight and called me back while I was in the bathroom. I couldn't reach her when I tried to call the office a minute later, the call went to their after hours answering service (BTW I think it's pretty cool they have an answering service, if you're having a real emergency they can call your vet for you after hours). So I'll be calling again in the morning. I think her tummy hurts because while she's running around and stuff (and I've seen her pee in the litter box more than once today, good girl!), she keeps running away from me! :( Usually she loves me and wants to be with me, but even when I open her cage, she runs to the back to get away and doesn't want to be held when she's out. She's NEVER done that before. When she was lethargic, she just sat there in the cage, but now she's actively trying to get away from me. I think maybe it hurts her stomach when I pick her up, so she runs away. Hopefully everything will be okay and Dr. DeLeon is working tomorrow! Hooray for a vet that's open 7 days a week.

As for me, I've been experiencing chest pain for the past 3 1/2 hours. It's happened a few times in the past, but it doesn't usually last so long. It's the area right where my heart is and it hurts more if I breathe too deeply or move a certain way, and hurts less when I'm just sitting or lying down. The pain isn't terrible, but it did make me gasp a couple times and chest pain is just rather disturbing. It might be that I strained my pectoral muscle or something.
